Cycling Power Rangers Cycling ~OLD THREAD~

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Let me see if i have it first. I might have given it to a villager >W< <3

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See Sweety! I told you to take him off the autovoid <3

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Same. I have it in notepad to make myself feel a little better. lol c:

I have a group Google doc, but I also write it down under each section on the front, with who adopted them.
this is joey, right?


that picture makes him look ugly but i gotta admit in game he is pretty cute
I just like updating it myself...........especially since I'm online at odd hours.


(which is why I'd like a new thread with all of us with a post at front page)


I can make a new thread if that's what you all want. Is Hazu here?

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I have a group Google doc, but I also write it down under each section on the front, with who adopted them.

Ah this is a good idea. I should really do thattttt
We just gotta make sure not to post until all the cycles have posted.

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Lol yookey beat me
Let me see if i have it first. I might have given it to a villager >W< <3

Oky! It's fine if you did, I bet they were very deserving of it.

I have so many perf orange trees you can have a full basket if you like c:

=D really truly? Would it be too much to ask for another one of two kinds of perfects too?

ohyes ;w; it's right to the point. i'm totally wiggly irl.

Deeeeehehe I'm quite dancing and singy when excited
that'd be cool C:
we just have to make sure no one posts until all cycler's gotten a post in

Right, which is why hazu should be here. I believe shes offline right now, so I will wait until she comes back... is that okay Mia?
Yaaaaaaaaay! I'm pretty sure I only have one orange tree left in my town, I didn't really think about it til they were almost extinct, which is just what us humans like to do to stuff =D

I'm coming to you yes?! I didn't get to come yesterday. I swear i'll come this time!
i can't seem to find the orange. i must've given it to a villager (or maybe it was on my old save?) I'm sorry ;W;
Zora offered you a whole basket of perfect oranges though

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Right, which is why hazu should be here. I believe shes offline right now, so I will wait until she comes back... is that okay Mia?
Exciting. <3c:
Errr you don't mind the name do you? Should I change it...?
I was gone so long I feel like I missed everything and it sounds like you guys dont like it and iddkkkkk I can change it
Fine by me :) I should be on until 1am-ish tonight.

FLIP MOVED IN. I will post my VIllagers each time I announce for now:

To be announced:
Ankha - raffle
Lucky (in my Main town, up for raffle?)

Auto-void (Unless, told otherwise):

On hold / Special circumstances:
Chrissy - holding for self
Shep - holding for myself
Marshal - holding for EverlastingJulia

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Errr you don't mind the name do you? Should I change it...?
I was gone so long I feel like I missed everything and it sounds like you guys dont like it and iddkkkkk I can change it

What are you talking about? LOL

I said I don't like the FONT, I didn't say anything about the name. (if that's what you're saying)
@audybug I have some apples some one gave me but I know if you plant perf fruit thats native to your town it won't grow to be perf. just normal ;o;. But feel free to some apples, they're pretty nonetheless ^^

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I would like cyrano gnoxiam Q~Q
jk but I hate seeing the bby in the void, even tho he's not all
@audybug I have some apples some one gave me but I know if you plant perf fruit thats native to your town it won't grow to be perf. just normal ;o;. But feel free to some apples, they're pretty nonetheless ^^

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I would like cyrano gnoxiam Q~Q
jk but I hate seeing the bby in the void, even tho he's not all
only your native tree can grow perf fruit

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Errr you don't mind the name do you? Should I change it...?
I was gone so long I feel like I missed everything and it sounds like you guys dont like it and iddkkkkk I can change it

i love the name <3
@audybug I have some apples some one gave me but I know if you plant perf fruit thats native to your town it won't grow to be perf. just normal ;o;. But feel free to some apples, they're pretty nonetheless ^^

Ooooo yes I just googled, only the perfect native fruit can be planted to make a perfect tree. you are correct =D so just oranges would be amazing! =D I have apples, cherries, pears, lemons, mangoes, durians, lychee, coconuts and bananas already =]
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