
Say hello to my new second town! (I reset my physical copy, it was only a storage / cycle town anyway. Irisvale is still alive.)
❀ Mayor Seraphine(aka Seraph) of Seikaiju ❀
Theme: Zen/Oriental Japan Town.
? River Shape! I loooove this one.
? Blue Train Station(again) and Green Town Hall! The Zen Renovation will take priority of these, but I think the green interior from the original would look really nice with the Zen one!
? Apples as Native Fruit! I love Perfect Apples, they're so pretty!
? Circle Grass again! (Which means I also got Star Snow!)
? Nice player house area!
? Lots of space for projects and stuff!
? I have 7 rocks! All out of the way, too. ☆
? Once again, the starting villagers. None of them fit the town's theme, so they'll have to leave. Naomi somewhat fits, but the villagers I have in mind fit the overall Zen Town theme way more than she does. Once I get the PWPs I need from her, she's out.
? None! This layout is just as perfect as Irisvale's!