❤ Postcards from Oakheart ❤

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower
May 19: Finally Starting Something


I feel like my Island Journal is not as exciting or beautiful as some other island journals out there, so I decided to actually start a project! I cleared out a rather large space to start my adventures in hybrid flower breeding!


It is time for my weekly turnip profits! This week I sold 500 turnips at 210 bells a turnip which calculates out to a profit of 55,500 bells. I basically doubled my bells and this is just using my island! I am making a steady profit over here. If you haven't started dealing in turnips, I do suggest that you at least try it out. Check out your prices first thing when you wake up and right before you go to bed. I haven't had a bust yet.

I also gave a heart doorplate to Marina. I think she will like it, but I am unsure if she will put it up since I already have a flower wreath hanging on her door. We will see what happens!


There is controversy over the International Museum Day stamp rally. Some people really hate it. I kinda like doing it, but I haven't done it every day. The prizes sell for a modest amount and they make good gifts for your neighbors. Did it have to be a complete week? Probably not, but I like that they are having it go long enough that we can all participate. I feel like they could cut it down to a three-day event and it would have gone over much better.

May 20, Part 1: Fashion Snaps!


The closest has revolutionized my fashion game! I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I have made it into my routine to change my outfit every day on ACNH. I am sure that I can't be the only one. I found the Alice in Wonderland inspired dress! It is my new favorite! I am sad that I don't have full striped stockings or striped over the knee stockings, but I think this outfit is a wonderfully casual classic lolita-esque dress. The sneakers match the blue of the dress perfectly.


Speaking of things that are blue, Sherb wanted a new catch phrase! I tried to think of ice cream or sherbert related puns, but I couldn't come up with anything. Tiddlywinks will have to do.


Redd finally made it to my island again! I don't look up any guides, so I hope my art history knowledge is correct in thinking that the perfect painting is in fact real and not a dirty fake.
May 20, Part 2: Don't Be Silly, I Don't Play Favorites


Marina did put the cute pink heart doorplate up! It looks so good outside of her house!


The project to customize the inside of her house continues. I finally learned the DIY recipe for this table and I had to use one of Sable's special patterns to customize it. I think pink plaid wouldn't stick out too much if I decided to get her bed customized to a different pattern.


It's a special delivery for a special octopus! Everything is pink because it is your favorite color and I know it. I better start paying some more attention to the other villagers though. They will think I don't like them as much as I like you and I don't play favorites, right?
May 21. Part 1: An Interlude


It finally happened! My little seven-year-old niece got interested in Animal Crossing and made a character to move herself into Oakheart after playing around with my character for a while. I love listening to her play even though she insults my villagers every chance she gets and calls most of them ugly. Her favorite thing to do is to shop for clothes and pick all of the fruit off of the fruit trees. She is surprisingly careful with the fruit and only picks as much as she needs to sell to earn more bells for what she wants to buy She was very disappointed that she couldn't go swimming or do any meaningful interactions with things that we could decorate with.

I feel like that is a very important part. The developers should spend more time making more meaningful interactions with the objects we have. Like being able to get in the bathtub and actually play minigames with some of the electronics. That would have made the game absolutely shine for her.

The thing that gave her the most trouble was the crafting system. She just didn't understand how to do it even when I explained it to her. I'm not sure if it is because she is weak with her reading skills or if it just didn't interest her enough to see how to do it. She loved it enough for me to launch into some careful plans to get her very first 3DS and Animal Crossing New Leaf (which I think will be more her speed).

Of course, she can come over and play any time she wants! Within reason, of course. No midnight play sessions on school nights!


I completely forgot about partner play! To unlock it, you need to have more than one character on your island. This took me completely by surprise. I love how Tom Nook just calls you up to tell you about it. Easy peasy.


There is a new camper today! I wasn't expecting anyone, so it is a great surprise when they show up. It is the "pink fox" Freya! My niece was disappointed to hear that she wasn't a permanent resident and was just visiting the town. I didn't want to tell her about the complexities of villager hunting for Judy. She doesn't need to know the nitty-gritty gamer details at seven. She just needs to have fun. 🥰


I love the fact that they give you the real name of the artist and the real name of the painting as fun facts in the museum. I really want them to have all of Blather's facts in the bug and fish rooms too like they did in New Leaf. Sometimes, it is just fun to go and read about facts.


I've been trying to figure out what sort of gift would go well with Leopold's classroom house. The answer is a lab-experiment set! I think I'm going to search for some smaller fossils to give him too. I want to keep his room mostly intact, but I want him to have a bit of personality to it as well.


Of course, we have to check in with Isabelle to see how Oakheart is growing. I think it went up an entire star level from the last time we checked it! Progress!
May 22: Do What Makes You Happy


About a month into the game I got super conflicted about making an aesthetic design that I really loved: witchy and natural. Basically, what is going around now as cottagecore and witch aesthetic. That sent me into a small spiral of feeling guilty that I liked something that was super popular. What if people saw what I was doing and thought that I was only doing it because it was "on trend"? There was already a big blow-up over "popular" vs "not popular" villagers including Raymond, Judy, Audie, and Sherb.

Then I got over it. I like what I like and I gotta do what makes me happy as long as it doesn't hurt anyone in the process.

Then I went and re-made the Oakheart town flag. I used a Bavarian oak leaf cross stitch pattern to make my oak leaf this time. It looked a bit plain, so I added some sparkles around the heart. I love how it turned out! I also had Velma over again to make her a custom bench. Sadly, she is banished to my New Leaf town until I get Judy because she is a snooty and the campsite method only really works when you don't have a villager of the same type. But that doesn't mean that Velma can't come over and visit!


I also found a lost item. I used to love to keep these books to use as decoration in New Leaf, but I have to get those sweet, sweet friendship points to earn villager pictures this time. I think this one was full of workout routines for Tank, but I don't have photo proof of that hunch. It's been a long time since then and I'm very far behind on this journal.

May 23, Part 1: Daylight Hours


Everyone talks about Isabelle talking about her lost socks (which I find very relatable), but I've never had her talk about it to me. Until now! I wonder what type of socks Isabelle wears? Do you think she is a no-nonsense white ankle sock kind of person? Or do you think she has some secret white, yellow, and pink stripey sock goodness throwing a party in her work shoes? So daring!


My hybrid flower garden is producing results! I have some blue flowers to add to my color tracker garden! The first new color goes directly into the garden while I breed more for breeding purposes. I also had to snap a quick picture of Hamphrey relaxing beside this pond. It has a really neat flat rock on the horizon of this picture that I just adore.


I just love it when the villagers talk to each other. This is a snippet of the highly debated "rude peppy conversation" that some people think is a horrible thing to have in the game. I think it is charming and just like some people that I used to know. Especially when I was younger. It also made me like Flo a little bit better too, but Bianca is still a favorite of mine.
May 23, Part 2: Nightlife on Oakheart!

Let's take it up a notch on this night! I got a new outfit, so let's turn up the tunes and jam it to some KK Slider!


Waaaiiit. That's not the right one. Let's try that one again.......​


So, I saw this awesome jumpsuit and star sunglasses in the Able Sisters and I knew of one cool cat who just had to have them. Yep! That's right! Bianca rocks those sunglasses so hard! I wish I could give her two gifts in one day so I could give her a matching jumpsuit to wear so we can attack the night and be twinsies.


Instead, we give the jumpsuit to Marina instead. Speaking of Marina, her room is coming along quite nicely! She is using the table that I gave her and the white bookshelf! Now all I have to do is to customize her bed to be a pink bed to match. I don't think she will move that pitcher, but we could also try getting her to change that in the future.


Leopold is being a total bro even though he keeps distracting me when we try to make potions. I'm dressed for a night out on the town. Not to be stuck in a class doing chemistry (even though that is one of my favorite subjects).


Instead of hitting the rockin' club, Marina and I decided to check out the museum instead. She gave me a nickname. One step closer to being absolute besties!


I also had a nighttime watering session with a couple of pals. Maybe we will get some new hybrid flowers in the morning?​
May 24: Visitin'
Note from Resident Rep: It seems like this was left waaaay back in May for some reason. I'm going to try to be brief with my postcards so I can catch up to current day since exciting new things are happening on the island. Enjoy catching up with me!


I decided to go visit my husband's great turnip plains. He has decided to become a billionaire as fast as possible. It puts my little turnip room to shame, but I'm fine with growing my wealth slowly. At least I'll have plenty of cash to move buildings around later.


After a looooong week, my turnips finally rotted! I did discover that ants won't spawn unless your gates are closed for some reason. Or at least they never showed up with people over for me. But I did finally get them! I gave the rotten turnip to my husband so he could catch his ant without sacrificing any turnips. Aren't I nice?


My hybrid garden is slowly growing! I think I might get all of my orange hybrids first. Which is surprising because normally I have no problem growing pink hybrids. I also gave Sherb his very own fancy elephant watering can. In light blue, of course. Hopefully, I get to see him using it!


Finally catching my golden trout is a good excuse to go run around the museum during the stamp rally some more! I've been giving extra plaques I get to my villagers for gifts. Part of me wish that the plaques would also work as door decorations.


I just love the fossils. The fossil section looks excellent using the dramatic filter. I almost wish the lighting was this extreme all of the time!
May 25: Throwback!


Fashion Snap! One of my friends made an awesome Tigrex inspired hoodie and I just had to pair it with the Viking horns. I might have been playing a bit of the Gamecube version and I'm looking for a way to emulate that horn hat. The Viking horns is the best way to do it that I have found in the game so far. I need to get her on my island to put her pattern up in the fall. I would love to see my villagers wearing this.


In other news, Flick finally showed up so I can get another butterfly statue! I also managed to wish on a single falling star last night. Fantastic luck that the star fragment I found is the Gemini fragment!


Just a cute snap of me and my husband at the airport. He loves dressing his avatar up cute in ACNH and sometimes I struggle to be just as cute.

May 26: Make It Fancy


I don't know about you, but I love fashion snaps! I also love the Labelle line. Even if I am wearing non-designer clothing, I feel a little bit fancier in my Labelle.


Something, something, turnips, something, something, profit!​


This is one of my favorite spots on the island. It is in a little offshoot behind a cliff and I just love how it looks. It is something that I would have never done myself if it didn't appear like this, so I am determined to keep this feature on my island.

This is also a surprisingly good shot of Leif, Bianca, and my new official Oakheart flag. I have noticed that if you give sporty clothes to your villagers, they are more likely to use them as workout outfits. I have noticed that Bianca likes to wear this sporty top while doing yoga, but she wears the purple dance team jacket while lifting weights or dancing.
A Note from the Future (October 15): Oh my, oh dear! Somebody fell behind with updating this didn't they? Well, fear not dear reader! I decided to keep going right where I left off without skipping anything. That way we get to do a bit of time traveling to the past! I honestly forgot so much about what my island looked like. Maybe we will find some interesting things in these pictures back from May and June. Anyway, back to these Postcards from Oakheart!

May 27: Just Clowning Around
We have a villager in our campsite today! I forget if I was pining for Judy at this point of time or not, but we had Norma. She looks so sweet and if I ever run into her again I am going to have to invite her to live in Oakheart.


Meanwhile, I found out that Pietro was moving from my husband's town of Mord Souq. Since I had been debating about getting him, I had to put down a plot right away so we could go invite him to live with us!

May 28: Big News!


Pietro moved in today. I love how the outside of his house looks. I think the pastel blue and red colors suit him so much. I almost wish he had a bright yellow door to go with his house, but we can't have everything.


I'm just going to pop in and see how my town rating is doing. It looks like we have new feedback from a mysterious K.S. Could it be?



I agree with Isabelle! What?! Do you mean to tell me that you could have called up THE KK Slider at any point of time, but wanted to see if he would hear rumors about our up and coming island before calling him? Why didn't you just call him in the first place, Tom? Side note-where did you get his phone number from anyway? I think Tom Nook might have an inside scoop that is more than just being a KK Slider superfan, hmmm? 🤨🤐


In other news, I managed to get the entirety of Oakheart together to throw a welcome to the island tea party for Pietro! I think he looks rather pleased with his party, don't you think?
I only vaguely knew about Bianca before, but I'm definitely interested in her now. What a cool design! Pietro is interesting too, but every time I see him I mentally slap the lazy villager tag on him and then have to correct myself.
I only vaguely knew about Bianca before, but I'm definitely interested in her now. What a cool design! Pietro is interesting too, but every time I see him I mentally slap the lazy villager tag on him and then have to correct myself.

I've never seen her before New Horizons. Or if I had, I didn't remember. She has such a nice design! I keep doing the same with Piper. I know she is a peppy, but I could swear she was a snooty!
I've never seen her before New Horizons. Or if I had, I didn't remember. She has such a nice design! I keep doing the same with Piper. I know she is a peppy, but I could swear she was a snooty!
Very nice! I hadn't ever noticed the coloring on the tip of her tail before, I love details like that. If she ever show up to my campsite I'll have to find a spot for her.

Bree is a snooty mouse. She's a great snooty (my personal favorite snooty), but everything about her just screams peppy to me. I agree with you on Piper 100%
Very nice! I hadn't ever noticed the coloring on the tip of her tail before, I love details like that. If she ever show up to my campsite I'll have to find a spot for her.

Bree is a snooty mouse. She's a great snooty (my personal favorite snooty), but everything about her just screams peppy to me. I agree with you on Piper 100%

I will definitely have too look up Bree! I snooty who looks like a peppy sounds fantastic!