Post Your Town Map

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My current town called ☆Magica☆

This is how Magica turned out so far...

and I'm still poor...

Okay, it doesn't really look any different xD but that's because you can't see the pwps on the map...

The house on the "peninsula"/in the middle belongs to Colton, who's moving out soon. I'm going to turn that huge (100 % undeveloped) area into something cool. I don't have any ideas yet though xD
I still have much left to do in this town and I'm so very happy that there's still so much space :p
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My map of Hot Mess!

- My nice villager neighborhood I have going!
- Town Hall and the square in the upper left
- Big area under station for garden
- The entire area behind and the the left of my house is my personal hedge maze
- All that space in the lower right for me to organize and reorganize
- Lower pond is great for a bamboo garden
- Apparently circle grass is good???

- Still not sure what to do with the upper right area
- Kiki moved really close, but at the same time, we're great neighbors!
- Kinda wish my house had more of a front yard but oh well
- My paths kinda cut up the lower right into much smaller bits, but I'm working on ideas.
- Not much room on the left to do stuff with, and I don't want to move out Fuchsia just yet...
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My alt town map, which took me about 6 hours of resetting to get. :D It's basically everything I wanted: primarily vertical river with most of the land mass on one side of the map. No massive private beach (I know a lot of people love private beaches, but I really don't). Only 1-2 ponds. And most importantly, LOTS of room for PWPs. I'm putting all the villagers into two "neighborhoods" via plot reset, leaving most of the map open for whatever I want to do to it. ... except for Snake, whose house is the one to the left of town hall, and who appeared when I failed at reset trick. But he should be moving out soon, given that I talked to him once when he was in boxes and have been completely ignoring him since, which allegedly triggers a move-out fairly fast. :p

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My alt town map, which took me about 6 hours of resetting to get. :D It's basically everything I wanted: primarily vertical river with most of the land mass on one side of the map. No massive private beach (I know a lot of people love private beaches, but I really don't). Only 1-2 ponds. And most importantly, LOTS of room for PWPs. I'm putting all the villagers into two "neighborhoods" via plot reset, leaving most of the map open for whatever I want to do to it. ... except for Snake, whose house is the one to the left of town hall, and who appeared when I failed at reset trick. But he should be moving out soon, given that I talked to him once when he was in boxes and have been completely ignoring him since, which allegedly triggers a move-out fairly fast. :p

Nice map! the direct route from the station to the town square (once snake is gone) makes me think it'd be awesome for a vertical, 3-tile-wide path! (I want one, but still am thinking about a good place to put it....)
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This my town of Unknown. It was the second map Rover showed me, but the second bridge by the blue house (my husband's house) just got put in today.
The little pond right outside the train station is a bit annoying, but I'm thinking about putting in some benches or maybe a bus stop there to make it look nice.
That's a good idea. Just imagine how exhausted people/animals from far off regions would be after the long train ride.

And it's cool how five of your villagers are clustered in the same area.
ONLY Town: Eldin
Mayor: Bethany
Fruit: Cherries
Favorite Villager: Kid Cat

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- My native fruit
- The small 'private beach'
- Placement of the Plaza, Re-Tail and Town Hall

- Placement of Campsite, Caf? and Police station
- Large grass area in the bottom left corner
- Amount of ponds
- Majority of villager house placements
- My own house placement
- River shape

I pretty much hate my town layout. Not going to reset though.

Town Map of SunnyCal.

- Town Plaza is isolated and is centered perfectly!
- Round grass
- Re-Tail & Town Hall placement is right by the Station.
- Campsite is set up nicely near the waterfall.
- My house is overlooking the beach and I've got two of my favorite villagers next door (Bluebear & Mira).

- Dotty & Rodney's house placement in the Town Plaza. I wanted to do some PWPs where there house is located (benches, lighthouse, and streetlamps) but I can't now. I'm so torn cause I love the two and I can't let them go!
Just made this and want to hear some comments. xD


PS.: Dream town hasn't been updated in over two months.
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- Most of my villagers are all on the seafront, complete chance, haven't did a reset once.
- Plaza location is spot on, same with town hall.
- ONE pond!! I absolutely hate ponds, so one was brilliant enough.
- I love oranges so good job that was my perfect fruit brewing
- Lot of open grass space to complete my Forest theme.

- Re-tail is far from the station, so I have to escort visitors quite a distance
- Pointless bit of beach on the right hand side of the map, I've not gone there for a long long time.

That's pretty much it tbh.

This is my wonderful, wonderful town of Honbijou!

I took a hiatus because I deleted my town, in order to give New Leaf to my younger siblings as an early birthday present. I hadn't realised that they would like Animal Crossing so much, but regardless, I don't regret it.

This is a town I feel is worth keeping. u v u I'm not exactly OCD, as disorders are very serious and shouldn't be used jokingly in respect of those who legitimately have it, but I will admit that I'm very much attached to symmetry and purpose, so I had many a criteria for my 'perfect' town. Fortunately, I found a map that had all of it! I enjoy absolutely everything about it. Granted, I want my neighbours to, eventually, gather all around my house and the lower-left side of the map, but I'm patient and willing to let them live in their areas as long as they'd like. o v o

And again, I restarted... But I didn't restart because I didn't like my old map any more, it is because my old town got deleted by accident... Anyway, I like my new town map better than the old one because the town plaza is in the center of town, which is far more meaningful to me than having it in the corner of the map. Thank god I got triangle grass again. Squares and circles wouldn't have been that a problem either, but in this case I got luck and got what I wanted :) and I also like about my new town map that it is symmetrical.

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And again, I restarted... But I didn't restart because I didn't like my old map any more, it is because my old town got deleted by accident... Anyway, I like my new town map better than the old one because the town plaza is in the center of town, which is far more meaningful to me than having it in the corner of the map. Thank god I got triangle grass again. Squares and circles wouldn't have been that a problem either, but in this case I got luck and got what I wanted :) and I also like about my new town map that it is symmetrical.

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Love the position of the Plaza and bridges :)
Here's mine:

Beau was one of the bottom houses, he's no longer there - but I'll be cycling for him and will put him in that generic area ;D

What does everyone think of mine, i think its simple but i love it :3

It's too bad town hall & retail are so far apart and I'm not a big fan of split beaches - it sucks to fish on them.

That pond right at the entrance to your town would have been a deal breaker for me and the ponds near your house and Re-tail may make navigating a challenge.

But I guess all that matters is that you like it.
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This is my wonderful, wonderful town of Honbijou!

I took a hiatus because I deleted my town, in order to give New Leaf to my younger siblings as an early birthday present. I hadn't realised that they would like Animal Crossing so much, but regardless, I don't regret it.

This is a town I feel is worth keeping. u v u I'm not exactly OCD, as disorders are very serious and shouldn't be used jokingly in respect of those who legitimately have it, but I will admit that I'm very much attached to symmetry and purpose, so I had many a criteria for my 'perfect' town. Fortunately, I found a map that had all of it! I enjoy absolutely everything about it. Granted, I want my neighbours to, eventually, gather all around my house and the lower-left side of the map, but I'm patient and willing to let them live in their areas as long as they'd like. o v o

I am so, so incredibly jealous of your town and I was resetting for days to get a map just like this but gave up and kept the one I have now. I absolutely love this map, it is gorgeous.
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