anyone w/ a torkoal that has stealth rocks hmu i got a couple good IV pokemon you can choose from
I have a shiny eevee. Anyone wanna offer anything?
I don't mind it :3 (I don't now how to clone) I mean I did get an mudskipper from itI honestly think I might be done with trying to trade this gen... the cloners have completely ruined the whole trading aspect of the game again; Nintendo seriously needs to come up with a way to stop people from cloning so they can't ruin the trading system like every other generation of pokemon to date.
Easiest way would be to have it abort the trade if the save after a trade is interrupted.
I don't mind it :3 (I don't now how to clone) I mean I did get an mudskipper from it
Still waitin g for PokeBank to come out. I'm not paying for it, so I hope they release it soon. Too bad I probably won't be able to trade most of them; considering they're random Legendary GTS trades.. (Except for Milotic. Maybe I'll be able to get her through..)
Fair enough. The cloners do seem to be rather generous. Hell, I got a lvl 100 6IV shiny japanese mew from em.. I guess I COULD use em to finish my national dex.
edit: And you require two 3DS's to clone
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I can give you a feebas. I've got an extra rotting in my PC if you want her[can't name her, as I bred her for one I could name myself; but the unnameable one is all yours if you want]
I have a shiny eevee. Anyone wanna offer anything?
That is a hard choice... I do have a 6iv shiny japanese lv 100 ditto so I can breed it myself but those moves and the nature... I'll think about itHow about a Flawless (6IV) Timid Noibat with Switcheroo?
That is a hard choice... I do have a 6iv shiny japanese lv 100 ditto so I can breed it myself but those moves and the nature... I'll think about it
That is a hard choice... I do have a 6iv shiny japanese lv 100 ditto so I can breed it myself but those moves and the nature... I'll think about it
I have a 6iv marvel scale dratini with 2 egg moves. I'm not that into smeargles. sorry.I have a perfect 5 IV Moody Dark Void Smeargle. Also have imperfect 5IV jolly marvel scale dratini with extreme speed, iron tail, aqua jet, and dragon dance.
I would like to collect enough shiny eevees to have a shiny version of each eeveelution.
It's female and nicknameable too. From what I can recall at least. Let me check again!