Proper Grammar

when texting and posting on here and such, i don't care for proper grammar. i type how i want to. when actually writing, though, i care very much about being grammatically correct.

but even in shorthand it bothers me when people mix up than/then your/you're their/there/they're, so there's that lol
Lol who cares tbh, cant c how it could bother anyone..the only thing tht should b pissing ppl off is jackasses that mess up words like your/youre, their/theyre/there, to/too, etc.

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I am the biggest grammar Nazi I know. I am very bothered when peoples? grammar isn?t correct and I have to restrain myself from correcting them.

*people's btw
i used to be a grammar nazi in my early internet days lol but then i discovered tumblr n twitter and this...happened kdshdsdsjk what is punctuation what are capital letters let me keysmASH TO EXPRESS MY EMOTIONS AND SWITCH TO CAPSLOCK MID-SENTENCE!!!! i find it easier and more casual to type like this when im texting someone, it somehow.... feels more authentic? it conveys what im feeling better and in an easier way? the language is evolving and its quite interesting to see tbh
a Lot of people care way too much about grammar and think theyre better or more Intellectual than others because theyve never used bad grammar.... like.... how pathetic can you be......

grammar is important and i definitely think ppl should learn and use proper grammar but in casual contexts it is super pathetic to make it into a big deal when someone doesnt have perfect grammar. it doesnt really matter if someone says "i could of buyed an car rather then payed of mine student loan" bc while it's ugly you still understand what's being said and the person saying it might not have great english skills or whatever, so it's just rly rude to correct it all the time. like, there's a difference between helping someone out w something they don't know and being a patronizing asshat and i think a lot of ppl are the latter which sucks.
online idrc , like a bunch of people write more Relaxed online and writing like youre a politician writing an email or something is kinda weird....., just b chill or at least dont think youre mr smart bc youve never written LOL or :) bc it's like........ hash tag cringe

that being said ive had and still have a lot of embarrassing writing quirks online but like. everyone has been 12 and it's not that srs.... it's ok to write '-' , owo and LOLZ and it's even kind of fine to switch out every s to a z for like 3 months for no reazon whatzoever and not realizing that ppl think youre doing it zeriouzly when you think itz obviouz that it iz a joke....
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It actually is peoples’ the way TOMFG was using it, because she was using it in its plural form and not as someone named people. The more you know :D

listen, im not here to fight, but a quick google search will bring up multiple sources agreeing her usage of "peoples" is incorrect. so the more U know. PCE
I think it really depends on who you're talking to and how you're talking. If it's with your friends, no matter where it is, I don't think it's a big deal. Especially on video games like Animal Crossing where typing is a bit time-consuming and you can only type so much at a time. If I'm talking to a teacher or an acquaintance (Just generally at school other than maybe lunch), I try to have the best grammar I can because I think it's a bit more respectful and reflects positively upon me. With that being said, when people misuse my friend and I V.S. my friend and me, I typically will correct them because they appear to at least want to try to use them correctly (if they aren't using me and my friend for ex.).
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I really don't care, being snobby about something like that when you can perfectly understand someone is so cringeworthy though. I have a great reading comprehension, abbreviations are very easy to understand and help you chat quicker with your friends and humans made up language anyway just so that we can communicate with each other. I really don't like people with a superiority complex, especially when it's about something everyone knows how to do. We connect to other people by not being stuck-up.
Having proper grammar is rather important to me personally, especially since English isn't my first language and I have a goal to get as fluent as possible.

Even though I can most often understand what people are saying even if their grammar isn't good, I definitely don't enjoy reading stuff where there are loads of abbreviations and every "you" is replaced by "u" or every "are" with just an "r". It can be bothersome to read that kind of stuff but at least I won't comment about others' grammar.
Despite always typing in full English when posting on forums I don't bother in messengers. When I'm talking on Discord, Kik, Facebook, etc I completely drop proper grammar: e.g. capital letters, full stops, etc. I won't write out all words in full (e.g. shortening to obv, pref) and add/remove s's at will. I don't use text speak though - it's still a pet peeve from MSN days.