Mars Adept
Circles and spirals in mind…
Looking for a Gen 6 international Ditto so I can breed shinies. Can pay in TBT, ACNL items, etc. If you can help out please let me know. Thank you.
LF a foreign 4iv ditto to trade on sun/moon! can pay TBT~
have a list of pokemon in apriballs/HA/egg moves here! looking to trade for pokes in apriballs i don't have or apricorn balls and HA for HA!
ooo i'm interested in a few of those love ball mons, any chance I could just buy them off you for tbt? I don't have a lot to trade atm just finished the game D:
hey which ones are you interested in ?? ;;
the corsola, milcery, and morpeko :D
& the dream ball hatenna xP I could give u 200 tbt for all four?
sure let me breed them for you real quick ;;