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Post Your Most Hilarious Moments In Animal Crossing New Leaf

I will post a picture of it soon, but a camper (i forgot her name) said "I'll sell you my prized potty at a low price!" or something like that.
People seem to be talking more about embarrassing moments than necessarily hilarious ones.

I dunno if there have been any embarrassing moments in the game. I sometimes get embarrassed at what my villagers say, like when mac started calling me bra as if he was dog the bounty hunter or something. Although I guess what's more embarrassing is when other people see your letters or hear the catchphrases that you've given to the animals.

Case in point: I was annoyed at Mac calling me bra, but then when he asked for a new catch phrase my mind went blank and I had him say "dawg" and then my husband saw that and was not impressed at all, he was like "i'm kind of disappointed that that was the best you could come up with" ... *embarrassed*
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Marshall decided to get rid of some bells today and I happened to be holding a piece of furniture. He ended up saying: "Ok, so you get 600 Bells and I get your Lovely Bed."

My reaction was: "Sure, here you go...Wait...Did Marshall just try and pay me to sleep with him? And I said yes? AAAH Why didn't I take a picture of that!? Curses!"
Today Puddles asked me to deliver a package to Deirdre...
Who was right next to her, looking at us while we were talking XD

my villagers do that to me all the time! even when they are standing right next to each other I still have to deliver the package.
Freya did that all the time in my old town. It got to the point where one of my friends said she really needed glasses.

This happened a few months ago, and I completely lost it. I laughed so hard because it's so accurate. xD
For about a week I kept burying pitfalls and trying to get Truffles to step on them. Every single one of them was, at some point, set off by me. I seriously felt like Wile E. Coyote. I'd set up these awesome traps and then fall into them myself.

Awesome :D But that happens to me all the time too...at least in Wild World it did. ;)

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She's talking about the Nooks, isn't she? ;)
for some reason it wont let me attach pictures but there was this one time Hamphrey was playing hide and seek with me and Whitney wanted to talk to me. The frame just happened to be Hamphrey peeking from his hiding spot in the background while I was talking to Whitney. It totally looked like he was creeping us! Its hilarious!
In which Eloise fails to notice that it's thunderstorming.

Okay, she was actually talking about Mabure's Beautiful Town ordinance, but it was still funny.
Fashion shenanigans!

So I love when my villagers wear my designs, it's really sweet of them and I like when they call me an aspiring designer but then some unfortunate fashion mishaps happen too...

So Olivia and the Marshmallow both wear the same design. Marshmallow looks cute and Olivia doesn't look too bad:


Then we have Coco wearing a dark girly shirt with a bow and lace:


But then...


Maybe I should be the one calling you a princess, Chief...


Yes, I know <3


Yes, that pink dress right next to you would look lovely on you!

Also Flurry happily calling out shenanigans looks so cute <3


And this should be my siggy cus it's spookily accurate:

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