Post Your Town Map

My town :)
-map snipped-

what an incredibly balanced and straight-lined map omg! awesooome. i like the twin ponds at the top, but do you find having a pond in front of the campsite to be annoying? see it a lot in maps and i'm always wary
[...] do you find having a pond in front of the campsite to be annoying? see it a lot in maps and i'm always wary

I've had this in a previous map and was actually really happy with it. There wasn't much I could do on that side of the pond anyway, and walking around it once a day was no hassle :3
what an incredibly balanced and straight-lined map omg! awesooome. i like the twin ponds at the top, but do you find having a pond in front of the campsite to be annoying? see it a lot in maps and i'm always wary

Nope it's not too too close to the campsite, I have planted cedars by it and in front of the campsite so it feels like you're really going camping when you walk over there ;)
I've had this in a previous map and was actually really happy with it. There wasn't much I could do on that side of the pond anyway, and walking around it once a day was no hassle :3

true, i guess only going to it once or twice a day makes it no biggie. esp if someone doesn't do amiibo cards then it's like, lol why do you need it more X)

Nope it's not too too close to the campsite, I have planted cedars by it and in front of the campsite so it feels like you're really going camping when you walk over there ;)

oh nice!!! that sounds super sweet and lovely. if you get a dream address up, let me know! i'd love to check it out :)

Town Name: Retro
Mayor's Name: Shana
Native Fruit: Apples
Train Station Color: Blue
Town Hall Color: Green
Grass Pattern: Circles
Rocks: 7
Current Villagers:

Static, Poppy, Marshal, Felicity, Punchy, Deli, Chrissy, Mira, Apple, Bill


While the quality of the picture isn't perfect, you can see the gist of my layout. Retro has a vintage pop culture theme where each human character represents a specific decade either: 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, or 1990's. The various themed homes are in chronological order from left to right along the bottom side of the map.

Several villager houses are subject to change as not all residents are true dreamies.

Regardless, after restarting the game over a 100 times, I can say I am truly happy with my map, unlike my previous town. I don't plan to ever reset again on this particular title of Animal Crossing.

Also, the location of Punchy's house amuses me. He decided to move in the tiny space behind the caf? and police station so I often write him letters about coffee.
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While the quality of the picture isn't perfect, you can see the gist of my layout. Retro has a vintage pop culture theme where each human character represents a specific decade either: 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, or 1990's. The various themed homes are in chronological order from left to right along the bottom side of the map.

i love the balance of precise plot setting and kinda slapdash setting in your map. :') and what a really innovative concept for a town theme omg! i would love to see this actually. do you have a dream address i could visit?
i love the balance of precise plot setting and kinda slapdash setting in your map. :') and what a really innovative concept for a town theme omg! i would love to see this actually. do you have a dream address i could visit?

I'll probably set up a dream address eventually, but I'd like for my project to be more complete. I haven't even finished upgrading my house yet. I had chosen to reset my game before the Welcome Amiibo update so I usually have to scrounge around on the island for bells, which isn't the most exciting activity. I will post again when my town is more finalized.
I'll probably set up a dream address eventually, but I'd like for my project to be more complete. I haven't even finished upgrading my house yet. I had chosen to reset my game before the Welcome Amiibo update so I usually have to scrounge around on the island for bells, which isn't the most exciting activity. I will post again when my town is more finalized.

extremely relatable (i'm yeaaars into mine and no published d.a. lol) and totally fine, take your time. hope the hunting goes well and best of luck !
Ghibli: The Beginning

Mayor Tuesday of Ghibli


This is how my map of Ghibli looked back on day one.
I created Ghibli on 20 July, 2016 (my 25 birthday). :lemon:
I'll post an updated map when I get my PWPs in place.

? Native Fruit: Peach
? Grass Pattern: Circle
? Train Station: Blue
? Town Hall: Navy


? Starter Villagers: Blaire, Peck, Bettina, Cesar, Pippy
!!!! I AM SO INLOVE WITH YOUR TOWN :'o goals / I love the squirrels & kitty villagers, too.

I'm glad you like my town. I reset so many times for that map. I really wanted my river to be shaped nicely with a central plaza. In the empty upper right corner, I plan to make a park of some sort. I love having all that empty space over there so I can be creative.

Cats and squirrels are my favorite species overall. Mitzi and Tangy are two new residents to Retro, now bringing my cat total to four. I had to say goodbye to both Chrissy and Deli. While I like both, I needed more space in my town for my true dreamies. I had grown fond of Deli really and considered keeping him permanently. He was a starter of mine, but his house was in the way of where I wanted to place a fire pit, much to my chagrin. That's the way it goes I suppose.
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I have mixed feelings about my map...
Screen Shot 2017-01-19 at 4.47.13 PM.jpg
South-facing waterfall
Cherries as my town fruit
Long western beach is great for fishing
Town hall and retail are nearly aligned
Although I would've preferred a centered town tree, I do kindof like that it's pushed off to the side and not in the way of anything

7 rocks
River is too long and winding
I feel like it could get cramped when all my villagers move in and I worry that there won't be enough space for PWPs
View attachment 193526

Town Name: Retro
Mayor's Name: Shana
Native Fruit: Apples
Train Station Color: Blue
Town Hall Color: Green
Grass Pattern: Circles
Rocks: 7
Current Villagers:

Static, Poppy, Marshal, Felicity, Punchy, Deli, Chrissy, Mira, Apple, Bill


While the quality of the picture isn't perfect, you can see the gist of my layout. Retro has a vintage pop culture theme where each human character represents a specific decade either: 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, or 1990's. The various themed homes are in chronological order from left to right along the bottom side of the map.

Several villager houses are subject to change as not all residents are true dreamies.

Regardless, after restarting the game over a 100 times, I can say I am truly happy with my map, unlike my previous town. I don't plan to ever reset again on this particular title of Animal Crossing.

Also, the location of Punchy's house amuses me. He decided to move in the tiny space behind the caf? and police station so I often write him letters about coffee.
!!!! I AM SO INLOVE WITH YOUR TOWN :'o goals / I love the squirrels & kitty villagers, too.

Oh my god… Me too! That’s a great town map!

Mine could really be better. I was new to Animal Crossing and ended up taking the first map I saw. Didn’t really know what a good map was and kind of wish I reset for something a little better. But I didn’t end up with a disaster or anything. I guess it’s alright.




Town Name: Zooton
Native Fruit: oranges
Train Station Color & Model: red & default
Town Hall Color & Model: brown/grey & modern
Grass Pattern: triangles
Number of Rocks: 7
Current Residents: Wendy, Melba, Bob, Purrl, Friga, Drift, Phoebe, Cherry, Erik, & Hopkins (moving in)
Mayor’s Name: Dylan
Took Office: June 13, 2013
Town Theme: modern
Visitors so Far: 11

I'm pretty pleased with my town, but there are things I wish I could change. I guess it gives me a little bit to look forward to in the next game.
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This is my map of Serenity.. took forever to find exactly what I wanted, down to the fruit (peaches) and grass shape... umm we won't discuss how long, lol. I'm really happy with my map

Here's a map of my main town called Tamatown
I regret this map and the placement of most of my PWP buildings but I've had this town since release so I've decided to live with it lol
really happy with this town map, some of the villager's houses are a bit off but it's not a big deal

Pekoe isn't anymore, I need to change my signature soon, lol xD

Well, this is Fiore. I made this town after a little break I made because of a several disease.
I'm really happy with the town, although I don't like the spot for the campsite, also I regret the placement of my caf? ^^;
And I have 2 rocks with really stupid spots :/
And I like the row on the right side <3

After 3 days of resetting, I've got this map on November 30th. Well, because of Pok?mon, I've started with this town in the middle of December ^^'

Mayor: Chrissy
Second player: Peaches (named her after my Pokesona)

Native fruit: Oranges
Town Hall: Green or Blue, I dunno xD
Station: Red (yes <3)
Grass Pattern: Squares

Villagers: *Chief, Plucky, ??toile, Cleo, ?Walker, *Felyne, C?c?, Toby, *Sylvana, Sprocket

Dreamies: Rosie, Vivian, Cherry, Wolfgang, Roald/Antonio/Bud, Wade

? = Keeping
* = not sure if I should keep her/him

This is my map of Vayle, my main town. I'm pretty happy with everything, except the placement of my Cafe which I unfortunately can't change. I originally planned to put it up next to Retail, but then Ankha went and moved there instead. Should have put a placeholder PWP in place to stop her, but oh well. Giant rocks prevented me from putting it in other locations, like where the Police Station now is, or close to the Town Plaza.

Probably if the Cafe had been a bit further along the cliff where it wasn't so narrow I wouldn't have minded so much, but at the time there were villagers' houses there. As it is, the Cafe does kind of block access a bit, but I've learned to live with it. After I built the cafe and realised I didn't really like the placement, I stopped playing for a while and wondered if I should reset my town, but I'd already worked so hard on it, and I really liked my villagers! Right from when I first got the game I wanted to have wolves, cats and horses, and Freya was the first villager to move in after I started my town, and then Fang was my first camper. So they both moved in right away. Julian I also got via the campsite, and for Anhka I was lucky and someone gave her to me. The thought of losing all that progress was just too much.

If/When we get another Animal Crossing game in the future, I really hope they improve the whole PWP system.