Senior Member
Really want a Larvitar and a Jangmo-o, can anyone help?
I've got a larvitar! :3Really want a Larvitar and a Jangmo-o, can anyone help?
I've got a larvitar! :3
any pokes you have to offer? if not then maybe tbtOh snaps! What would you like in return for it?
any pokes you have to offer? if not then maybe tbt
idk how much its worth but 5tbt okay?Tbh I don't have anything special lol but I can definitely do tbt
idk how much its worth but 5tbt okay?
Offering a shiny Minccino I just caught to anyone who is willing to catch me a Gigantamax Duraladon.
LF a foreign 4iv ditto to trade on sun/moon! can pay TBT~
LF Scorbunny and Sobble or any of their evos
I'm guess you have grookey. I could breed a sobble. Can you breed a grookey?
yup grookey was my starter :] someone actually traded me the scorbunny & sobble a little while ago so I don't need them anymore, but I can breed you a grookey if you like!
yup grookey was my starter :] someone actually traded me the scorbunny & sobble a little while ago so I don't need them anymore, but I can breed you a grookey if you like!
Oh anything is fine, I’ll take the sobble if u got itI have the Grookey ready so just let me know when you’re ready to trade
LF an appletun. Can trade tbt, or a few sword exclusives: farfetch'd, seedot, swirlix, flapple