I mean, I could say the same about elitist gamers who attack people like me as well who enjoy the hand-holding, labeling us as filthy casuals who aren't real gamers. In discussions like these, opinions are brushed aside one way or another inevitably. It's either you saying you like to play games your way or me saying I like it my way. To each his own.
Also, when fans cry foul in massive numbers? That just sounds like a majority vote to me. There's a reason why the term, "overrated" exist. Just because an opinion is shared by the collective masses doesn't mean it's true. I don't mind you wanting things to go back to the old ways, but I think my minority point of view shouldn't be brushed aside either.
Also, my intention was never to attack your opinion, contrary to what your post sounds like (brushing off my opinion and cramming your own). That's why I added the part about how "it might be a difference of philosophy" to state that it might just be subjective to our own preferences.
Oh, and by the way? I've played the games since RBY too. Guess I just had a different experience growing up with the games, huh? People having different experience playing all the same games. Imagine that. It's as if games could be played in other ways and still be enjoyable, not just adhering to a single linear design.
Like seriously, it's because of all these so-called "hardcore gamers" that we get blend, generic open-world roguelike AAA RPGs with the same formula and designs these days, appealing to the same masses that bought their older games. So boring.
Oh, I didn't brush off your earlier comment. Not in the slightest. I mean, you're the one that's nitpicking my comments and turning them into an essay. I simply replied to you why some "hardcore elitist" gamers want harder games. I know that there are..."casuals"...who play differently and want a more relaxed gaming experience. I recognize that. Thats why I play AC. However, this...reply...that I'm quoting, it seems that you are full of hypocrisies. You could have simply replied with: "To each his own" I didn't have a problem with it until after that point. I even could apologized that I took your comment out of context and thought you were being condescending. Now, I'm not going to nitpick you, but Dexit did divide the fandom. Fans did cry foul. Being able to play with a favourite mon generation after generation and suddenly not being able to did make fans angry. Fans have strong opinions. That's why fans are fans. Fans are entitled to have their own opinions. I do and you do. I don't have an issue with how you play or how anyone plays. I have an issue with Game Freak, not with you or "casual" players. Is it wrong to voice my opinion to want something more challenging in a franchise that I've loved since childhood? No. So here's my "elitist" thoughts on this: Let's agree to disagree.