❤ Postcards from Oakheart ❤

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower
April 7: Not Again


Good news, the museum is closed to add on an art gallery. Bad news? The museum is closed for the day. I don't think Isabelle managed to capture restrained excitement. She is just a bundle full of sunshine, so she just let us have full-on excitement.


I caught Bianca sipping on some apple juice underneath a coconut tree. If this doesn't scream island paradise, I'm not sure what does.


It looks like they are really working on the museum this time! There is even a little construction board outside of it again. And who is on it? Why, it looks like the Resetti brothers are probably helping Tom Nook so he can get everything built-in time. Side note: I never thought I would be stockpiling new insects and fish to donate again. I guess those days aren't behind me yet!


Third day, third gift, and Hamphrey wanted a barrel? It isn't what I would have thought of as an Oakheart souvenir, but if he wants it then who am I to judge? After a quick talk with Tom Nook, it looks like he is ready to move in!


It is time to cash in my turnips! I'm not confident that the prices will get much higher, so I decide to sell my stash of 460 turnips at the price of 127 bells a turnip. That got me a small 7,820 bell profit. Not huge, but gains are more than losses.


I caught Leopold sitting on the bench outside of Bianca's house, so we had a little sit. I have a small problem where I really enjoy how cardboard boxes look. I raid the recycling bin from time to time and decorate my house with them! I think they make quite a nice little pile in the corner.
April 8: Too Much for One Day


Tom Nook had to go and do it. He had to go and break my little sentimental heart by giving that rousing speech. Look at how much this island has grown! We have six residents on the island now and Nook has a little sunshine assistant! There is no other feeling quite like seeing this island grow from just me, Flo, Tank, and the Nooks to a small island community. 💗


Meanwhile, Redd is lurking around again. This time, I called him out on being shady and he insisted that there was nothing sketchy going on. He will even let me know where he parked his boat so I can go and see just how legit he is. After all, it just has a few leaks, but it isn't what you think it is! Honest.


How sketchy can you be when you only weigh anchor on the little snippet of land where you still need a ladder to get there. Does Nook know you are here Redd? I bet all the bells in my pocket that he doesn't. But, I'm going to get a piece of art anyway. And all for the low, low price of 4,980 bells. It's the cousin's discount......and the Oakheart discount......not to mention free shipping?

Yeah, nothing shady here going on. Nothing at all.


Speaking of art, let's go visit the new art gallery! I wasn't expecting Blathers to stop me and talk about it, but I think I'm just as excited to hear him blather at me as he is to blather at me. Right Blathers?


The best thing about going to an art gallery is that it is quite educational. Not only do you get a snippet about the art you submitted. You also get the name of the painting, who painted it, when, and how it was painted. That's a really cool detail.

April 8th was a really busy day and we aren't done yet. Stay tuned for April 8th, Part 2!
April 8, Part 2: Details


I had heard on a podcast that someone managed to call the Rescue Service to get out of a sticky wasp situation, so I just had to try it. The only problem with that is that I got lectured on the results only being as good as the work you put in. I mean, I wanted a free pass to run away from wasps. It isn't that deep, I promise you.


But I must have taken that to heart because I took the time to do some balloon hunting. While I was out I admired an airplane trail left behind from some visitors on my island. I love that you can just stare at it and it will dissipate over time.


I never had any villagers mention the cherry blossoms before and here is Flo telling me to notice the cherry blossoms. I think they must have altered the occurrence of mentioning Bunny Day obsessively on one of the patches, because I am getting more varied dialogue through the season this time.

Of course, I have to give a shout out to Sherb referencing Van Gough's blue period. I like to think that Sherb's crayon period is just a collection of blue gradients in crayon. Or maybe just a collection of crayon doodles. Either way, it is too adorable!


While we are on the topic of Sherb, he is just adorable and precious and I got to sit next to him on a bench while he was eating a chocolate-dipped doughnut. I love him so much! He is my precious blue baby goat. If this is how other people feel with Marshal, I want to say that I think I understand now. Also I finally caught Bianca doing yoga on the beach. Whenever I tried to snap a picture of her before she would stop or just refuse to do this balance on one-foot pose again. I think Tank needs to take some lessons from being a jock from her.


The day ends with the smallest detail: Tank's footsteps by my sandcastle.
🐐 Bonus: A Conversation between Tank and Sherb 🦏


Well, obviously Tank, I think you dug yourself into a pretty big hole there. Six pack abs I can get boasting about, but eight pack? And Sherb! You need to be patient about it. Abs don't happen overnight.


I don't think Tank learned his lesson there, did he? :unsure: I should have sided with Sherb. :ROFLMAO:
April 9: Le Fashonique


Am I ever not entertained by Isabelle's non-news? Not likely! Spiced split-pea soup does sound delicious. I bet it would be fairly easy to make too.


In other news, Sable is finally warming up to me. Enough so that Mabel is calling her out on it. Leopold also decided to read under the falling cherry blossom petals. I don't remember the blossoms falling this early. I agree with Leopold. Nature has some serious style!

Side note: what do you think that they read about all the time? Do you think Leopold has a secret Maglevs in Love script?


I caught my first rare Madagascan Sunset Moth! They are so pretty! Unlike the art I bought from Redd yesterday, the moth is at least completely 100% real. I really thought there were two pieces of real art on that boat yesterday.


Speaking of the Able Sisters, look who arrived! She challenged me to dress in my best work outfit. Luckily, I just so happened to buy this pink dress shirt yesterday and I just went ahead and bought some slacks today. Perfect business outfit! I scored a pair of red Labelle socks.


I have to admit that I do still call her Labelle even though she is going by Label again. Old New Leaf habits die hard. I really believe that she will set up shop on our island eventually to be the high-end designer. She has grown so much over the games that it would be a shame if she didn't set up a permanent shop on our island.

The best little detail is that she still carries around her Gracie Grace ribbon. Maybe Gracie Grace will return as well to specialize in furniture or to compete with Label now that she is her own designer now. Who knows?

Also, bonus points for Bianca to sneak her way past Label.
April 10: Visitin'


After an extremely busy day yesterday, I will be glad to just spend a chill day on the island today. I did my Nook Miles Plus dailies and found a DIY bottle from Violet. My brother had been bugging me to go visit his island for a bit, so I decided to go do that for a little bit!


As if I need an excuse to hang out with one of my best gal pals! I love Cherry. Her design is on point and she is so sassy without being overbearing or cruel. Plus, I love the gothic punk vibe she has going on. Maybe I'll have her on my island one day.

🐟 🐠 🐟 April 11: Fishing Tourney! 🐟 🐠 🐟


It's finally here! The big excitement in the air! The event that has never ever been hosted on Oakheart before! The fishing tourney!


The fishing tourney has always been one of my favorite events because I just love to fish. I am so glad that CJ managed to shape up and be professional, yet fun over the whole thing. I didn't get the fish wand from the tourney this time, but it isn't really about the swag, right? It's about the friends you fish with along the way.


I wonder if that is why I didn't really see Marina fish too much. She mostly stayed in her house during the tourney.


After a full day of fishing fun, I relaxed a bit by the ocean and admired the Statue of Liberty in the light of the full moon.
Bonus: Super Late Night or Super Early Morning Shenanigans?


Whoops. Did anytime not mean my late-night trips when I can't sleep because I'm having a stomachache and a bad toothache rolled into one? Sorry Harv, but there are pictures I need to take to distract myself!


At least I have posters of all the villagers in my town now! I still have to go through and scan in all of my amiibo cards to get all the ones available. For now, it will be a good record of who I've had in my town!
April 12: Bunny Day!


Honestly, it wasn't a very long time before Bunny Day snuck up on me! Only playing each day for about thirty minutes to an hour simulated what it would have really been like to play ACNH outside of COVID-19. It was very pleasant and I am quite looking forward to the Bunny Day activities.


Blathers decided to reminisce about snapping turtles. My normally peppy and perky Bianca nearly bit off Tank's head. Seriously dude, don't tick off a snow leopard in an egg costume.


I decided to finally use some of my time to pay off my home loan! The good feeling lasted about two point five seconds before I decided I missed having a loan, so I took out another one.


Remember when I said all the way back on April 1 about not being sure if I would complete all of the Bunny Day activities? Yeah, I'm a bit fat liar there. Of course, I completed all of the activities. I had already collected all of the Bunny Day DIYs by the time it rolled around, so it was just down to collecting a few dozen eggs. Zipper seemed to really appreciate it. He works hard for this day! And I get to experience the joy of a massive egg hunt again.

April 13: Whaaa? There's a camper?

In the midst of getting everything upgraded, having a fishing tourney, having Bunny Day, doing all of my daily Nook Miles Plus tasks, visiting people, and generally having a blast on my island, I had forgotten that you could even get campsite villagers to come to visit naturally.


I am missing a snooty on my island and lo and behold, Eloise comes to visit us in the campsite. Now, I love elephant villagers. I think most of them are really cute. But, I have been enjoying Sherb so much that I have been thinking about the other new villagers. Cyd the Elephant, Megan the Bear, Audie the Wolf, Dom the Sheep, Raymond the Cat, and Judy the Bear Cub.

Specifically, I've been thinking of the blue, pink, and purple pastel snooty bear cub. The bear cub that is super cute and also has the exact same colorization as the Bi Pride flag. Hence my nickname: the Bi Pride bear cub.

I think I want to try to get Judy on my island. So, I did not invite Eloise to come live in town with me. I do want to get Judy on my own, so I have decided to save up all of my NMT until I have 100 tickets to go on a massive island-hopping spree to search for her. Until then, I'll just keep an eye on who shows up in my campsite. Maybe I'll get super lucky and I'll find her before I save up enough tickets to go searching for her.


More bonding with Sable over her little sister Label! I love it when families support each other. This is also another reason why I really want Label to set up shop on my island. I think it would just be a great opportunity for Sable to see her sister finally achieve her dream of becoming a big-time fashion designer.
April 14: Shattered Expectations


I bet you thought I was going to start with another Isabelle quote, didn't you? Instead, have Isabelle watering flowers instead. And yeah, that is a kappa costume. I'm a kappa now.

April 15: Are you ... me?


Today is finally the day I start getting all of my stuff back from my husband's island. He has been very patiently holding all of my stuff. It will take several trips to travel back and forth to get all of it. Honestly, I am mostly reclaiming my stuff to catalog and then sell for some extra bells on my island. That way if I want to reorder it I can and I can keep all the non-orderable stuff that I already had.

I did end up letting him have a few things. Including my wand collection. I'll collect them again and it will feel fantastic to get them all back.


It is time for Turnip Profit Day! I sold 480 turnips on my island for 267 bells each for a nice and tidy 78,240 bell profit. I immediately spent most of that profit to pay off a bridge.


I finally stopped being lazy and figured out how to decorate my pier using some of the items I earned from the fishing tourney. I feel like a real angler now! I guess I need to figure out my anglersona. I'm thinking either "The Mad Woman of the Deep" or "Long Jane Silver".

Yea? No?

I'm still workin' on it.


Marina! My darling, sweet, tender Marina! Are you me? Can we have a knitting club? Do you wear socks? We need to go over and wrangle Leopold into going to a yarn store with us. I bet we could gang up on him and make him a rather dashing scarf and hat set. I hear he likes argyle. I'll go ahead and make some tea!


I feel like this is just a big fat mood for a rainy day. If I ran around in circles in the morning while screaming really loudly, I'm sure it would wake me up too! I think Bianca is really growing on me.

Who do you think is going to be my bestie first? Bianca, Marina, or someone else?
April 16: Settling into Routines


For some reason, I really love the look of the rabbit shirt with the striped pink bellbottoms. It is one of my favorite outfits and I am tempted to wear it a lot. Knowing that I am photojournalist my adventures in Oakheart, I try to vary my clothing and I try to keep a large amount of mix and match clothing in my wardrobe to keep my storage manageable.


I have no idea what triggered this conversation from Tank, but I am starting to rack up quite a bit of Nook Miles. I should think about cashing them in soon to see if I have reached my goal of 100 NMTs. Marina decided that she wanted to move out, but I don't have her picture yet, so she can't move out. Luckily, she didn't really want to leave and was more than happy to stay!


For some reason, the peppy villagers just crack me up when they craft. They are just so eager to be the ultimate crafter, I can't help but get caught up in their enthusiasm!


Remember that bridge that we finally paid off the other day? It is time for the completion ceremony! Sadly, I did not account for that one tree and poor Marina is nearly blocked off from the group picture. Next time, Marina.


I have been buying bushes in sets of five from Leif and not expecting to get anything until Nature Day. Imagine my surprise when Leif said that I had been such a good customer that he is giving me a hedge DIY! I guess I don't have to wait until Nature Day to get that DIY recipe! And the better news is that everybody who starts ACNH after nature day will still have access to the DIY hedge recipe.


Sable has started giving me fabric patterns! I wonder how many there are an all? I think I got quite a few of them before I reset last time. And I managed to catch a new fish while doing my Nook Miles. I am always surprised when I get a fish I'm not expecting!
I’m resetting my island and since I’ve had the game since launch, I’m going to start on the 20th. I thought I was I insane for doing that, but looks like I’m not alone!

I’m usually a lurker, but I might try journaling. Yours is giving me lots of inspiration!
I’m resetting my island and since I’ve had the game since launch, I’m going to start on the 20th. I thought I was I insane for doing that, but looks like I’m not alone!

I’m usually a lurker, but I might try journaling. Yours is giving me lots of inspiration!

Definitely not alone! I do recommend time traveling at least through Easter if not all the way up to the present day. It is quite satisfying even if you have less progress at the end. I know it was the right choice for me because I am so much happier with my town this time now that I know more of what I'm doing.

I hope you have had a great time reading it! It is quite fun to do and I always recommend trying it. Especially since most of the posts in the "island journals" tabs are actually island showcases instead of island journals.
April 17: The Return of Flick


I hate that feeling of forgetting to do something. That is why I have to check my Nook Miles every time I play to at least do the x2 and (maybe) x5 modifier. Granted, I don't do every one all of the time, but I manage to get most (if not all) of them done every day. Also, Isabelle looks so upset that I really just want to give her a hug. But that isn't the exciting part of the day. The real exciting part is that Flick is in town!


The first time Flick went weirdly lizard on me with that "OuR CoNtRaCt Is BoUnD, hOOOmAn!!!!!11!!1!" stuff, I just cracked up. That was totally out of left field and I just wasn't expecting it. I think I would like Flick more if he thought he was some sort of alien lizard/bug race or something just equally strange


Meanwhile, Marina! Are you sure that you aren't me? I really think I found my twin. Only that I do think that a 50,000 bell ballpoint pen is a bit ridiculous. But, a 50,000 bell fountain pen would be something you could probably talk me into.

April 18: So Fancy I Could Die!


It is time for story-time with Megan! I have tried to peel fruit while keeping the entire peel connected. I almost did it one time with a little seedless orange, but it broke at the last possible moment and I was so disappointed. Also, my rare bluebottle butterfly came in and I'm only 5% sad that it isn't in a rare green jar. I do love that it looks like it landed on my workbench. I wasn't going to go overboard with collecting and hoarding every butterfly for the butterfly models again, but who am I kidding? They just look so good that I want them all!


Both Bianca and Sherb think that I look super fancy today! I didn't think I dressed up really fancy, but I appreciate the compliments!
April 19: Gotta get 'em


It must be Sunday because little Daisy Mae is here. This was the first time I took a picture of how many turnips I bought and how much they cost. I was probably playing first thing in the morning in bed. Which means I have about another week of hardcore TT before I catch up to real-time.

Also, I don't remember Orville saying anything like this before, but I just love it. Don't dodo anything I wouldn't dodo!

April 20: One Month


I was planning on doing something more special for the one month mark, but I didn't. I did end up dressing up with a new beret I got from the Able Sisters! I consider that fairly celebratory because my island really hasn't changed at all. I've just been doing my Nook Miles Plus points and TT day by day. It has been pretty relaxing playing with no big goals in mind other than catching up to real-time. My main source of play has been the stalk market.


I don't know, Flo. This dress doesn't scream a detective hat to me, but I'll take it! I hope it is a deerstalker cap! (It was.)


The biggest thing that happened today is that I decided to go dig up my fossils and I completed the Iguanodon! That's good enough for a monthly celebration!

April 21: Sooo Wiiiiild, Maaaaan!


You can tell that I really got into a groove during the last few weeks because I wasn't taking as many pictures. I really like this overall skirt. It reminds me of the Hello Kitty Dress from New Leaf. Plus, the purple handknit purse goes pretty well with it.

April 22: Oh yeah, I'm supposed to have a goal...


It started off as just another normal day. I got up, I changed my clothes, my stone axe actually broke so I went to craft a new one at Resident Services. It was coming along to be a great day! And then...


Oh yeah. I'm supposed to have a goal in mind. I need a three-star island for the KK Slider concert. Is it bad that I completely forgot about this? I was just running around and doing my own thing. I just find it funny that people get so hyper-focused on the island rating on the forums and on YouTube while I just completely forgot about it.

What was I doing about that anyway?

Oh yeah! Judy. Saving up Nook Miles Tickets so I can try to hunt down Judy for my 8th villager. Once that happens, I will probably have a three-star rating the very next day. I should probably start scanning in Velma just in case I don't find anyone I like so I have a backup villager to move in.


I also realized that even though I have Hamphrey in my town, I barely take any pictures with him or interact with him at all. So I decided to go talk to him and I can't figure out if he is impressed by my blazer and punk pants combo or saying that he thinks I'm just a poor sucker. I think he's throwing shade!


Then I remember I am TT and can go to any time I want to get my afternoon turnip prices and not just 1 pm-2 pm. I should probably try to find Celeste so I can get the star wand recipe too. Much to Blathers' disappointment, I find my very first tarantula instead.
Bonus: Make a Meme!


What happens when you take a picture at exactly the right time for a blank text bubble? Offer it up to the internet for ACNH meme fodder. If you decide to do something funny with it, please post it here so I can make sure I have a chance to see it too!
🌳 April 23: Ready, Set, NATURE DAY! 🌳


We did it! We finally made it to Nature Day which means we are only a week behind real-time! Of course, I dearly love that Tom Nook throws a massive amount of shade on the people who don't care about taking care of the environment any other day of the year. I really want to make it a tradition to post this to one of my social media posts every Earth Day and make it a poster to remind myself that I should really be trying harder to take care of Mother Earth. We only get one planet and the planet will most likely be around much longer than humans.


On some unrelated news, Nook's Cranny is finally upgrading back to the second tier shop! That's really exciting! I restarted my island just a couple of days after I got the upgrade to the store the first time. Watching my town grow up in front of my eyes again has been really rewarding.


Speaking of rewarding, all of the clothes are fantastic in this game! This is the first game where I have changed my outfit every single day I play. Sometimes I change it multiple times a day. In New Leaf, I found an outfit I liked and wore it for months at a time. I think the best part about the clothes in this game is just how wearable they all are. Even this jumpsuit (which I think Bianca or Flo gave me) looks good and can be styled in different ways with different accessories. I think the beret looks really good with it.


It is time to cash in my turnips for some sweet, sweet bags of bells. This week I managed to sell 470 turnips at 128 bells a piece which gave me a nice little profit of 10,810 bells. Not the biggest profit, but a 10k profit is better than a 10k loss.


I was just milling around my island and doing some fishing when I noticed Sherb working out by the river. My villagers don't often go up to this part of town often because I don't have a lot of stuff up here, so it is cute to see them up here. I low key love that Flo requires coffee in the morning and says so often. Especially since I often end up writing my island journal in the morning with my coffee. I also feel like liking coffee is such an anime big sister thing to say for some reason. I have no idea why I feel that way and it might not be based in any sort of real trope. But, I think it really fits the uchi personality.


Sherb! You want to move? Well, no. You can't move. Sorry.

Side note: are you the first one who wants to move out? I feel like you might be the second one. Hold on....

...so, flipping through my journal it turns out that Sherb is the first villager who wants to move out. I guess this will be a good time to see how long you have to go through before another villager will want to move out.
April 24: Catching Up


Like promised, Nook's Cranny is definitely closed. This is the exciting part of the wait even though it is a bit annoying that I can't sell anything unless I go and visit one of my friend's towns. Well, it would be a good day to go and sell all my apples somewhere. I don't think I did, but it would have been a good day to go do that. This is also the day that I decided that since I was time traveling, I should just go to 5 AM to listen to the background music since I never manage to get up that early. That was a good idea. That time has beautiful music!


Speaking of exciting things, we have a camper in our campsite today! I love how the tent glows in the dark from the light of the lamp. Who do we have today? Another snooty: the great Ankha herself!

No joke. Ankha was super difficult to walk away from. I have wanted her ever since I first saw her design years ago. I love Ancient Egypt. It was one of my obsessions in late elementary school and middle school. I even had a small Renaissance in my interest when I was looking at different pagan religion reconstructions and discovered Kemetism (the reconstruction of the religion of Ancient Egypt). Every part of Ankha hits a high note with me.


I do want to look for Judy. And having two snooty villagers in my campsite one right after another might be a fluke? If I pick up Ankha, then I will have a snooty and I won't be able to prove the campsite trick works (to myself). Plus, I have her amiibo card and I would really want to move her in with Lucky and terraform part of my island into a desert and decorate it with the sphinx and (maybe) a pyramid.

She was really hard to walk away from.


Anyway, Label is here with a new challenge and I didn't actually have anything that I would consider gothic. I didn't want to dress up in the vampire costume that Label gave me, so I had to go and get the Able Sisters shop open to see what they were selling. A pair of punk pants and a few other accessories later and I have a really cool outfit that I just adore. Label thinks it is unique, but it doesn't do well enough to get a piece of designer Labelle. I didn't think that it was possible to fail and outfit challenge that badly.


Oh, Bianca! Never change!

Bonus: Flashback


We reached the day that I decided to reset Oakheart. This was the very last picture I took in the first Oakheart. I didn't realize how attached I had gotten with Katt until I found this picture. As much as I wasn't sure about her, I would move her back into my town again one day.
April 25: Grand Re-Opening


Welcome to the Grand Re-Opening of Nook's Cranny! Now with bigger windows!​


Sure, Bianca! I think I would love that. I bet you will make me look fabulous! Actually, err...Bianca? I don't like that look in your eyes.

April 26: Jackpot


I know that lots of people hate Isabell's non-news announcements, but this is just so relatable! Only if it were me, I would be so excited that I would accidentally spoil the twist for someone thinking they had seen the movie too.


With my catch-up-to-real-time-day quickly approaching, I decided to recreate one of the first pictures I took in ACNH. Standing in the rain with an umbrella with a snail friend. Only this time I happen to have the appropriate outfit for rain, so this picture is a million times better than the old one.


I found my first lost item today up on the cliffs! It belongs to Marina. I do like that if you guess wrong the first time then the villagers flat out tell you who it belongs to. It makes it much easier to return to them. Considering that Marina loves high-end writing instruments so much, it isn't hard to think that this special book was probably her journal. I'm glad I was able to find it for her.

Speaking of finding things...


Does that mean I struck it rich? I mean, it has Raymond's name on it, so I should be able to charge 50 million bells and 2,000 NMTs just to see this picture. Yes, yes? 💰💰💰
