Post something good that happened to you today.

got back these papers i needed? lol not much tbh.

like my bf's gran died, their bath room upstairs leaking like a freaking rubber boat and some asses bought this LE I wanted right under my nose hurrr..
I should have posted this yesterday, but I went to Best Buy and my dad bought me the Wacom I wanted as a gift! I have to wait until the 20th though because they ran out of them. :c
didn't feel too bad this morning as for tiredness and gonna renew my bc pills today hopefully : D
i found a few good jpop songs and even a kpop song, im a happy camper
I learned something new, and probably something very important, during this time and day. It's too bad I had to be made a fool of in order to learn this though. I also upset some people along the way, but I appreciate the gift of knowledge either way.
got a few streetpass hits, hopefully i can be done with that sp garden questline job thing soon like how could i miss that lolol
I could satisfy my vanilla cornet cravings
I got cat ears for halloween ?4 cheaper than the ones I was originally gonna buy
i got a lot of compliments in drama which was cool.
I did pretty well on one of my writing assignments this week and my friend is coming over to my flat tomorrow to play games. Plus it's the weekend so now I have got the chance for some me-time. :rolleyes: