Pokemon Sun/Moon Giveaway! (WE JAV A WINNER!)

Hello everyone! The winner of the Sun/Moon giveaway will be drawn when I get home from work tonight.
Expect the results in roughly 12 hours. I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating the holidays and best of luck !
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Great I can't wait
To who wins congrats :)

This was a very fun giveaway and it's only thanks to one of our greatest member in this forum jav
Just out of sheer curiousity, if you win this giveaway, which game and which preference(physical/digital) would you prefer?
I'd say sun and physical. I have moon so my friend can get sun and we can be a ying yang!
Good luck everyone~!! > U <)b
If I were to win, I'd go with the physical version of Sun :)
I wwish I had known about this sooner ;-; I really want a copy of the game and can't afford it. That's okay. Congrats in advance to whoever wins(I won't be entering), and yay OP for being so generous :)
Winner should be announced in five hours... exciting!

I'd personally prefer a physical copy of Sun, but I doubt I'd win. Thank you once more for being so generous, Jav!!
I definitely want Moon! Normally I prefer physical copies, but my boyfriend is coming to visit in a few days and he loves Pok?mon but doesn't have a 3DS, so it'd be fun to have a copy ASAP so I could play it with him. In that case digital might be better.
Sorry for the lateness, got caught up with some stuff tonight. OTL

But I'll be tallying up the entries right about now and the winner will be announced shortly!
Tonight concludes this wonderful giveaway, but it could not have been wonderful without the many of you who participated, so thank you kindly! We had a near 650 entry points counted up at the end of it all!

And without further ado, here is your winner.
Make sure that you wish them a big congratulations!!

Congrats sheepie!

Well my Alola adventure's gonna be a thing some other time I guess. Thanks Jav for holding this generous event man.