Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

The box is huge :eek: I won't have enough space if I get the Rabbid Peach

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I found some Splatoon key chains in EB Games!



Aaah I got purple my fave colour!! I'm a v happy inkling :')
I found some Splatoon key chains in EB Games!

Aaah I got purple my fave colour!! I'm a v happy inkling :')

Those are super adorable especially when you got hold of the purple since you can see the detail up close!
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Those are super adorable especially when you got hold of the purple since you can see the detail up close!

Haha thanks :D They are so cute, I want to get all the colours now :p They are pretty accurately detailed with the gradient on the tentacles and everything.
Got my black new ninty 3ds but seems them missed to include the stylus lol o well ill just see if i can find em online.
I'm pretty sure I got a F on my physics quiz cause I was too tired to focus on my HW last night...

Damn I need a study buddy or something. This is so tedious.

I recently got this cute little figurine!
Apologies for the bad quality, my room has horrible lighting + phone camera isn't the good :p
Look what came in today!




Unfortunately I now have 2 Joeys but I guess I'll live. Collecting these cards is addictive, whoops.
I won an auction for some pokemon figures for super cheap! It includes a rare figure that I've seen go for ~$40 (I only payed $10!), so I'll probably sell that and keep the rest.
my izuru plushie arrived today

That is my tremendous son who makes the despair. My gigantic baby boy whom I am afraid of.
Got Yoko Ono's "Grapefruit" book and "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac. Been wanting to read the latter on for some good time so glad I found it somewhat cheapo!
Got some really good Chinese takeout and a 3-disk yes collection, so overall I'm pretty satisfied
I got a cold! How great!
Well, I got a couple t-shirts today, so that's nice
(Just solid colors, one's a dark green and the other is a crimson red)
my izuru plushie arrived today

That is my tremendous son who makes the despair. My gigantic baby boy whom I am afraid of.
Ah ;-; That's so awesome! May I ask where you got it from? ;3;

I stopped off at CeX today and got this:
Bought some instant ramen earlier, and some Tipp-Ex because I had to fix an insurance application that was pretty messed up lol