Post an opinion.

Hang on, I have a whole post on my Tumblr of things I think are overrated.

Homestuck is overrated, and if someone says that they understand it, they're lying.
Nutella is gross.
I agree. The American public school system is filled with teachers who are lazy, lack communication skills, and should not be teaching at all. With the small pay they get, no wonder why they're not motivated to actually teach and touch their students hearts. I'm not saying that all teachers are mediocre, I've had a FEW good ones, but this needs to change. They should make it harder to become a teacher and raise their salaries, so people who ARE intelligent would be more likely to consider being a teacher as a career path.

I think the reason for such few "good" teachers is the fact, a teachers job SUCKS!

*Works 45 hours a week (7-3)
*Low Pay
*Has to deal with ****ty kids (not all kids are bad but everyone knows those troublemakers in a class)
-+ Not limited to: Disrespect, breaking up fights, annoyance, having to deal with the occasional student emotional breakdown (even though that's more of a guidance counselors job.)
*Waste so much of their free time grading papers after school hours.
-* This I'm not sure but do teachers get paid over the summer? If not they're essentially unemployed for over two months - two months with no money.

Now if you were a "smart" well qualified collage graduate would you honestly want hat as a job/career?!

That post wasn't necessarily directly directed at you Bittermeat.

Opinion: cheese is disgusting.
Here's one: Most cartoons are so dumb and annoying. Believe it or not, even as young child I never got into cartoons. Of course, I like the animated movies, but tv cartoons... I'm fine without.
I will always label Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra as anime. I don't care if it's not japanese.
Mother is an overrated game and the only reason so many people even know it exists is because of SSB.

The reason people didn't know it existed was cause it was/is underrated. I hadn't even heard of the series until i played Smash Bros. Same with Fire Emblem TBH.

MOTHER 3 had such a huge impact on me, it felt life changing.
The reason people didn't know it existed was cause it was/is underrated. I hadn't even heard of the series until i played Smash Bros. Same with Fire Emblem TBH.

MOTHER 3 had such a huge impact on me, it felt life changing.

This. The majority of my friends I've played SSB with had no idea who or where Ness and Lucas even came from.
But I'm expecting it's going to step out of the 'underrated' now that it's on VC..
-* This I'm not sure but do teachers get paid over the summer? If not they're essentially unemployed for over two months - two months with no money.

Guidance counselors get paid more than teachers. Teachers can decide how they want their pay distributed. Like they can have it come in during only the weeks they work, or have it come to them all year round. Of course the paycheck will vary in amount depending on what route they chose.

Most students don't care for school, so teachers don't have to care much about it either...with the exception of advanced classes.
I'll probably wake up to a inbox full of hate mail tomorrow but... I think anime is SO. FLIPPIN'. WEIRD....
I think that the majority of posts I've read on this thread are uninformed and biased to the extreme. Except gay marriage being allowed on the federal level. EFF DOMA! ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ
I am trying so hard to piss people off. The sad thing is, these opinions are all ones I truly hold.

Children are idiots.