❤ Postcards from Oakheart ❤

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower
April 27: Hmmm?


The world shall never know

April 28: Five Days Before


Want a picture of Isabelle being cute? No? Well, you are getting a picture of Isabelle being cute anyway. And speaking of cute, here's Sherb!


The only way I can keep track of my memories and my pictures is that I clearly remember how many days after May Day it was when I caught back up to real-time because I did not do the May Day tour until I caught up. I also don't remember why I was surprised that my villagers were talking about May Day. They talk about other holidays! It is obvious that they would talk about this one too.


Speaking of surprises, today is the day I hit having 100,000 Nook Miles! This is when I really decided to save up for 100 NMTs so I can go island hopping for Judy. It took 28 days of play while just doing (mainly) the Nook Miles Plus goals daily plus all the little extra Nook Miles milestones that you get for just playing.


I went ahead and jumped ahead to check my turnip prices and take some pictures when I discovered it is raining again. I also don't remember the last time I took a house photo. If I remember right, this is about the middle of the day in my intense three day TT session. Yes! The entirety of this journal (so far) only takes place in three real-life days. I remember getting a little toasty at the end and feeling like I have had enough ACNH for a bit, but I really wanted to catch up to real-time and do the May Day tour.
April 29: Reinvigorated


You know, I could have just had this journal be a daily fashion snap and it probably would be just as interesting for those who are following my daily fashion choices. Looking back at it, I haven't worn this shirt in forever! I really like this shirt too and would wear it in real life. I also love Isabelle wishing me the loveliest of lovely days. I wish everyone would greet me like this in the morning.


I'm not sure if I'll actually put out a retro gas pump, Marina. But, thanks anyway.


I thought that the little peninsula would be a good spot to plant some trees. Apparently, I didn't plant them with enough room to grow.


I got a really cool DIY today! It is a trophy case. I was slightly disappointed when I realized that you crafted it with the trophies already in there. It would have been much cooler if it was a case that could hold up to three trophies that you could get from the Fish Tourneys and Bug Offs.

Also, have I ever taken a picture of the inside of Hamphrey's house? It is awesome! He has a kotatsu that I am really jealous of! I would love to have one for my house. Both in ACNH and in real life. I need to start collecting kimonos to give him and just make him an old Japanese man living in a bamboo forest. Which would mean that I have to start planting some bamboo. Hmmm. I might have just given myself a project.
April 30: Just Hellos


Isabelle? Why do you look so evil with that statement?


Here we go. It has been a week since Sherb has asked to move out. Now Leopold wants to move out. But, we aren't good enough friends for you to have given me your picture yet. Mainly since I haven't been interacting much with many of my villagers. No, Leopold, you can't move out.


Interesting things are in my store today! The EXIT sign did not interest me at the moment, but it would have been cool to have. I wasn't too worried about cataloging during my adventures. I am pretty sure I didn't end up getting the whiteboard just because I forgot to grab it before I moved onto the next day. Whoops. Oh well, it will come around again.

It is time for the most exciting part of the week! Turnip time! This week I bought 520 turnips for 95 bells each (which was my normal 50k buy or 49,400 bell buy if you are being picky) and I got to sell them at 121 bells a turnip which nets me a 13,520 bell profit! Not too bad if I say so myself. Meanwhile, my husband has decided that I am the main turnip island seller for his island as well. He has been getting a good amount of bells during my TT shenanigans too.


I heard a rumor, y'all! The rumor was that if you find Gulliver passed out on your island like this, then you could whack him with your net to wake him up instantly. It sounded too good to be true, so of course, I had to try it!


It didn't work. I still had to poke him awake myself. That's why it was called a rumor. I have no idea why somebody decided to spread that around. Gulliver did wake up quoting a fish*. Considering how he's waking up....that's appropriate. I think Marina was amused to witness me whacking him with a net.

*Note: I am being vague on purpose because it is technically a big spoiler for a Zelda game. You are welcome Zelda newbies!
May 1: May Day!


I knew we weren't going to get any traditional May Day things. I knew we were getting a hedge maze. But, I didn't think they would ignore what May Day actually is. It is a springtime fertility festival! It is a time where we should be getting lots of flower furniture. We should get a May Pole that has ribbons on it! We should get baskets of flowers! We should get a DIY that is a wand that looks like a bouquet of flowers that we can carry! We should get a goofy looking something to wear so we can dress up as a May Day fool! (Ok, maybe not the last one. I can just dress up in a jester's outfit and put a paper bag on my head and that would be close enough.)

Instead, they went with May Day as Labor Day. This is probably just my USA bias showing through loud and clear over here, but I'm still a bit sad over all the missed opportunities.


I also feel like this reaction is very appropriate for the day. Thank you Hamphrey!

May 2: The Day Before


The time has come to talk of many things! Like shoes, and ships, and ceiling wax, and cabbages, and giant teddy bears that I forgot to buy before the day was done! Whoops. At least I know I have this variation of the giant teddy bear in my game. Now I know what other teddy bears to keep an eye out for with my friends.


I always feel super bad whenever I find a sick villager. I always run off to buy medicine because it is faster to buy it at Nook's Cranny than it is to craft it. I also forgot that a new month means new butterflies! This is the purple emperor butterfly and it looks wonderful! Time to donate it and then try to find three more for a butterfly statue!


Seriously, every time I talk to Marina I feel like I am talking. Does this mean that I am a normal villager? My heart also melts a little more each time. I think she is slowly becoming one of my favorites. I need to learn how to make plushies so I can make a plushie out of her.
May 3: Catch Up Day!
This happened a week ago in real-time and I am still excited to talk about it! I finally finished my TT adventures and caught back up to the present time! Honestly, I have learned so much more about time traveling than I was expecting to learn. I learned that even though you might be time traveling, that doesn't mean that you just get everything handed to you like just entering a cheat code. Everybody with amazing islands just worked hard getting them to that point. I have less than what I did when I reset because I did so on purpose. I love everyone on my island and I am having much more fun on the current version of Oakheart than I did on the first one (and I LOVED the first one). I guess I just feel the need to apologize for not understanding time-traveling and what benefits it gives (or doesn't give) you.


I adore the letters from "mom". I think they are a really nice touch and it just gives me a warm feeling inside whenever I get one. I am lucky to have good memories with my mom so when I get one I think of her and I feel happy. Then I normally end up calling her.

Sunday means turnip day with Daisy Mae! This will be the first week of not time traveling, so I will have to wait to see if I get a good price or not. I think I like playing the stalk market on my own island, so I think I'm going to just keep doing it this way. It feels more fun to do. I only do about 50k bells at a time because it is more of a risk and if I forget to check a day, I might have to sell for a loss. Risky? Yeah. But the risk makes it fun.


I spy with my little eye, something red and not at all pink and white. Don't get me wrong. I really like the red cute set, but I also saved the pink and white cute set I had gotten from my friend. I was hoping I would also have the pink and white set easily available. I guess not. I do want to collect the red cute set though!

Also, if you look closely, you will see that I managed to get the patchwork mom knapsack. My husband has the yellow mom knapsack with a ducky on it. I really like mine, but his is super adorable! Also, they have different variations of the coffee cup! There may be less items in all so far, but I think most of the items have at least five variations and I want them all!


I haven't checked my town rating in what feels like forever. Let's find out what it is. Two stars? Not bad. I wonder if I would be able to get it up to three stars with just seven villagers or if the game forces you to have eight villagers before being able to achieve three stars.


I found a new fossil and a new butterfly today! I need to look for another juramaia fossil because it is small enough to look like a figure that I can display in my house. I would really love if we could get a tabletop brachiosaurus to display in our houses. That is my favorite dinosaur thanks to the Land Before Time.

I probably just dated myself hard with that reference.


Even though I am saving up NMTs to go find Judy, I need a back up if I don't find anyone I like besides Judy! Of course, I'm going to start prepping Velma! She's my favorite after all! Actually, does having an amiibo camper reset your camper timer at all? Oh dear. I have to do a bit of research.

(Notes from the Future: this video will tell you all you need to know about when campers spawn. It is a great reference and explanation to how the campsite works in ACNH.)

But wait, there's more to May 3! Part 2 will be coming shortly!
May 3, Part 2: Hedge Maze Madness!


I am so ready for this maze! I haven't been on the forum since May Day really started to stay away from any spoilers about the reward for the maze. So I am super excited to do this!


I also really love Wilbur's speech about the tour. Everything he says sounds totally like a big shot aviator pilot. I love it!


Of course, Rover starts out the same way he does in New Leaf! Have we met before? Well, we kinda met before in another life. You aren't on a train this time though!


I do like Rover's briefcase as a prize. I do wish that we could have done the tour once a day for the entire time it ran to get different rewards. How cute would it have been to get special Rover items past the suitcase? We could have gotten some sunglasses, his sweater, maybe a toothbrush holder to put on a counter, some traveling shoes, and other travel-themed stuff. Maybe even special phone cases that we could have used to customize our phones? They could work like how Sable's patterns work. That would be really rewarding!


I'm not going to lie. Finding all the bell vouchers was pretty satisfying. This was the first time I used any of the bell vouchers and I'm surprised at how little they cash in for! The bell vouchers also give us an exact amount for how much Nook Miles are worth. Why aren't we using the official conversion for them? This should have immediately devalued the NMTs for trading by a lot!
Last edited:
May 4: Watch Out for Your Picnic Baskets and TT Withdrawl


I decide to be a bear today! Sable doesn't mind. I am starting to feel a bit antsy now that I know that I'm not time traveling anymore. I feel like the day is going slower than it should be going. That was a side effect that I wasn't expecting.


So, I decided to re-arrange my house again. I'm putting my turnips on display with my bears and cardboard boxes. I found an orange cardboard box and now I want all of the different fruit boxes. I think there is one for each major fruit not counting coconuts. I like to think of the orange box as a souvenir of the last Oakheart that had oranges as the native fruit.


I found some new bugs! I don't know why I forget about new bugs coming with new months. They consistently surprise me when I find them! I wasn't even sure what the pondskater was until I caught it. I do love how realistic the bugs are in this game!


Remember the sign at the end of the letter from Raymond post? The keen-eyed of you will have noticed that we had a bridge being built! Time to go ahead and pay it off! I'm tired of the construction signs around and want a convenient way to navigate across this river. Now I have three different bridges!


Well, isn't that a mood, Bianca? You are cute even when you pout.


I haven't been to the butterfly room in forever! I was surprised by how many butterflies I managed to donate during my TT adventures. I didn't remember donating that many bugs or making sure to fill up my museum again. But I think it is further along than when I reset. I think it is my favorite room at the museum.

Do you have a favorite room in the museum?​
May 5: Curious and Curiouser


Look at what I finally found! I found the Alice in Wonderland inspired dress! I might have been so excited that I squealed a little in real life. I have been looking forward to getting this dress in the game since I saw it with one of the demo footages that was leaked early before the game came out. I just need to find stripey black and white stockings and the black giant head-eating bow to get another Alice inspired look. I do really like the little top hat with it though.


The new bridge is completely done! It will now be easier to navigate my island. But, now I have to put the construction signs up for now. I really like how they look and I really love that I got one that has Resetti on it. It is so much more fun than the one with the little man on it. Nobody is hiding behind any trees in the group shot this time, but Hamphrey almost disappears behind Tank because he is so little.


Speaking about Hamphrey, he asked me what sort of drink I liked a long time ago and I thought it would be cheeky to put down that I liked drinking bubble tea. I was so surprised when Leopold brought it back up! I didn't think that would happen with any of my villagers! They need to do that more often because it is really cute.


I also broke down and got a colorful net because I got tired of mine breaking all of the time. Now it should take even longer before it breaks. I do love using it because it is so cute. I need to get the star one someday when I need a replacement net.


I am having a really good new bug day. First I got an orchid mantis. Then I got a birdwing butterfly. Then later at night, I found a scorpion! Bianca was pretty impressed with the scorpion too.


I am finally getting my house looking like more of a house. I didn't get the chance to enjoy the wooden furniture a lot in my old town, so I am doing my best to appreciate it now in my current town! I think it looks rather nice when it is all customized.
plus this rug looks really nice with all of the pink and it lets me put some more red accents in the room. The only thing that looks a bit out of place is the switch and the world map. I'm going to have to find more blue and green accents to put in the room.
May 6: Birthday Days of Spring

🎵 🎶 Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Tank! Happy Birthday to you! 🎶 🎵


We have our very first birthday on the Island of Oakheart today! That honor belongs to Tank! I had been planning to give him the protein shaker bottle for a day or so when I read the announcement on the bulletin board that his birthday was in the week. It was really hard to keep the shaker bottle to myself so I could wrap it up and give it to him on his birthday. I found the chocolate protein powder one. Which if you have had any sort of protein shake yourself, you know that chocolate is the superior flavor of most protein powders.


I think some of my favorite days on my island so far are the days when nothing much happens. I caught Marina and Flo doing yoga together in the plaza. I believe that Marina was teaching Flo how to do yoga because she looks much more zen than Flo does. Flo kinda looks like she is thinking about why she is doing something so silly, but doing it anyway because Marina was so excited about it.

I have been giving gifts to my villagers to start the process of befriending them. I was undecided what color to put Leopold in for a while, but I decided that green was the best option because it would go with his mane. He seems to agree! I think he looks rather dashing walking through the forest with his picnic basket.

Side Note: is anyone else jealous that villagers get cool objects to hold like these baskets and purses to go walking with? I want one too! And I want to be able to customize the little blanket over the basket. Items like this still make me wish that we got baskets of flowers for May Day. 💐


I did cave and look up Bianca's favorite color before I started giving her clothes because I was undecided and the choice was between purple or pink. Pink goes with purple really well, but purple would match her spots best. Her favorite color is purple, so purple won. Since I always see Bianca working out, I gave her a purple fitness tank thinking that she would use it when she worked out.

Meanwhile, Flo's house was the first house I gave a garden to because I caught her talking about flowers to Marina right before I found the garden faucet in the Nook Shop. Lo and behold, who do I find but my resident gardening hobbyist Sherb? He loves watering flowers and inspecting trees. I will have to do his house next.


Speaking of Sherb, I thought he went and got some amazing hacking skills for a minute. Luckily, it was just a movie. I'm not sure if he was watching a movie like Ocean's 11 or the Matrix, but it involved mainframes and heroes. It could have been one of the more techy superhero movies which would make a lot more sense for Sherb.


I found a pinball machine in Nook's Cranny today! I know there are item variations, so there must be at least three if not four other pinball machine variations. I have a mighty need for them! I can make a pinball arcade! This is why we need to be able to choose what rooms to put in other houses. Or have more rooms to decorate in the museum that other people can go see. That would be awesome.


We end the night by chilling on a bench drinking some apple juice. Bianca loves the apple juice and she is one of the only villagers who likes to drink it. Again, I want an apple juice to carry around too! Maybe Brewster will branch out and he will be able to give us both coffee and juice to carry around our town.
🐯 Bonus: An Argument Between Bianca and Leopold 🦁


It looks like they made up a little bit. Leopold might be a bit annoyed still, but at least. they are sitting on the same bench.​
May 7: Friday Eve


It has been five entries since we have started a post with one of Isabelle's greetings. I think it is time to change that! Happy Friday Eve everybody! I have no idea why Friday feels like such an event, but I'll take a little celebration every week. I also found a red microwave in Nook's Cranny today. I had to send a picture of it to my friend because it looks exactly like the microwave we had to run out and get when our microwave stopped working. It is now my microwave and is living happily in my RL kitchen. Sadly, I did not buy the microwave for my ACNH house. I bought the red imperial table instead and did a cataloging swap with my husband since he had the brown imperial table the same day.


I got even more reassurance that Tank was not lying to my face when he said that he loved the protein powder. He has it displayed proudly on his table. I think I'm going to have to start watching out for exercise equipment to give him to fill up his house before I try to get him to swap out his bed. I love the blue furniture, but he really should have a bed with matching blue bedding. Or maybe green bedding to match the leaf on his head. I haven't decided yet.


Flo wants to move out, but we don't have a picture yet. You can't move out Flo. I have been reading that the cooldown timer for asking to move is 15 days. I know for a fact that if you tell the villager that they can't move that you won't get another request for a week (which is seven days). Proof: Leopold was the last one to move out on April 30th. Before that Sherb asked to move out on April 23. I told both of them not to leave when they asked. Count the days. One week. The 15-day timer must be when you agree to let the villager move out.


Leopold loves the fancy green coat I got him. I have to say that I thought it would look better on him than it does. His deep forest green mane brings out the blue undertones of the jacket. But, he likes that it is fancy so it is alright by me.


I finally have the stools in the plaza that people have been sharing! Flo and Marina are having tea. Which (you guessed it) makes me jealous that I don't have a teacup to join them. Thinking back on it now, Flo must have taken Marina up on trying those relaxing teas that they were talking about all the way back on April 3rd!


I was walking around my island late at night when I saw a smokestack coming from the back of my island. Look who finally shows up! Though comparing a fan to the finest horchata when horchata is neither fine nor elegant makes me chuckle. It is extremely tasty though and I highly recommend making some horchata if you have a high-speed blender.

We also completed the sabertooth tiger! I'll have to go and check on the fossils in my museum soon. I think we are close to filling it up, but I have to go and see how many spots are actually missing.
May 8: It's a Fake, Not Art, Megan!


If you were wondering if I got any art from Redd's ship, the answer would be yes I did. And I was fooled! I could have sworn that this painting was real! I don't want to look up any cheats yet, so I'm just doing it on my knowledge of art. I like doing things the hard way for a while.


I love this kind of interaction with my villagers. This took three button presses to read the entire thing so it really makes it sound like he is talking and adding things on as he thinks of them. Charming.


Hello, Label! Sporty outfits, huh? Well, I wanted an excuse to wear that purple work out tank myself. I am really glad that it is featured in the Able Sisters on one of the mannikins so I can still buy one for myself. This time I did well enough to score a Labelle coat. Which is so elegant looking, but totally not in season for late spring. It looks like an autumn coat at least. Or one to wear on one of the dark and gloomy days on my island.


Bianca was the first one to give me a nickname! The race to the first villager painting is still between Marina and Bianca apparently. I wonder which one I will get first. I think these two are my favorites on the island.


There is nothing like waiting until the last second to cash in your turnips! I had a really good sale price of 398 bells per turnip in the afternoon. Even though I bought my turnips at 101 bells apiece, I was still able to make a profit of 145,530 bells off of my investment of only 50k bells on Sunday!

I have a confession to make that I might have a small chip on my shoulder. Ever since busting terribly on the stalk market in New Leaf, I have held the firm opinion that there is no way to make a profit using the stalk market on your own island. When I restarted Oakheart, I decided to prove that opinion correct. This week marks the sixth week of dabbling in the stalk market. I have only bought on my island. I have only sold on my island. I keep track of my prices using stalks.io (and you can take a peek at my portfolio here), but I do not take the suggestions as gospel and decide to sell when I want to sell.

I've discovered that that is full of junk. You can easily make a decent profit even if you only buy and sell on your own island. So far, I have made a profit of 250K bells just by buying and selling on my own island. I bought 50k worth of turnips for 5 weeks and considerably less than that for my first batch.

Also, if you want to watch a funny video about why turnips and the stalk market in Animal Crossing, Lockstin has a good video about the puns. Next level Dad jokes all around!


Anyway, using some of that turnip money, I decided to finally pay off and expand my home again! Which means it is time for an exterior shot! Goodbye small home in the woods. You are going to be getting another wing added on soon!
May 8, Part 2: Turnips, Bugs, and Other Crazy Things


Have I mentioned that I started collecting butterflies for Flick's butterfly statues yet? No? Well, I started a collection on my beach. There is enough room to make each column three deep so I know which ones are ready to be given to him. Hopefully, I will be able to catch them all before the season for them runs out. We will see if I achieve my goal!


Speaking of rare bugs, I saw a dragonfly that looked a bit bigger and a bit different out of the corner of my eye. I managed to catch it and it turned out to be a banded dragonfly! It will live quite happily with Blathers.


I had a few friends over to sell their turnips at my town today! I just love seeing the titles on the flyover screen. I do have to admit that I chose my husband's title of history-loving bellionare because he just would not change his passport and it was bothering me. We will see how long it will take for him to notice that I actually changed it!


After they came over to sell their turnips, Sherb pulled out this conversation! I was very confused until the very last part. That sounds more like the precious food-loving kid I know. Also, I take massive delight from being able to call Sherb a kid and know that it is the proper phrase for a baby goat.


The last big thing I did today was to finally change my town tune! In case you haven't figured out by the heart face paint on my cheeks that is basically part of my character now, I have finally watched and completely fallen in love with Star vs the Forces of Evil. (The first two seasons were the best.) This led me to find some sheet music for the beginning theme song and transcribing it to work for my town tune. This was the very first more complicated tune that I managed to do all by myself, so I am really proud of it.
Author Update

Can you believe that it has been two months since the release of ACNH already? I think I am starting to like the game more than I like New Leaf so far even with all of the controversy surrounding some topics. That could be because I am getting invested into flower breeding which has been my favorite part of the game, but I didn't start getting into until last year with New Leaf.

I am so happy that I decided to reset my island. It is coming along very nicely even though it isn't as flashy as some other islands out there. I am perfectly happy just doing my thing and living my best island life. It is so relaxing to play with the rest of my life being very stressful at the moment.

I hope everyone out there is having a fantastic day today! My island journal will most likely be updated this weekend to catch up all the way to the present (so, either May 23 or May 24) and then it should be ready to go into a weekly update schedule.

Until then, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! And please tell me, what has been your favorite part of the game so far?

May 9: What Was I Talking About?


Well, life certainly got in the way for a few weeks and now I am about a month behind my Postcards from Oakheart, but oh well! I like going through old photos like this. It feels like I am making a scrapbook. Let's see, I upgraded my house and managed to breed my first intentional hybrids on the island! Two pink mums at one time!


I managed to catch my very first oarfish and my butterfly collection is coming along rather well. I hope I get to see Flick more often soon because I have a lot of butterflies to turn into statues!


The idea of Celeste calling Blathers a nickname is super adorable. I bet they were the cutest owl siblings ever! I also miss Celeste being in the upstairs of the museum so I could see her every day. I guess it makes her more special to interact with, but I do miss seeing her whenever I want to.


I filled up my "learn 200 DIY" card already! I wasn't expecting to hit that milestone so quickly. I almost wish there was another stamp that was unlocked for earning 500 of them. I guess Nintendo really doesn't expect us to keep coming back and playing for the long term.


Finally, I have a map of Oakheart! I needed to take a picture of my original map before I started terraforming and I figured if I do that now then I won't forget to take one later.
May 10: Campsite Trick?


I'm still in the middle of saving up my NMTs to go island hopping for Judy, but I do really love it when I get campers! Astrid is my third snooty camper in a row. I think there must be something to this campsite trick. It seems to be working wonderfully so far. Even with my slow pace. I'm going to have to write down all of the snooties and check off the ones I have. Even if I have to wait out all of the snooties, I bet I could get Judy this way if I'm not lucky with island hopping.


I am starting to get really fond of Bianca. She is just so sweet and I love talking with her! Even if I am trying to track her down to give her a new purple cheerleading outfit and she refuses to let me give her a gift because she is in the museum. And I caught a frog. Is it an animal or a new neighbor?

May 11: Fishy Fishy and Traveling Birthdays!


Guess who is finally here today? Now I get to catch three sea bass and turn them into a collectible! Yes, you heard me right. I am wanting that slick sea bass model. Luckily, they should be really easy to catch.


In non-fish related news, I traveled to my brother's island today to celebrate Cherry's birthday! I gave her a black and red striped shirt that will go with her color scheme wonderfully. It is so fun to pop in during villager birthdays even when they are on another island.


Back on my island, I am on a mission to transform Marina's house into something that fits her personality better. That means pink and white wooden furniture! As you can tell, I was already successful with the wooden cabinet in the corner and a pink wooden chair! I wanted a record of what her house looked like before I get her to change it all.


Finally, I wasn't expecting any backstory from CJ. Apparently Chip can't catch fish really well and that is what encouraged CJ to go out and become an angler. I have a feeling he isn't very good at it either since we supply him a lot of fish for his live stream, but he seems pretty passionate about it. Maybe he isn't such a bad character after all.
May 12: Letters


Apparently, not much went on today. I got my sea bass collectible and Leopold started sending me letters! I send a lot less letters back in ACNH so far. Which is pretty sad because writing letters used to be one of my favorite activities in ACNL. I wonder if it is because it is a bit tedious to get to the postcard you want to send?

May 13: Just Life


Just when you settle down to hear a useless trivia fact from Isabelle, she tells you something useful. In this case, remember to horde all of the young spring bamboo you can because this is a seasonal material. If you don't then you will just have to wait until next spring.


And just Sherb being cute and Bianca being....well, herself. She is so not metal. I should really introduce her to some non-scream style metal. I fell like the peppy villagers would love Babymetal.

May 14: Progress!


We are making some progress with Marina's room! Well, she is displaying the cute pink and white music player. Plus, she gets to talk to me about knitting. But it is starting to get spooky. Loves pink and knitting? Marina, are you secretly me? Or do we just need to become best friends?

With that, I'll leave you with a nice nighttime fishing photo.

May 15: Sticky Doors


I got this adorable pink bunny dress to go with my pink bunny ears when Bianca tried to move away from my island! Of course you can't, Bianca. I tell you what. If you really want to move, just hurry up and give me your villager picture.

On unrelated news, it is time for turnip profiting again! I sold 1,100 turnips at 112 bells a piece and made a tidy profit of 20,900 bells. Slow and steady will win this turnip race. I haven't managed to have a mega bust yet, unlike in New Leaf. Either I am being very on top of everything with my turnips or it is just easier to play the turnip game in New Horizons.


I gave a new doorplate to Sherb and got this zinger of a line. I know for a fact that doors can get sticky. Especially when you run your dirty hooves up and down them without washing them! Keep your doors clean, folks!

May 16: Project Diva Mega Mix Approaches!


It is a rainy day today on my island and I happen to have a full pink set of rain gear. So, I had to find a snail and re-take the soon-to-be-classic snail friend in the rain picture. Plus, Leopold has great taste in tea. I feel like out of all the oolong teas, he would be slightly basic and refuse to drink anything except for Te Ggan Yin (Iron Goddess Oolong) even though he would prefer going out for a boba tea.

May 17: Oh ho! My dear Watson! There are NMTs afoot!


I have had this feeling for a long time now that NMTs are just horrifically overpriced in the ACNH trading market. It is fairly standard that a one NMT goes for about 200k bells. But, I just don't think that it is correct. Luckily, we can check it in-game using our brains!

So, 1 bell voucher is 500 miles and sells for 3,000 bells in Nook's Cranny. This works out that 1,000 miles should be worth 6,000 bells.

1 NMT costs us 2,000 miles. Which means we just have to do miles x bells to get the exact value of 1 NMT. So, 2,000 x 6,000 = 12,000 bells.

1 NMT = 12,000 bells.

They are overpriced and they should drop down to be this value since it is only this value in-game! This is going to be the conversion that I use whenever I make a trading post from now on and I encourage others to do the same.


Marina finally asked for a new catchphrase and I had to make her say "stay fresh". I mean, I just had to! My butterfly collection is steadily growing because Flick has not come to my island. I really need him to come because I need some more butterfly statues! I am starting to miss the visitor spawn rates that we had back when the game first released when we had a visiting person nearly every day.


And it is time to attract some ants to our island! I have to wait a full week to rot these extra turnips that I bought off of Daisy Mae. I don't want to ruin the good turnips that I'm playing the stalk market with, so I will just have to be patient.
May 18: International Museum Day!


It is time for International Museum Day! The first little event since Bunny Day. I am so excited for this little event that I got dressed up in my finest Labelle Coat and matching beret to go on a little jaunt through the museum. Blathers seems super happy about it too. I haven't been in my museum for a while, so it will be fun to see how much it has grown since the last time I was in.


I found our little frog friend in the butterfly room. I wasn't expecting to see him chilling on his lillypad in the fountain. That's a cute little detail. The places we went to today were basically all in the same room. I wish I had stamp places that were scattered throughout the bug room, but oh well.


The fossils are much more impressive than I remember them being. And I have many more than I thought I did! I bet I'll end up finishing up my fossils by the end of June if I dig them up everyday.


It took ages for me to find this one because I forgot how to get to this part of the museum! It is really fun to see what sections of the aquarium have what names.


It was really fun to take a little romp through the museum. It was a quick and simple little event. I am sad that there wasn't a section for the art. I think if you had the art section unlocked Blathers should take note and tell you about a special stamp card for the art exhibit. Maybe they will add that in for next year?