Post Your Town Map

Decided to reset my last town and honestly, I don't regret it, as I found a town which I like even more


Fruit: Peach

Train Station: Red

Town Hall: Purple/grey (?)

Just to point out one thing: I did not plot reset the villager's houses. They all moved in like that on
their own. My first 5 starters are the 4 which houses standing next to each other and one of the two
on the right bottom corner. Not only do I love the town layout in general but also of how my villagers
placed their houses.
Just recently restarted!

Town of Divinia
Link bc I'm on mobile

-Skye was one of my starters, and a dreamie!
-nice location for a town center
- re-tail and the town hall are placed closely together, wich I like
-lots of nooks and crannies for houses
-private beach is a plus


-green train station, but I'm planning on changing it anyway
-not the best place for a Pond, a bit close to the campsite
-skye's house is a bit close to the beach ramp
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I don't manage to insert a picture in my post, so I have to post a link, I'm sorry :(

I didn't resert for this map but I tried to choose the best among the 4. The most important things for me were : no private beach, town hall at the extreme north, and no thin piece of land because of the river.
The funny think is that I bougjt both my 3DS and the game the same day, so when I was starting to play the game my 3DS console ran out of battery and turned off just during the saving at the tree ceremony as I was picking the charger ahahah If this didn't happen I would have a different map today :p

My native fruit is the pear and I got the square grass.

I don't think of any problem with this map, just maybe the Plaza which is really close to the cliff... But since the campgrounp is there there is at least an opening to the left :)
The second thing I kind of regret is the location of my Mayor's house (in yellow) . When I started the game I was surprised we could choose the location of our house ourselves, but I thought there would be some restrictions like we could build our house where there were trees... So I put it there. That'd not that bad actually but it could have been better.

Anyway it is really interesting to see other's town maps with all the differencies :D
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Mayor Brittany of Seaside!
Native fruit: oranges
Villagers: Diana - Etoile - Rudy
Deirdre - Tangy
Chief - Beau - Marshal (single House?s on the left going down)
Merengue - Chai (two houses by themselves on the right)
I?ve reset so many times in the past, lol
Overall I?m pretty happy with the layout. There?s a TON of rocks, which I really wish I could move. (I mean you can move rocks in IRL, let me do it in ACNL lmao)
I wanted all my villagers in a single line (maybe two) but couldn?t get it to fit no matter what way I tried.
Still trying to figure out where I want my PWPs lol. So if anyone has suggestions on that, I will gladly take them!
On the side of Tangy?s house I had some fruit trees (like a mini fruit forest lol) and then I have a water fountain, hammock, and bench.
I was thinking of putting the police station on the right of town hall. Maybe the campsite in the little pocket by the bridge that?s behind my house.

I spent a lot of time pathing this town, which I haven?t done in the past. So I think I?ll stay here for a while, lol

I've had this town for over 5 years, and I'm extremely happy with this layout. I am a sucker for symmetry so having a somewhat uniform map is important

-Centralized town plaza
-Villager placement, thank goodness for plot resetting
-A winding river
-Private beach
-Large southern beach for landscaping

-Limited open space, the river creates long and narrow plots of land
-Re-tail is far from the beach
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Maps of my towns in sig.

Things I love:

Both my towns have Town Hall, Retail, Police Station and Cafe all lined up on the same "street".

All my character houses are also lined up on the same "street" .

All my villagers houses are along the beach.

There's lots of room for all my PWP's.
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An update to my town Vanit?a with all permanent PWPs. It took my villagers 4 years to request the police station... but now I finally got it. :)
What I like most about the layout is that there are 6 ponds which all have different shapes and the private beach.


If you want to visit Vanit?a, this is the dream address: 6B00-00B6-5AE2
An update to my town Vanit?a with all permanent PWPs. It took my villagers 4 years to request the police station... but now I finally got it. :)
What I like most about the layout is that there are 6 ponds which all have different shapes and the private beach.

View attachment 230968

If you want to visit Vanit?a, this is the dream address: 6B00-00B6-5AE2

that’s a lovely map!

- - - Post Merge - - -

An update to my town Vanit?a with all permanent PWPs. It took my villagers 4 years to request the police station... but now I finally got it. :)
What I like most about the layout is that there are 6 ponds which all have different shapes and the private beach.

View attachment 230968

If you want to visit Vanit?a, this is the dream address: 6B00-00B6-5AE2

that?s a lovely map!

Town name: Zestoria
Mayor: Semla
Grass shape: Circles
Town fruit: Peaches
Starting villagers: Maple, Marcel, Claudia, Poncho and Pippy.

I really like the placements of re-tail, the plaza and town hall. Symmetrical and nice, the villagers houses are randomly scooped together but I think it's cute.
Only thing I dont like is that I got peaches it's my least favorite fruit.😔 The villagers are ok, but no dreamies sadly.
The town of Lockdown!



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I sold my previous town and restarted until I finally settled on this map..It took almost 20 resets 😓. My previous town had really small pieces of land and a lot of river going through it, so for my new town I wanted as much land as possible.

It gave me alot of space to organize villager homes into neighborhoods, but tbh it's way too much land. Having a curvy river gave more interesting and variation in landscaping in my opinion. I have some regrets


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here's mine!! it's still a work in progress but I absolutely love it.
-villagers and buildings are all clustered together

-kind of cramped at times, hard to place PWPs
Town : Rêville
Mayor : Théau
Villagers : Rolf, Tabby, Monique, Sheldon, Walt, Benjamin, Cherry, Leonardo
Bank : 186996856 Bells

The circle is a pokeball made of flower
I put the garden_plus.dat in a Zip file


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Now that I finally have 10 villagers plotted exactly where I want them, I figured it was time to post my map of my second town, Nocturne. I'm really happy with it. I reset for this exact river shape with open areas in the North to place my houses. It surprisingly didn't take too long.

Nocturne Map.jpg

My villagers are lined up on either side of the main pathway. My mayor's house is separated from the rest of the town by an extensive garden. The entire area surrounding the Event Plaza is a fancy Topiary Garden that is still in the works. I plan to have a second character place their house just to the right of Town Hall and it will mostly be a public building. I'm still working on moving my dream villagers into place, but now that I've got Bruce and Hans, I have Amiibo cards for the rest so it's just a matter of time.

Native Fruit: Orange but it's irrelevant since all the fruit trees will be tucked away in the upper left sliver of land.
Grass Shape: Square...I think. It wasn't important to me.
Town Hall: Green
Train Station: Blue
Dream Villagers: Hans, Rhonda, Bruce, Yuka, Zell, Diva, Jay, Becky, Rodeo, Pango
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I had a town for 4 years named Pawnee (I saw myself as Leslie Knope HAHA) but deleted because I felt awkward with everything. I didn't like my villagers and so on. I started a new one but messed up some TT and plot resetting and didn't like the result. The thing is, I liked the map so much I couldn't find a new one that matched the previous one.

BUT after a week of trying I found the perfect one


It's call Wyddin, with apple as its native fruit and triangle grass! (i just found out that!) I think I have orange train station?

What I love about it:

- My house is in a secluded place (tho I builded a bridge there so it's easier to navigate)
- Re-tail is in a short way to the beach.
- Only two ponds (more space for building!)
- Good position of Town hall and plaza.
- Really long beach with two slopes and a little private beach.
- The land up my house is a little park with a fountain in the middle.

Some cons I guess?

- The house next to the campground is Sterling's and at first it was kinda awkward but i have grown to love it.
- I can't seem to come up with plan. I'm not that enthusiast for symmetrical patterns and I feel like the houses distribuited "around" the plaza is kinda nice.

Any ideas for the top right part or the map in general?
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I had a town for 4 years named Pawnee (I saw myself as Leslie Knope HAHA) but deleted because I felt awkward with everything. I didn't like my villagers and so on. I started a new one but messed up some TT and plot resetting and didn't like the result. The thing is, I liked the map so much I couldn't find a new one that matched the previous one.

BUT after a week of trying I found the perfect one


It's call Wyddin, with apple as its native fruit and triangle grass! (i just found out that!) I think I have orange train station?

What I love about it:

- My place is in a secluded place (tho I builded a bridge there so it's easier to navigate)
- Re-tail is a short way to the beach.
- Only two ponds (more space for building!)
- Good position of Town hall and plaza
- Really long beach with two slopes and a little private beach
- The land up my house it's a little park with a fountain in the middle.

Some cons I guess?

- The house next to the campground is Sterling's and at first it was kinda awkward but i have grown to love it.
- I can't seem to come up with plan. I'm not that enthusiast for symmetrical patterns and I feel like the houses distribuited "around" the plaza is kinda nice.

Any ideas for the top right part or the map in general?
Nice layout! I love that your house is secluded. Mine is surrounded by villagers. I guess when they saw where I built mine, they all wanted to be close to the Mayor, lol.