May 19: Finally Starting Something
I feel like my Island Journal is not as exciting or beautiful as some other island journals out there, so I decided to actually start a project! I cleared out a rather large space to start my adventures in hybrid flower breeding!
It is time for my weekly turnip profits! This week I sold 500 turnips at 210 bells a turnip which calculates out to a profit of 55,500 bells. I basically doubled my bells and this is just using my island! I am making a steady profit over here. If you haven't started dealing in turnips, I do suggest that you at least try it out. Check out your prices first thing when you wake up and right before you go to bed. I haven't had a bust yet.
I also gave a heart doorplate to Marina. I think she will like it, but I am unsure if she will put it up since I already have a flower wreath hanging on her door. We will see what happens!
There is controversy over the International Museum Day stamp rally. Some people really hate it. I kinda like doing it, but I haven't done it every day. The prizes sell for a modest amount and they make good gifts for your neighbors. Did it have to be a complete week? Probably not, but I like that they are having it go long enough that we can all participate. I feel like they could cut it down to a three-day event and it would have gone over much better.
May 20, Part 1: Fashion Snaps!
The closest has revolutionized my fashion game! I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I have made it into my routine to change my outfit every day on ACNH. I am sure that I can't be the only one. I found the Alice in Wonderland inspired dress! It is my new favorite! I am sad that I don't have full striped stockings or striped over the knee stockings, but I think this outfit is a wonderfully casual classic lolita-esque dress. The sneakers match the blue of the dress perfectly.
Speaking of things that are blue, Sherb wanted a new catch phrase! I tried to think of ice cream or sherbert related puns, but I couldn't come up with anything. Tiddlywinks will have to do.
Redd finally made it to my island again! I don't look up any guides, so I hope my art history knowledge is correct in thinking that the perfect painting is in fact real and not a dirty fake.