Pokemon Sun/Moon Giveaway! (WE JAV A WINNER!)


sending out tyranitar!
Mah pal Oshawott! Show him who's boss!

No offense but people should read better because some are just confusing :/
Here is the next entry method!

Write a haiku about Pokemon! This will be worth 2 entries, with my favorite earning a bonus entry!
It doesn't have to be about a Pokemon specifically, it can be related to anything Pokemon like an item, a region, a game, literally anything you can think of.

If you don't know what a haiku is, it a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five.
So the first line has 5 syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third line is back to five.

Here's a little example:

Black and yellow beast
Punches cloaked in thunderbolts
Come Electabuzz

Good luck!
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Monster of the sea...
A Corsola's worst nightmare...
Enter Toxapex!
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Jav, please withdraw me from the raffle (i gots sun/moon covered now). thanks for this giveaway for the peoples tho!

i'll still do a haiku for fun:

Escape Move

my pokeball cage,
cold electronic matrix,
fuels my planned revenge... :mad:
Don't walk in the grass,
A zubat just might kill you,
Welcome to hell, dude.

clearly I haven't played pokemon game since yellow version rip
Come out zebtrika
Dashing thru the thunder storm
To get to Christmas
Chilly winter winds
The wilting of life begins
We shall start anew.