Post the last picture/ video you laughed at

The artwork from Life Of Dreams just made me laugh. It's the 1986 debut album of a Crossover Thrash band named Crumbsuckers. This is the kind of album cover that when you see makes you think, "what the **** is this bull**** cover?". It may be terrible, but at least it's funny XD

I can't help but laugh when from out of nowhere Triple H confronts the Kofi guy and says to him, "aren't you supposed to be Jamaican? What happened to your accent?!"

I don't know for sure whether this was actually a blunder on Triple H's part or just scripted, but it's amusing either way.

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Found in my news feed 🥰 it's probably more cute than funny but I giggled

Brownie points if you can guess the distorted song. ( I believe know it)
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My favorite part is at the end when Axl says, "Well, thanks to the lame-ass security, I'm going home", and then violently smashes the microphone.

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^I think you just copy/paste the link and it automatically gets converted into a video (at least, that's how it works for me with YouTube videos while on mobile device).


Damn, Rock, you really outdid yourself this time, ha ha.
There's select parts of this video game corruption video from my favorite Twitch streamer that had me die laughing the first time I saw it a looooong time ago...

And here's highlights 'cause this is an hour long:
7:55 - Luigi's Mansion is too scary even for Luigi
9:19 - "Making Greasy Pizza in New York: Speedrun Edition" (Listen to the music)
14:25 - E. Gadd falls backwards, gets up, falls backwards, gets up...
17:24 - Hmmmmm
22:10 - Vinny gets startled by an insanely loud noise
23:45 - Baby Mario from Hell (just wait until Vinny selects Luigi...)
28:49 - "Mario Kart Double Dash Except Everyone's Karts Run Out of Gas"
36:50 - And you thought the corruption was over...
40:11 - The worst sunshine player ever
43:10 - Half Life Mario 2?
48:09 - Wacky Mario
52:26 - If Mario Sunshine was made by an indie dev...
The worst best upcoming films of 2017! I swear I'm not 6 years behind on my calendar!
The original video has a lot of swears in it (there's even an F-bomb in the name so can't share that either), so here's a cut down clean version featuring its best part...
