Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Does anyone have a ditto and the 2 other starters I have the water one

I have a Ditto, but currently keeping it at the moment. However, I can catch you another one and a Chimchar and Turtwig as well. It may take awhile, so I’ll let you know when I’m done if you still need them by then.
I want to trade my Kadabra so it can evolve to its last stage for the Nuzlocke I’m doing. Anyone up to help me out?
I've got Brilliant Diamond & really want a female Glameow caught with a heal ball - don't care about the rest like IVs.
Can trade some Diamond exclusives like Stunky, Murkrow or Cranidos - just let me know what you want and if you have any gender or Pokemon preferences :3
I've got Brilliant Diamond & really want a female Glameow caught with a heal ball - don't care about the rest like IVs.
Can trade some Diamond exclusives like Stunky, Murkrow or Cranidos - just let me know what you want and if you have any gender or Pokemon preferences :3
I can do that. I just have to go catch it which I can go do in a bit. I can message you and let you know when I've caught it. Could you get me a silicoon? Any kind is fine.
I can do that. I just have to go catch it which I can go do in a bit. I can message you and let you know when I've caught it. Could you get me a silicoon? Any kind is fine.
Ah yes please sounds good! And I can go catch one sure - Any Pokeball preferences?
All I want is a Flash Fire Cyndaquil. I doubt anyone on here has one but I'd be willing to part with my Manaphy or Jirachi. Battle Tower is just too annoying for me right now timewise
All I want is a Flash Fire Cyndaquil. I doubt anyone on here has one but I'd be willing to part with my Manaphy or Jirachi. Battle Tower is just too annoying for me right now timewise
I have one! I have so many. You want love, level, or fast ball?
Well, I just need one for Brilliant Diamond. Nature, IVs don't matter I can do all that myself. If you do manage to get one I'd be happy to trade.
If I find a cyndaquil, I could get one and then breed the nature onto it. The ones i have have 4 or 5 IVs and are modest
If I find a cyndaquil, I could get one and then breed the nature onto it. The ones i have have 4 or 5 IVs and are modest

That's great! Modest or Timid is fine. The Jirachi I have is Jolly natured. Manaphy is Mild, not bad but not good either, so you can take your pick if you want.