Post Your Town Map

here's my pride & joy:


Why I love it:
• Residential area (when I started it 4/5 villagers were grouped together so I kept it like that)
• ONE POND (ponds get in the way of everything)
• event plaza in the middle of the map
• town hall is out of the way
• retail is out of the way & fairly close to the station
• town fruit that is NOT pears
• east beach!

your map is absolute perfection
here's my pride & joy:


Why I love it:
? Residential area (when I started it 4/5 villagers were grouped together so I kept it like that)
? ONE POND (ponds get in the way of everything)
? event plaza in the middle of the map
? town hall is out of the way
? retail is out of the way & fairly close to the station
? town fruit that is NOT pears
? east beach!

literal perfection.
my maps are similar but this right here is bomb
Upper middle and the guy on the upper right of my house are moving, rest are keepers. Cafe goes right above the bridge. I rather like it c:

And Yūyake:
This is an old pic of one of the maps I got when I was map resetting, all starter villagers houses aligned~

Ohh why didn't you keep it? also, I never knew your da was in your sig!

I visited your town and loved it. :D


it wasn't the map i was looking for, it was superrrr close but not "the map"
yeah i put my DC out there to get some suggestions but im still workin on it
i have like no PWPs, my villagers dont like to suggest the nice ones even when I do the diving trick. :(
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literal perfection.
my maps are similar but this right here is bomb

; v; thank you so much!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

and here are my other maps!

This is my second town, Lullaby

And this is オネット (Onett)

(here's hoping the images work)
This is my town: Woodfall

Animal Crossing town map 2014 web.jpg

And with paths and buildings

Animal Crossing town map 2014 with buildings + paths web.jpg

It's a bit older then how it is now. The villager right next to my cafe is moving out one of these days.
I'm doubting if I should reset, because I feel like the cafe needs to be a little to the right (where the house is), so my paths are better. I like everything else about it. The river layout, the plaza and town hall are super and I have made a forest next to the campsite. I love my villagers Freya, Shep and Cherry, don't care much for the rest but I barely let anyone go.
What do you guys think about my map?
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Town name: Tresburg, I really wanted to name it Vasstillionsburg but character limits and all...:(

Native fruit: Pears, in RL I can't stand pears, so that's far from perfect but I'm not that bothered because...

Other fruits: Cherries, Peaches, Bananas.

Number of resets: 0. That's how much I like the layout!

I couldn't believe my luck. River with South facing waterfall, with quick access from top to bottom, as I don't have to go to the other side of the river other than to collect my fruit, check the campsite and visit my villagers on that side. Plus retail is near my house, with both near to the town hall and the shopping district. Plus the plaza is near the town hall, a bonus. The only problem is that I have to walk around the river, but I'm planning for a second bridge south of the other, making it very simple to travel around. Can't wait.

I really like how everything wound up, and I'm working on landscaping and some other stuff at the moment.
What do you think?

I have been resetting for 2 hours. What do you think?


• Central Town Plaza
• Apples as native fruit with circle grass
• Private Beach (Pirate's beach)
• Residential area can be used at the very tops of the map, and can avoid annoying villager houses anywhere else on the map.
• One pond only. They're annoying and get in the way.
• Retail is close enough to the dock
• Town hall and retail and nicely aligned
• No rocks or annoying pathways in front of the train station
• Private housing with a close entry to the beach

• I think no villagers are keepers
• The river is wider dead in the middle (unable to place bridge)
• No south waterfall



What's your opinion and where do you think I should place cafe/police station/campsite/etc? Thanks! ;-) Also, where should I place the bridges?


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Animal Crossing Map.jpg

This is an older version, though. I have some more things added in on the current one. Anyway, I have a thing for having my plaza in the center so that's why I did so many resets just to get one. I also like how the Town Hall and Re-tail are on different parts of the island but not too far away.
View attachment 67114

I really like how everything wound up, and I'm working on landscaping and some other stuff at the moment.


the only thing is, is it's too crowded around townhall with all those character houses there?
do you have a dc yet?? :D i would love to come check it out
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View attachment 67114

I really like how everything wound up, and I'm working on landscaping and some other stuff at the moment.

:eek: I think you deserve an award for how the villagers are in perfect alignment!

and here's my own town map:

I didn't reset but I don't really like how there's a tiny patch of beach left in one corner. Otherwise I'm pretty satisfied.
:eek: I think you deserve an award for how the villagers are in perfect alignment!

and here's my own town map:
View attachment 67323

I didn't reset but I don't really like how there's a tiny patch of beach left in one corner. Otherwise I'm pretty satisfied.

I really LOVE your river!! Especially the bridges connecting it :)