The Witch
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LF 4-6 IV ditto! Paying 400-600 TBT
You can get one very easily with S.O.S. chaining if you have Pok?mon Sun or Pok?mon Moon.
^ I have a few extra Dittos. I can give you one for free. Just PM me sometime when you see me online (on the forums). I'm here pretty often.
Does anyone have any synchronize Timid and Modest Abra? I've been searching for sooooo many and it's taken soooo long that I found a full odds shiny Meowth xD I don't really have much to offer but hopefully someone can help and I'll pay in TBT Thank you!
EDIT: I found a Modest synchronize Abra. I just need the timid one. Thanks!
I have one. I'll PM you about it shortly.