Post Your Most Hilarious Moments In Animal Crossing New Leaf

I was talking with Sly and he told me he saw two of my villagers hanging out so he told them “whats up lovebirds” and they started to laugh. He told me he is really akward around them.

Prince said the same thing, just about other villagers, I wish the villagers had more stuff to say.
They?re all funny, I hope people will post more fun stuff, I sure will when something happens ^^

HNI_0057.JPGI'm sorry?
HNI_0083.JPGThat you are Zell....that you are.
HNI_0085.JPGI just think of those goat remixes.
I didn't take a screenshot but Tangy was in my campsite and she said, I had a taste of a Lakeside orange so I just had to come here. She said something like that.
Today Puddles asked me to deliver a package to Deirdre...
Who was right next to her, looking at us while we were talking XD
Finding out I'm a bellpincher when I'm always broke because of paying off my house loans and town projects.XD
One of my neighbors is Flora, the Pink Ostrich. I like to visit her house because she has the Lovely Phone, which you can use to dial a free fortune-telling service (and thereby find out what your lucky item is for the day). The problem is Flora is, like, NEVER at home.

So the other night I find her outside wandering around the Town Square. I go up to her and start a conversation hoping to get invited to her house. No invite. So I talk to her again. And again. And again. And again and again and again. I don't know how many times I talked to her but I think I broke her because she said she needed some "alone time" to "think." And then she spent the rest of the night walking around slowly rubbing her chin/beak with her wing, a perplexed expression on her face, stopping occasionally with a thought bubble above her head that just said "...."

Phoebe said

"So... How do you like your taters?" and the options were something like "French Fried" "Baked" "Mashed" or "Potatoes are yucky!" I was just like... Wtf...