Here's my new map! I've been resetting a lot the last couple of months, finding little annoying things on the maps I picked or not liking the villagers or rocks on the map...
So I few days ago I was map resetting for more than an hour when I was like "Darn this, I've had it. Next time I start the game, I AM going to pick a map and just learn to live with it."
I put the game away for a hour, the settle my mind on that idea (cause I was kind of on a resetting spree, I knew I would not be able to resist the urge to just keep resetting at that moment).
So this was the.. third (?) map Rover presented to me.
And I am so so very happy with it~! Eek!
Starting villagers are: Groucho, Felicity, Cousteau, Francine and Nana.
- Brown Train Station roof.
- Circle grass
- Apples
- All main buildings (Town Hall, Town Plaza and Retail) are on the top half
(without the possibility of a villager plotting behind it)
- Wide beach
- A nice area for my house, I can make a whole front-garden!
- The bottom half of the map has no rocks at all! And I only have like 5-6 rocks in total
- I don't feel any attachment to the starting villagers, though Nana is growing on me =)
- Apparently, where I wanted to plant my first perfect apple tree is a dead spot, so the sapling died...
- I cannot think of any other so far!