Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

LF an appletun. Can trade tbt, or a few sword exclusives: farfetch'd, seedot, swirlix, flapple
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LF Scorbunny and Sobble or any of their evos :)
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I'm guess you have grookey. I could breed a sobble. Can you breed a grookey?

yup grookey was my starter :] someone actually traded me the scorbunny & sobble a little while ago so I don't need them anymore, but I can breed you a grookey if you like!
yup grookey was my starter :] someone actually traded me the scorbunny & sobble a little while ago so I don't need them anymore, but I can breed you a grookey if you like!

Sure, I'll get working on Sobble if Serebii is right about it's field egg type.

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yup grookey was my starter :] someone actually traded me the scorbunny & sobble a little while ago so I don't need them anymore, but I can breed you a grookey if you like!

Is there something you do want?
Oh anything is fine, I’ll take the sobble if u got it :p I have the Grookey ready so just let me know when you’re ready to trade