Post Your Town Map

photo (2).jpg Mine :)

Town fruit: Apples
Town name: PinkLeaf
Mayor: Kay
Favorite Villager: Jeremiah
Here's Mine. I picked it before I cared about landscaping, and it's been kind of hard to work around the ponds and the 7+ rocks. It's grown on me though, and I love how cozy it feels uwu I really wish I could move my mayor's house a little bit further away from the cliff & Hazel's out from behind my pattern mule's :p Lucky's house looks like it's in a really bad position behind the town hall, but it lines up perfectly in my town with my landscaping and the path to his home lines up nicely with my main one ^.^
My native fruit is the pear & I have square shaped grass.​
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This was my first town map a few weeks ago when I first started: HNI_0086.JPG
My native fruit was oranges and triangle grass, so yay. I liked how the tree was in the middle~ but I messed up the town so I restarted lol

This is my current town map: HNI_0065.jpg
My native fruit is Peaches (for some weird reason I wanted peaches for a town fruit or apples) and it also has triangle grass. The one in the middle now is the town hall and the layout is pretty much the same as my first town :3 it took like 900+ maps before I got to that and I have 3 of my dreams originally on that map so I went for it :3
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How do you screenshot your map? I only know how to screenshot the top portion of the 3DS. And how do you upload them somewhere? Can you upload them from the 3DS itself? Because my computer does not have a slot for the memory card.
How do you screenshot your map? I only know how to screenshot the top portion of the 3DS. And how do you upload them somewhere? Can you upload them from the 3DS itself? Because my computer does not have a slot for the memory card.

Go to isabelle and ask to destroy pwp, it'll show a picture of your map in on the top screen and you can take a screen shot
I love that you have all your main shops on the top, almost in a row! :D
OOO and so much space to work with on the top portion! I love it! But, those two houses by the tent would bother me so much be being down 1-2 spaces.

Your map is great Sholee:eek:
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Go to isabelle and ask to destroy pwp, it'll show a picture of your map in on the top screen and you can take a screen shot

How did you manage to get them all in a line xD
That's so cool!

- - - Post Merge - - -

This isn't real, surely?
The house is too close to the tent.

Would be awesome to have their houses like that though...
Go to isabelle and ask to destroy pwp, it'll show a picture of your map in on the top screen and you can take a screen shot

I heard the only way was to use Miiverse. I smell a conspiracy. Nintendo are hiring people to make guides which involve using Miiverse.
Here's mine


I'm really happy about the placement of the buildings. It's like a mini plaza/
My town fruit are apples and I have circular grass.

and if any of you are wondering, I just edited my villagers' houses out
image.jpgMy town name is Tropican and the animal villagers are:
Kid Cat, Rosie, Cookie, Phoebe, Chief, Mitzi, Lily, Kitty, Julian, and Wolfgang
Keeping underlined villagers!
Native fruit is Peach
I never resetted my town!
Dream address:4600-4225-0743
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My town is very similar! My is yhe mirror image with the second pond right below the train station and town hall above the plaza. Love this set up!
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Here's mine! BvIYAcmCUAMP_1_.jpg
The houses in my signature with a pitfall are subject to move, but other than that I love my map <3 My river with the placements of the bridges are satisfying to me.
Town: Ooo
Mayor: Fionna
Fruit: Pear
Favorite villager: Lucky

the only thing i dislike are the two ponds beside re-tail, but other than that, i love it. i'm gonna try to get all of my villagers' houses down in that bottom part of the map... sigh