April 27: Hmmm?
The world shall never know
April 28: Five Days Before
The world shall never know
April 28: Five Days Before
Want a picture of Isabelle being cute? No? Well, you are getting a picture of Isabelle being cute anyway. And speaking of cute, here's Sherb!
The only way I can keep track of my memories and my pictures is that I clearly remember how many days after May Day it was when I caught back up to real-time because I did not do the May Day tour until I caught up. I also don't remember why I was surprised that my villagers were talking about May Day. They talk about other holidays! It is obvious that they would talk about this one too.
Speaking of surprises, today is the day I hit having 100,000 Nook Miles! This is when I really decided to save up for 100 NMTs so I can go island hopping for Judy. It took 28 days of play while just doing (mainly) the Nook Miles Plus goals daily plus all the little extra Nook Miles milestones that you get for just playing.
I went ahead and jumped ahead to check my turnip prices and take some pictures when I discovered it is raining again. I also don't remember the last time I took a house photo. If I remember right, this is about the middle of the day in my intense three day TT session. Yes! The entirety of this journal (so far) only takes place in three real-life days. I remember getting a little toasty at the end and feeling like I have had enough ACNH for a bit, but I really wanted to catch up to real-time and do the May Day tour.