I just went to Harv's island for today's dailies and Cornimer was there !! He had taken over Tortimer's spot [because, oviously, they're two totally different people] and he gave me two acorns xD Love this throwback
For those who do not know Cornimer was originally from Animal Crossing Wild World and he used to hold the Acorn Festival. Basically all you had to do was to collect Acorns for him and if you do he gives you the "Harvest" furniture as a reward. However, if you give him a "Rotten Acorn" Then he would get mad and take away all the acorns from you and you get nothing in return.
In this game whenever you see him, he just gives you acorns and then just goes back to be Tortimer where he would ask what items you want to get our or put away in storage at Harvs island. Thats pretty much it.