Umineko Fanatic
And you think it's okay to have forms of gay conversion therapies? Why are you supporting people like this?
Oath got it right before me.
> Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."
I mean he never actually said he supported gay conversion therapy, but that's clearly something he wants. When the Republican National Committee chair was asked about if they supported it, they responded with "It's not in the platform".
That is not a denial. That is dodging the question.
Mike Pence is an intelligent politician who knows what words to use to tacitly state his support on gay conversion therapy without actually outright supporting it.
s e e k i n g t o c h a n g e t h e i r b e h a v i o r
that means they're consenting to it
it still doesn't say conversion anywhere, it isn't even implied, so you're literally just looking for something to be offended by
either way, it doesn't matter, as pence is only a safe net for trump. shares basic principles and ideas with trump, appeals to christian/pence supporting voters, as well as prevents people from assassinating him as pence would become president, and literally no one wants that (as i mentioned earlier)