Potential new villager - help me decide what to do!


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2013
I'm on a mystery tour right now and I've found Ava the chicken. Do any of you have her on your island and if so do you like her? This is my third NMT tonight trying to find a villager I don't really dislike to move into my final 10th housing plot. She's not one of my fave villagers BUT I'm scared of ending up with some random I can't stand moving in instead (it's already happened to me once.) What should I do?!
If you like her adopt her! I've never had her in the game.
Three isn't very many islands, I'm sure you could go to a handful more and easily find another villager you like
I had her for a little bit. I liked her at first but the longer I had her the more that I realized I just don't like the chickens in this game. But that's just my opinion. You may actually love her!

Edit: Sorry, I just realized I had her confused with Becky. Becky was in my town for a little bit, she's a different chicken. My feelings about chickens is the same though. I just don't care for them.
If you can afford a few more tickets then definitely island hop a little bit more, but also taking a villager you're like "hmm, this could be ok" is fun sometimes bc it lets you warm up to villagers you never thought you would

apple moved in randomly and i hated her and now ive bought her amiibo card and dont plan on letting her leave my island LOL
but also at the end of the day, if you dont like her, no villager is permanent. try not to overthink it too much
I’d invite her if you think you could grow to really enjoy her. Not if you’re just picking a lesser evil, so to speak.

From experience I can say that picking someone not considered before, especially if they’re a species you haven’t had yet, can be really fun. I’m dead set on keeping Antonio forever, for example.
It’s all up to you because this is a very subjective topic. Liking villagers is really up to preference. I personally wouldn’t go for her not because I don’t like her but because I have an aversion to farm animals in the game. Generally, I don’t like keeping cows, chickens, pigs, goats or horses in my island. I have a goat now though ‘cause he’s a starter but he’s moving when he asks.
I had her for a little bit. I liked her at first but the longer I had her the more that I realized I just don't like the chickens in this game. But that's just my opinion. You may actually love her!

Edit: Sorry, I just realized I had her confused with Becky. Becky was in my town for a little bit, she's a different chicken. My feelings about chickens is the same though. I just don't care for them.

Spoken like someone who has not had Knox on their island.

Kneel, Sir Clucksalot!