Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

I had to buy a new laptop charger that costed 60$ like wtf

ok wow holy **** they cost that much??

also got a feebas on wonder trade finally now i don't have to spend all day fishing even though it's gunna take ages before i can breed more beauty berries...
Just bought a few more dollhouse supplies on amazon as well as a new cave for Bowie that is like a hollowed out rock with a hole on top, not sure if it will fit in his current enclosure but when his big boy home comes it definitely will. CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO GET HERE
I just got a new bag!
shiny xerneas code so they finally told some ass to make it available here.. now's hoping for yveltal as well.
Bought a ticket for a David Bowie tribute concert the local symphony orchestra is performing. Combining two things I really like, to say I'm excited is an understatement!

hobi is apparently obsessed with me (but at least i got one yoongi photocard even if its from dope era!!!)
A few days ago I got the Darkrai anniversary code, some amiibo cards, and a R.O.B. Famicom Colors amiibo.
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This isn't my picture. (I wish I had that many animals omfg) But I just got Bowie's big boy enclosure, which is one of those enclosures by the window in the picture (that is three of them in the picture) But I am so excited, I'm going to be putting it together tomorrow and it is going to be so much fun being able to decorate it and stuff and I know Bowie will be happy to have more space to explore and climb around in there.
I got a bern on my hand stings like helll omfg. D: And yeah a ****ton of groceries last night cause I need to make tacos today x)
a test score back. it's ok i passed

but my friend gave me white chocolate covered oreos and they were lush why don't they sell them in supermarkets in the uk ahhh
Just bought some presents for my mom and grandma and a few things I'll need for Bowie's enclosure. (And maybe a few more dollhouse things...)