Post Your 3DS Game Collection!!

I have seven games right now. They are:

-Pokemon X
-Super Mario 3D Land
-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-Kirby Triple Deluxe
-Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
-Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

All of my games are physical, except for Super Mario 3D Land, as it came with my 3DS XL. Right now, I'm planning on getting Fantasy Life, and I've actually wanted it for quite a while now, but sadly, it's sold out at the moment and I have no idea when it's going to be restocked.
It'll take so much work to list them so I just took a photo :)

I'm missing some of the recent titles coz' I've been too focused getting LE's and such. Hopefully, I can still catch up -_-


game collection.jpg

only game I'm missing now is LOZ Majora's Mask 3D which is not out yet, I'm also planning to buy the new 3DS XL
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list of all my games

kirby's epic yarn (wii)
mario kart wii (wii)
super smash bros brawl (wii)
wii sports resort (wii)

imagine teacher (DS)
pokemon soulsilver (DS)
pokemon white 2 (DS)

animal crossing new leaf (3DS)
fire emblem awakening (3DS)
ocarina of time 3D (3DS)
pokemon rumble blast (3DS)
pokemon x (3DS)

wow I have a lot ._.
My Modest Collection:

-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-Super Mario 3D Land
-Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
-Pokemon X
-Tales of the Abyss (3DS)
-Mario Kart 7
-Rune Factory 4
-Fire Emblem: Awakening
-Super Smash Bros. 3DS
-Fantasy Life

-Four Swords (Digital--a free download offer from Nintendo)

Possible/Hope to get:
-Story of Seasons
-The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
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Pok?mon X
Pok?mon Y
Pok?mon Omega Ruby
Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire
SSB (digital)
DS Games that I have found in storage:
Pokemon Diamond
Imagine Baby (I was probably 9 at the time)
The Sims 2: Castaway

3DS Games:
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Fantasy Life
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (I play this with my Dad)

I'm looking to add more games to this collection as I've only had my 3DS for about a month.

Hoping to get:
Rune Factory 4
LoZ: MM, ALBW, and OoT (if I can find a new copy not $60... if not I'll buy a used one)
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Pok?mon X (digital)
Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire
Bravely Default
Resident Evil: Revelations
Super Mario 3D Land
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
& some indies.
Virtue's Last Reward
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
Wario's Woods
AC Calculator

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Tales of the Abyss
Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies
Fantasy Life

Pokemon X
Pokemon AS
Phoenix Wright vs. Prof. Layton
- Animal Crossing New Leaf
- Bravely Default
- Fantasy Life
- Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns
- The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Anniversary Edition (digital)
- Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
- Mario Tennis Open
- Nintendogs + Cats French Bulldog (digital)
- Pokemon Omega Ruby
- Pokemon Rumble Blast
- Pokemon X
- Rune Factory 4
- Steel Diver Sub Wars (digital)
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Animal Crossing
Pokemon X
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Super Smash Bros
Ocarina Of Time
Link Between Worlds
Tomodachi Life
Mario Kart
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon X
Mario Kart 7
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
Super Smash Bros
Super Mario 3D Land
Some Nintendogs + Cats game I forgot I had
annnd I think that's it
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I have:

Super Mario 3D land
Scribblenauts unlimited
Yoshi's island
SSB for 3ds
Mario party island tour
NES remix
Tomodachi life
Paper mario sticker star
Tetris axis
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time
A link between worlds
Fire Emblem awakening
Mario Kart

I still want:
Fantasy Life
Pokemon X
Harvest Moon: A tale of two towns
New super mario brothers 2
Donkey Kong
Majora's Mask (when it releases)
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oh man okay uh

-pokemon y
-pokemon alpha sapphire
-tales of the abyss
-tales of the world: reve unitia
-fire emblem: awakening
-super smash bros
-the legend of zelda: ocarina of time (got majora's mask on preorder too)
-animal crossing: new leaf
-bravely default
-kingdom hearts: dream drop distance
-final fantasy: theatrythm
-mario kart 7
-professor layton miracle mask
-professor layton azran legacy
-ace attorney: dual destinies

..3ds isn't my main console though i prefer my ps3 and vita (because region-free, i have to have two 3ds' just to play japanese games)
i have too many games >>

-acnl x2
-pokemon omega ruby
-pokemon y
-harvest moon: a new beginning
-professor layton and the miracle mask
-paper mario: sticker star
-rune factory 4
-fire emblem: awakening
-bravely default
-kingdom hearts: Dream drop distance
-etrian oddesy: millennium girl
-devil survivor:eek:ver clocked
-rhythm thief and the emperors treasure (the reason I got a 3ds tbh)
Holy crow, that's a lot of games. I currently own:

Fantasy Life
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
Pokemon X

Cries b/c my collection is so small.