I’m getting these error codes while trying to make purchases off the switch eshop. I’ve tried different cards and paypal. So i don’t think it’s my cards.
I was the victim of the recent hacking where they spent money on fortnite bucks or whatever it was.
I’ve contacted Nintendo a few days ago and I’m just waiting for a response.
Has anyone seen this before or can shed some light? I wanna buy new games!!
Hmm...I hope this doesn't happen to me. I haven't tried to purchase anything yet since I was hacked/scammed (I've grabbed a few free games...but nothing that requires funds). Hopefully it isn't connected to that, and is just a coincidental thing that you can get ironed out. Best of luck.
When you say "cards"...you mean credit/debit cards, or the eshop cards that you buy from retail? If they have blocked your paypal/credit accounts...then you should still be able to go on a site like Amazon and buy an eshop code to use. It's a bit roundabout...but it should work that way.
People are getting their Nintendo accounts hacked a lot lately and using the accounts to buy games and stuff. Have not happen to me but l would just wait what Nintendo would say about it. If l was you and if possible, do that protecting thing with your nintendo account.
Sometimes if Nintendo is able to detect any kind of suspicious purchases on your account they'll put a block on credit card purchases to prevent any further ones being made. If you haven't reached out to them regarding it yet I'd suggest that as well. They'll investigate into whether there was a block or not. Be prepared to wait a bit though, last I saw the turnaround time was 7-10 business days.
Regarding the hacking, if you reported it to Nintendo first you should be fine.