Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

so much merch...



(daki on left is old, right one is new)
Ah yes, XC2 Special Edition! I just did a side by side comparison with XCX :)

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Oooh I also got to more ear piercings yesterday too ^^, so yeah just some minor changes in appearance :p
I bought headphones last night, cheap, crappy headphones because my cat chewed through the wires of my very good, expensive ones :(
Bought some hair dye so hope I can get my hair fixed soon, gosh I hate my weird dual natural colour :(
I forgot to post on here, but the other day I got yet another Star Trek tie blanket, and I also got some enamel pins to put on my backpack (they look like fruit :p).
Traded in that dumb Ultra Moon game for a K.K Slider amiibo (it's one ironically enough that is harder to find around and it's a bit more expensive so yeah)
I got the cutest thing for a friend.


It's a custom Funko Pop of Jamie Fraser (from Outlander). The actual ones are ridiculously priced (I saw one selling for almost $500!!!), so I found a person on Etsy who does customs. I think he's adorable, and I just need to pick up a little box to wrap him up.

I think she's going to love it.
Since I finished shopping for my family and friends, I decided to get an early Yule gift for myself.


It's a sterling Celtic knot pentacle. I also got matching earrings. They're very delicate and I like that I'll be able to wear it anywhere without being neon, glaringly obvious.
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c: I got all 6 resident evil movies c: My husband was beyond excited since we’ve only watched the first 3 together c: Movie date night!