Post Your Town Map


My town map right now. The 3 villagers by my house are all moving.
Finally Got my Perfect Map!


It took me 2 nights worth (a few hours) of resetting for my "perfect" map :D

There are so many things that I love about it <3
1. The perfect little nook for my house.
2. The way the river separates the different areas and that it's pretty centered. There isn't a super skinny/tiny useless area anywhere. And I love the little strip of land on the left hand side, I put my campsite there.
3. I love how town hall, re-tail and town square are all separated. I especially love that the town square is in front of the entrance to the camp ground so no one can build their house in front of it. I like that Town Hall is in the center and I like that Re-tail is closer to town and that nothing can be behind it.
4. Last but not least I picked this map because of the diaganol bridge! I've never seen one and didn't know if you could make it that way when you build it.

Mayor: Nymph
Town Name: Lullabye
Current Neighbors: Lobo, Whitney, Skye, Kyle, Biskit, Merengue, Pekoe, Alice, Mitzi, Tia
Town Fruit: Pear (wasn't too excited about pears, but I was able to get peaches from Isabelle and an orange from a villager which are my 2 favorite fruits that I was never able to get in my old town)

- - - Post Merge - - -

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This is Florida^
Leonardo is the only villager I don't want :/

This is a great map! I love it!
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Happy with almost everything, I just have to put remove Whitney(lone house below bridge in the middle of the map) and put my new villager grouped up the the other 2 at the bottom. :(

Town: Yuwol
Mayor: Gabe
Native: Pear
This is Seaport!

I love how my bridges line up, and most of my villagers have been plot resetted and I plan to keep them. My biggest issue is the huge area of free space on the left side of my town but that's what PWPS are for!

My town of Mar?ng and my Mayor Vivianne, took me 2 resets to get the map I wanted. Native fruit is apple (not my favorite but It'll do). I really like the layout so far especially that I have 2 beaches and both are easy to reach. I already love it's potential.
I'm back at it again with a fresh new town! Not the perfect map, but I'm sure I'll be happy with it eventually.


Just restarted today and I'm pretty happy with my new town layout.
I do kind of wish the plaza was in the center but I love everything else.

After two nearly full days of resetting, I finally got the river I wanted with the south-facing ramp that lines up perfectly with the dock, and apples as my main fruit, and rocks that don't get in my way. So many times, foiled by maps that looked perfect and were ruined by poor rock placement...
I did not know what i was doing on June 9th 2013 so i dont really like my layout but i can live with it.
ACNL Layout.jpg
I did not know what i was doing on June 9th 2013 so i dont really like my layout but i can live with it.

I have almost the same exact map as you but what surprises me is that you seem to have too many ponds. Not that it's bad or anything (personal preference). I only have like, one. Awesome map regardless!
I hacked it to get the houses so even.. now I can't anymore since I have an old3ds. Cherry has moved in since, so her house is literally 1 space more north than the others'. I'm pretty happy her house wasn't placed further.
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I hacked it to get the houses so even.. now I can't anymore since I have an old3ds. Cherry has moved in since, so her house is literally 1 space more north than the others'. I'm pretty happy her house wasn't placed further.

Lovely! I really like how the mayor has her own space for her house. :)