Islander Lyric of Lily Cove
Are you available now?The charmander sounds good actually . Thnx!
Are you available now?The charmander sounds good actually . Thnx!
Yep. Trainer Joshua
Awesome! It occurred to me as well that I need fossils to assemble some of the fossil Pok?mon. Do you happen to have spare Drake and Fish fossils to throw onto them?I can help with the rest here. Also, I know you didn't specifically ask for one, but if you would like I can give one of my spare G-Max Appletuns
Yes what code?searching..
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did you want to try again? It's taking a little longer than it should
1258. searching..
Awesome! It occurred to me as well that I need fossils to assemble some of the fossil Pok?mon. Do you happen to have spare Drake and Fish fossils to throw onto them?
Ideally two of each since I'm aiming to complete the Dex, but it's okay if not.How many do you need?
ReadyHave to try this again
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link code this time is 9898 @Aubrey
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Again someone else
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1185 lmk when ur ready for me to start searching
Thanks so much. I’ve never had it take so long lol.Have to try this again
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link code this time is 9898 @Aubrey
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Again someone else
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1185 lmk when ur ready for me to start searching
Ideally two of each since I'm aiming to complete the Dex, but it's okay if not.
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Yep, I have that.
Great! I've been breeding a bunch of stuff for trading fodder, so I'm ready when you are. Would like 100 TBT or so sound good? I don't really have much in terms of HA ability/rare stuff until they release Home and I can transfer stuff, so.
100 tbt sounds fine Did you want the g-max?
Sure, thank you.
Let me know when ready and I can make a code. Trainer name is Una.
EDIT: If you're putting the fossils on the Pok?mon as items, we'd need a fourth. Happen to have something like Vullaby, Oranguru, Solosis, Lotad, Croagunk, or Larvitar that are Shield exclusives? I'm planning to wait for most of those until I transfer them up with Pok?mon Home, but it couldn't hurt to scratch one off the list ahead of time. Doesn't matter to me which of those.
Speaking of home, has a specific date been announced yet?
And I have all of those, I can give a Solosis since we need a fourth. And if you'd like, I can breed an HA Oranguru once home comes out