Awesome @squidpops I like your map, the layout is really cool! Also you got peaches? Lucky~
This my new town, Cosmos! I created it today for the 1/1 challenge. I like the layout because it is different from all the other towns I have had before. I put my house at the near-bottom left corner on the smaller area of land. I love how there is one stretched beach and a small beach, both with slopes!
My villagers are: Benedict, Lyman, Monty, Velma and Melba (I love Melba, she is one of my dreamies!)
View attachment 213137
Awesome @squidpops I like your map, the layout is really cool! Also you got peaches? Lucky~
This my new town, Cosmos! I created it today for the 1/1 challenge. I like the layout because it is different from all the other towns I have had before. I put my house at the near-bottom left corner on the smaller area of land. I love how there is one stretched beach and a small beach, both with slopes!
My villagers are: Benedict, Lyman, Monty, Velma and Melba (I love Melba, she is one of my dreamies!)
View attachment 213137
Awesome @squidpops I like your map, the layout is really cool! Also you got peaches? Lucky~
This my new town, Cosmos! I created it today for the 1/1 challenge. I like the layout because it is different from all the other towns I have had before. I put my house at the near-bottom left corner on the smaller area of land. I love how there is one stretched beach and a small beach, both with slopes!
My villagers are: Benedict, Lyman, Monty, Velma and Melba (I love Melba, she is one of my dreamies!)
View attachment 213137
I've been wanting to post my map for a bit now, so here it is!
View attachment 213165
I really like that there's not many ponds everywhere, because it would become crowded very fast. I had enough room to do a private camp area in the upper left corner which I'm really happy about. I did a main town area in the upper right corner. The rest of the areas I made tree/bush pathways to give it a "forest feeling" and I love where my waterfall is facing. Overall, I'm very content.
There are some really great maps that people have been posting from their towns and I've been loving browsing through this thread!
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This was my 3rd ACNL village after I accidentally reset my town once and then intentionally reset my town for the Welcome amiibo update (I didn't get any money for it either...) Aside from that I didn't reset to pick out the map. So this was just a raw village layout.
Town Fruit: Peaches
I like where the plaza, town hall and Retail are placed, but I wish I put my camp site somewhere else. I'm fine with my house placement though.
As far as villager are concerned, I got Erik, Tia and Becky as some of my initials. Erik and Tia's houses are pretty much in the perfect positions and they are my top 3 villagers I will not allow to move. My current villagers are as follows:
Erik, Tia, Fang, Merengue, Agent S, Stitches, Becky, Lucky and Lionel
I didn't know too much about the ideal town when I made this one, but I like how it turned out.
(P.S. Way too many ponds though XD)