Pokemon Sun/Moon Giveaway! (WE JAV A WINNER!)


sending out tyranitar!
No offense but people should read better because some are just confusing :/
Here is the next entry method!

Write a haiku about Pokemon! This will be worth 2 entries, with my favorite earning a bonus entry!
It doesn't have to be about a Pokemon specifically, it can be related to anything Pokemon like an item, a region, a game, literally anything you can think of.

If you don't know what a haiku is, it a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five.
So the first line has 5 syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third line is back to five.

Here's a little example:

Black and yellow beast
Punches cloaked in thunderbolts
Come Electabuzz

Good luck!
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Monster of the sea...
A Corsola's worst nightmare...
Enter Toxapex!
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Jav, please withdraw me from the raffle (i gots sun/moon covered now). thanks for this giveaway for the peoples tho!

i'll still do a haiku for fun:

Escape Move

my pokeball cage,
cold electronic matrix,
fuels my planned revenge... :mad:
Don't walk in the grass,
A zubat just might kill you,
Welcome to hell, dude.

clearly I haven't played pokemon game since yellow version rip
Chilly winter winds
The wilting of life begins
We shall start anew.