Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Do you have any hidden ability pokemon beside magikarp or ones in the ball guy pokeballs or beast ball?

It's fine if you don't, I can just do a touch trade for the magikarp after getting the item and checking the ivs :)
Do you have any hidden ability pokemon beside magikarp or ones in the ball guy pokeballs or beast ball?

It's fine if you don't, I can just do a touch trade for the magikarp after getting the item and checking the ivs :)

I thought it would hatch with the move bounce, so I'm going to try something else. You don't have to go empty handed. I don't think I have anything else prepared you'd want. You can still have a bottle cap.
Looking to touch trade - or for me to keep if you have spares B-) - the following pokes:

umbreon, espeon, flapple, frosmoth, drampa


bumping this, still looking!! :)
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Would someone be willing to trade for my Applin and evolve it in their Shield game with a Sweet Apple? This is one of the final steps I need to take to help complete my competitive monotype Dragon team. I can offer TBT for this + some rare Pokemon that I can find in my boxes or a dexmon you might need. Thanks. :)