Post here when u get a mystery balloon!

I've got a fresh heart balloon. Although, I don't know If I should keep it since I don't have enough green collectibles to pair it with for the time being.
My three mystery gradient heart balloons ended up being rad, fresh, rad. Funny how the order came out. It works! I was actually wanting those colors too. But not necessarily that order. I was expecting something that looked more random, but I'm good with it! I hope the next mystery balloons I get in the future will turn 1 boss.
I wonder if I will be lucky enough for my next 3 to be boss, rad, fresh actually 🤔. That would be super cool and convenient! Then I could pick up another red heart balloon so I can have my red black red, and a bonus of rad fresh rad fresh rad as an additional potential line up.
Disappointed to announce that my second Mystery Token transformed into a second Rad Balloon.

I was fine with the first one, but I'm trying for Final Boss, Glam and Hot (and Rainbow but that's very unlikely to spawn), so getting a duplicate is a bummer. If anyone has a duplicate Final Boss, Glam or Hot that they'd want to trade for a Rad Balloon, let me know!
Balloons #2 and #3 turned into another final boss bunny and a sweet bunny.
sold the sweet bunny back to the shop, so we will be trying this Again.


glam bunny pls come home
Got a second fresh balloon and an extra sweet, sooo thankful for the sellback option to reroll!

Btw these new tokens when will transform, at the next round or sooner? :unsure: