Post here when u get a mystery balloon!

That's my pietro, that's the one I wanted~ good on you!
Now, I already have another final boss balloon so definitely up for trades (which ever date people fancy) will double check in the marketplace first

So happy with my choices in balloons~
Sweet heart (she came back to me~), hot heart balloon (depending on what the final boss balloon will be traded for), normal fresh balloon
Oh my I got a Hot and a Glam balloon yay!! So out of 6 I got these two, a Rad one, two Freshes and a Cool one! Very satisfied with what I got because I really enjoy how they look like!
OKAY here's my mostly-final balloon haul!! 🎈
-Glam Heart
-Fresh Heart (traded for a Hot Heart!)
-Cool Heart
-Sweet Heart > Sweet Heart > Hot Heart (traded for a Final Boss Heart!!)
-Fresh Balloon
-Cool Balloon

That's 4/5 of my desired Heart Balloon colors achieved (...and the last one is Rainbow LOL) and 1/5 of the regular balloons I wanted!! Took some swapping to get here, but out of a max of six gradient balloons, that's not bad at all I don't think! πŸŽ‰ The Fresh Balloon is a little painful, especially seeing as I got it right after it unlocked in the shop askjfklds, but I'm still hopeful I might be able to trade it for a Glam/Hot/FB!!
I got a hot bunny balloon for my final balloon; kinda disappointed since it is in the shop but I’m thinking of keeping it since I do like it.

I got the most important of what I wanted which were the Final Boss Heart Balloons; one was gifted to me by @Yoshi155 :D. Also one Final Bunny from @Doo for my cool Bunny Balloon. I bought a glam heart balloon and regular red heart balloon from the store and may buy a cool heart and a regular heart or bunny balloon with my tickets πŸ™‚. I’m happy with the fresh heart balloon and rad bunny balloon that I got too.

Was also gifted a blue bunny balloon by @danmokun :D.