Post Your Town Map

My town map <3

I'm not sure how good or bad my town map is. It was the first option, due to me being brand new at Animal Crossing and not even thinking about there being multiple options for my map, I chose this one.
I've grown to love it honestly. There are pros and cons of course; I love the shape of the river, I love the location i picked for my house, but i also hate the small beach i cant get to, the long walk from the dock to Re-Tail and the fact I had to eventually save up the bells for a bridge to make my life a hell of a lot easier.
Anyway, opinions? My native fruit is orange, which I dont mind but dont love either.
After some back and forth upon realizing the first layout chosen wasn?t working quite as dreamed when placing permanent PWPs, I decided... screw it,, let?s sell and try again |D so, here is... Stardust! (2.0)

-Native fruit is pears... I was really hoping for peaches or apples |D
-Eight flippin rocks, two in weird places right in front of town hall.
-I?m not exactly fond of that lake right in front of Re-Tail |D
- The upper right having the Narrow Strip, I would?ve preferred a wider space, but...

-Nice neat river, with a southern fall!
-Eastern cliff! I really wanted one of those.
-The major buildings all in the same area, it makes the perfect ?social center? for town!
-There May be many, but the rock placement doesn?t get in the way of major building projects.
-Narrow strip can still hold a house and one 2x2 PWP! Which is necessary for a resident |D
-I have absolutely 0 attachments to these villagers so I can safely cycle them out.
-Huge clear spaces for campground, park, Roost and station building!

All in all, I?m feeling pretty nice about this map... which was the very first one presented upon the very first try! Thanks Rover!
Here is my town:
I created Galton 2 months ago but I almost didn't use it because I took a break. However, I'm back :D
The native fruit is the apple. I like the shape of the river and the placement of the buildings. Besides, rocks are not a problem to build and I like the ubication of the three ponds, the beaches and the open spaces. I hope you like it ;)
Millet, I love your map of Galton! The bridges are in really good locations, and I love that diagonal one. I also love where you put your campground, in that remote location between the river and the railroad tracks.

Right now I have three towns, and here are the maps:

1. Chicago: Home of Mayor Polly, Joanne, and Hyacinth. Created July 29, 2018. Native fruit is the apple. This town has the best PWP's and feels the most spacious for some reason.


2. Delphi: Home of Mayor Iolanthe and Kathryn. Created November 2, 2018. Native fruit is the apple. This town is decorated with purple roses that I really like, but I could take them to a new town. Iolanthe is a character that I recreated from one of my older towns, that I destroyed to make this one.


3. Hillsfar: Home of Mayor Alyce, Daphne, and Theo. Created December 21, 2018. Native fruit is the pear. I love the name of this town more than the other town names (it is the name of an old game I played many years ago). This is the newest town and I have been neglecting everything except my failed attempts at growing blue roses. So, the animals are mad at all three residents and the town is not as well developed as it could be.


I love all three maps, but I am going to destroy and re-start one of the towns sometime in March because I am getting a little bored (and this is my solution to ACNL boredom). It's hard to choose! I love all three maps. Definitely Chicago should stay. I think probably Hillsfar should be the one destroyed.
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I've restarted my town four times over the years, and this time I've gotten the map I love the most! I was after peaches as well as townhall and Re-Tail being next to each other. Reset/sold my town a couple dozen times to finally meet those requirements and also got this wonderful off-to-the-side river. I'm gonna build my campsite over there after Samson moves out.

Love your off-to-the side river, ButtstonCrossing! That leaves you so much open space in the rest of your map.
I just restarted a new town, and I’m already getting jealous of all the nice town maps here :D
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this is my town map in my very new town, buxom! i love the minimal river, but i will definitely need to get the villagers living in unfortunate places (such as blocking a route to retail) to move out at some point. a shame, but needed. i'm not too sure if i'll try and add more character houses, or just leave my mayor as-is on her lonesome!

this is my town map in my very new town, buxom! i love the minimal river, but i will definitely need to get the villagers living in unfortunate places (such as blocking a route to retail) to move out at some point. a shame, but needed. i'm not too sure if i'll try and add more character houses, or just leave my mayor as-is on her lonesome!

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Oh we have almost the same map, though my plaza is in place of retail, retail in town hall's and town hall is in plaza's place. Same placement of mayor's house too, good tastes friend. I highly recommend a courtyard for the empty area in front of the house

This the map to my town Luna:) I reset my town 3 times and this has been my favorite map.
I really like the river and how there’s only one pond. There are still a lot of changes to made such as changing some villagers for some dreamies. There are a lot of rocks through my town but not too annoying. I like the plazas placement and I like where I put the campsite.
My current villagers are: Pudge, Sprinkle, Tia, Diana, Tom, Lily, Marshal, Sydney, and Gala. Atleast 3 of these will be moved out.
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Terrible picture quality ahead:

My new town, Faebi.
I had it like for a week now.

Vivian, Dodie, Wolfgang, Lolly (Starter), Monique(Starter), Erik(Starter), Zell, Pashmina, Sparro (Starter) and Anicotti (Starter).

I like the layout a lot, but the only problem is where Anicotti's house is located!
It's a big problem when wanting to go down to the dock.
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Terrible picture quality ahead:

My new town, Faebi.
I had it like for a week now.

Vivian, Dodie, Wolfgang, Lolly (Starter), Monique(Starter), Erik(Starter), Zell, Pashmina, Sparro (Starter) and Anicotti (Starter).

I like the layout a lot, but the only problem is where Anicotti's house is located!
It's a big problem when wanting to go down to the dock.

That is a really cute map! I like so many things about it. But yeah, as much as I actually like Anicotti, she would have to go because of that house placement.
I posted this somewhere else, but this is a far more appropriate place for it.

My mayor lives in the south-central portion of the map. I removed the third bridge while I am trying to get a different bridge PWP, but it is directly under the northern-most bridge giving the mayor a clear path to city hall.

The southwest portion of the map is the main living hub. The northern portion is largely forested (I like that my cranky villager lives by himself in the far northeast portion of the map).

In the southeastern corner, the map is a lot more open, but the lighthouse is in the corner and there is a solar panel nearby. In the small bump in the river between the waterfall and the lake is a windmill. Very green economy, here in Hollywoo.

No paths in the town, for what it is worth. I play dangerous games.
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Town: Salem
Native Fruit: Peach
Current Villagers


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Millet, I love your map of Galton! The bridges are in really good locations, and I love that diagonal one. I also love where you put your campground, in that remote location between the river and the railroad tracks.

Right now I have three towns, and here are the maps:

1. Chicago: Home of Mayor Polly, Joanne, and Hyacinth. Created July 29, 2018. Native fruit is the apple. This town has the best PWP's and feels the most spacious for some reason.


2. Delphi: Home of Mayor Iolanthe and Kathryn. Created November 2, 2018. Native fruit is the apple. This town is decorated with purple roses that I really like, but I could take them to a new town. Iolanthe is a character that I recreated from one of my older towns, that I destroyed to make this one.


3. Hillsfar: Home of Mayor Alyce, Daphne, and Theo. Created December 21, 2018. Native fruit is the pear. I love the name of this town more than the other town names (it is the name of an old game I played many years ago). This is the newest town and I have been neglecting everything except my failed attempts at growing blue roses. So, the animals are mad at all three residents and the town is not as well developed as it could be.


I love all three maps, but I am going to destroy and re-start one of the towns sometime in March because I am getting a little bored (and this is my solution to ACNL boredom). It's hard to choose! I love all three maps. Definitely Chicago should stay. I think probably Hillsfar should be the one destroyed.

I seriously love all of these so much. I love those little secluded beaches. Quite jealous!
Hello everyone. Here is my town Vergazon.
The official fruit is the peach.
There is Antonio, Pinky, Harry, Mallary, Skye, Broccolo, Keaton, Lobo, and Mathilda.
I remember when I started to play this game, I restarted 3 times my game to have the perfect map 😛

Hello everyone. Here is my town Vergazon.
The official fruit is the peach.
There is Antonio, Pinky, Harry, Mallary, Skye, Broccolo, Keaton, Lobo, and Mathilda.
I remember when I started to play this game, I restarted 3 times my game to have the perfect map &#55357;&#56859;

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Love your map! Especially your town tree and re-tail being close to Main Street. That little cliff that sticks out near your house is also one of those map features I love and was really happy to get in one of my towns too! Perfect for a little PWP or stump to sit on overlooking the water :>
i just took the first map that appeared and have no idea if it's a good map or not ;; any feedback would be appreciated!
i just took the first map that appeared and have no idea if it's a good map or not ;; any feedback would be appreciated!

That's actually a nice looking map, I like it! In my opinion, this map has a lot of potential. I also
like the placement of those two bridges on the left site.