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Preferred airport colour?

Which airport colour do you like the most?

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Senior Member
May 28, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Mother's Day Carnation
Hey all

I just wanted to make a little poll because I’ve been wondering which airport colour is the most liked in the community.

Personally I prefer the yellow one although I have the feeling for most people it’s the worst one. Green is a close second but 2 of my friends already have green and atm I’m resetting but 80%(no joke) of the time I get green and haven’t gotten blue once. The RNG struggle is kinda real.

I’m curious to see the results.
Blue for me, though I might have a touch of a bias because it is my airport color, and I loved it before I even realized airports could come in different colors. I just wish it gave me cuter items at the Nook Stop!! Second would probably be Yellow, since it goes with the blue thats already there, but red is my least favorite for sure.
I like green the best, closely followed by yellow. I ended up with blue though, which is my least favorite unfortunately. I prefer for the plane to have a main/body color that contrasts with the blue trim, so the blue plane is just so blah looking. The blue of the plane is different from the trim blue, but still, it’s too much of one color for me. Plus the color variants for the blue airport nook mile items are mostly not my preferences.
My airport is orange, which is my favorite color, and probably what I would have chosen if I had a choice, or i had known there were different colors when I started, or if it had occurred to me to reset to change my airport or anything. Now, naturally, everytime I see a green airport or a yellow airport, I think I wish mine was that color. So probably better that I didn’t actually do any work for an airport color. I think they all look nice actually, I love the bright colors.

(And about 99% or the time I don’t think about the color of my airport at all.)
I have the orange airport color and I like it the most, mostly because orange is one of my favorite colors alongside purple and pink. My second favorite is probably the green one.

Since they were mentioned by other members, I'm not really that bothered by the Nook Miles item differences, but I do sort of wish I had the green airport's black streetlamps.
I specifically reset for a blue airport (among other things), but if I had the option I'd change to green. I kinda wish I had whichever one gives white streetlamps, though.
My favorite out of them all for purely airport color would be the blue one. I have the orange airport on my island, and I'm quite satisfied with the Nook Miles item colors with orange. If I would have been fully aware of the variants during the first week, I probably would have reset for a green or blue airport though.
The Blue airport is pretty but I have the green airport. The green airport is worth it for the number of black street lamps I use.
My favorite is blue, but when I was choosing my island I settled for yellow. Yellow is okay. I like the brown streetlamps.

If I were to choose today, I'd either go with blue or orange (for the Nook mile colors.)

I'm hoping one day we'll be able to customize the airport and airplane color with more choices.
Originally my favorite was blue, but then I saw the orange in person and I do prefer it a lot more! I feel like green and blue blend in too much with their surroundings, meanwhile yellow kinda stands out too much for my liking.
i think my favourite is blue but i also like the yellow one! i think the only colour that i’m not super fond of is the orange one, which just so happens to be my airport colour lmao - but i suppose it matches my native fruit of peaches and will look the best with my desired aesthetic aha
I am probably biased, but I really like the yellow. It contrasts nicely with the environment and also fits with the Dodo colors and logo.
I originally liked the yellow. In my first island, I had yellow and I loved the way it contrasted and complimented the blue and yellow combo of the dodo airport logo. Also, I had peaches then for native fruit and I think yellow pairs so well with the peaches and it’s golden bottom. However, when I reset my island recently, I went for the orange airport because I liked the colors of the nook miles items tied to it best (I use lots of street lamps and I needed the airport that came with the white ones). It’s a hassle to trade for nook miles items especially if you need a lot of it.