Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

You guys make me feel poor rofl.
I few weeks ago I got a ps4 8D With.. minecraft, terrira, borderlands the handsome collection, dragonage, lotr, and some others....
got another sushi girl keychain from a gachapon! this time i got the sea urchin sushi heheh got the green sushi roll a few weeks back..

they're from this series:
got another sushi girl keychain from a gachapon! this time i got the sea urchin sushi heheh got the green sushi roll a few weeks back..

they're from this series:

But why? Where do you put these? On your bedside table?
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$50 Visa Vanilla gift card
Banpresto Super DX Minccino plush
Takara Tomy Fuwafuwa Nuigurumi Gligar plush

Birthday goodies~
uhh because i like them? i think they're cute? i can decide what to do with my money? :)

btw just curious but why does it matter where i put them lmao

Because if I would put them on the kitchen table I would probably eat them without realizing it's not really sushi with a mermaid in it. Also, can you give me some of the money you don't know what to do with :cool:
I finished a trade with a seller on tbt forums and got some white carnations, pink carnations, blue roses and jacobs ladders! Can't wait to start breeding these babies!

Oh and in real life, i bought some cherry juice, they say it's good for the body because it helps the muscles heal and recover faster after working out, so you don't feel as sore after.