Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Anyone got random shiny Pokemon? I'm interested in literally ANY Pokemon! I don't care about moves, IVs, abilities, nature, levels or any of that mess. I'm just looking for shiny Pokemon cuz I'm a horder. I'm willing to pay!!!11!!1 :D You'd probably get a faster response from me of you VM/PM me. Thanks so much!

I have a bunch of shiny Pokemon that I caught in the wild. Some are actually really decent, if you'd like to have a look at them all?
Alright. Jw, do you have any 4-5iv or HA pokes?

For HAs, I have Eevee, Dratini, and Scyther (and that Froakie xD)
Also I have a Seviper with 4 ivs. But there might be more Pok?mon, but I gtg so I might check when I get home.
I have a bunch of shiny Pokemon that I caught in the wild. Some are actually really decent, if you'd like to have a look at them all?

Hey, sorry for the late response. Yea, that'd be awesome! If there are any I'm interested in, how much would you like for them?
Hey, sorry for the late response. Yea, that'd be awesome! If there are any I'm interested in, how much would you like for them?

I edited my post on the first page. Take a look at it and if you don't have any of those than that's okay! You can have them for free!
I'm trying to complete the regional pokedex for Alpha Sapphire and I'm missing a few pokemon.

Needed Pokemon: (its up to you whether I keep them or send them back)
Treecko's evo line

Pokemon I need to evolve by trade: (I would send you these pokemon and then you would send them back)
Machoke -> Machamp
Rhyhorn -> Rhyperior

PMs would be the best way to reach me as I might forget to check this forum
I'm looking for more shiny Eevees for me and my sister. I'm also looking for a shiny Abra and shiny elektrike. I can offer tbt, event pokemon like victini, etc.
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I'm looking for level 1/low level

Are you looking for specifics? If not, I can get you all of them. (maybe not Drifloon, I can't remember.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Is there a link to the other thread?

Its just a small list of shiny pokemon that I wish to obtain.

Caterpie (Level 1)
Corsola (Level 1)
Azurill (Level 1)
Solosis (Level 1)
Actually, revised list

Seedot (Pref male, naive nature) Chinchou (Pref female, modest nature) Doduo (Pref male, jolly nature) Duskull (Docile nature, either gender) Nosepass (Male, relaxed) Numel (Male, sassy nature)
For HAs, I have Eevee, Dratini, and Scyther (and that Froakie xD)
Also I have a Seviper with 4 ivs. But there might be more Pok?mon, but I gtg so I might check when I get home.
Sorry for the late response! Anyways I'll trade you for that HA scyther if you don't mind. :]
well if anyone's got lances dragonite and/or whitney's miltank i'd pay some tbt for it ^^
This seem like a bit of a stretch but...

Would someone be able to breed a 5IV (31/31/31/X/31/31) Turtwig with Seed Bomb? I can offer:

-5IV Adamant HA Torchic
-4-5IV Adamant HA or Rock Head Bagon with Dragon Rush, Dragon Rage, Twister and Thrash
-4-5IV Relaxed Rock Head or Sturdy Aron with Iron Head, Head Smash, Endeavor and Stealth Rock
-4-5IV Modest Swift Swim or Oblivious Feebas with Brine, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat and Hypnosis
-4-5IV Lonely HA, Early Bird or Chlorophyll Seedot with Foul Play and Defog.

PM or VM if interested! Thank you!


Can now also offer:
-4-5IV Adamant Levitate Duskull with ominous Wind and Skill Swap
-4-5IV Modest HA Whismur with Extrasensory and Hammer Arm
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