PSA for Switch Holders: Google Analytics AUTOMATICALLY TURNED ON!

Yeah. I just wanted to point out that it is in fact collected with consent and the information collected is disclosed. Back when New Horizons first came out, it was revealed that New Horizons itself collects a ton of metrics that cannot be opted out of *at all*, such as if you've time traveled, how often you use particular tools, what you craft, ... it was very extensive.
wait so if you are in EU do you also have to do this or not?
thank you. this is very helpful. i had no idea, that's horrible for nintendo to just do that and not tell us. wth.
Yeah honestly, I think most of us just skip and agree to whatever they ask 😂

Exactly! I never read these in detail because it's not like i have the power or means to object lol
Nintendo would be like, fine, you don't agree to the privacy policy, you don't get to play ACNH or any of our games haha
Thanks for the heads-up! It seems this isn't the case here in Europe, or in Australia for that matter, but it's still good to know they think that's an okay feature to add. Just saying, before anyone thinks this isn't true/starts freaking out because they can't find the option on their Switch.
Yep I just checked and there wasn't anything about google on my switch (from Australia), thankfully.

I already have enough problems with google, me having an android phone. :-/
It’s more of the underhanded nature that Nintendo has made it automatically we all are registered than having the option to opt-in to this.

Not only that, but it’s super hard to find (super small print and underneath a bunch of stuff), rather than it being blatantly open about it.

So, it’s not an upset thing, but more of a breach of privacy and them being underhanded about it. It’s a consent thing. Consent was not given for them to collect information and we didn’t opt-in to it. It was done without our permission and we didn’t sign up for it.
That's the word I was looking for! Consent. I get the consent thing, that's not cool. But I don't get the "privacy" thing. I mean, if they're sharing my medical info? Not cool. What games I play? IDC, have at it.
I only changed mine because I wasn't sure just how much info of mine was being sold and uhh that pisses me off. Plus I really just don't need ads spamming my email. Google doesn't need more money than they already have >:p
ack i didn’t know about this. thank you for informing us! :’^)
Oef nintendo... The ethics in the corporate world always makes me sad
Google uses this information to deliver personalized ads to you. Would you rather see ads for things related to your favorite Nintendo Switch games, or ads for something you never cared for or never will care for?
You would have agreed to this in some small letters that you didn't read at some point in the past. But:

Honestly the only "risk" to sharing information like this is that you will let Google know "Person with advertising ID 1A2B3C4D5E6F may be interested in these games, and they'll be more likely to click on game ads than on ads for used cars". The result is that you will see advertising for things that you might find interesting. Not in your email, not in your physical mail, but only on websites. It's a lot less scary than it sounds.

Anyway, I have some news for you all :)


(Source:'s "blacklight" website privacy inspector)

What this means: most of the people that turned off the tracking from the opening post have been tracked by the very same Google Analytics on this actual site for God knows how long. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This shouldn't worry you. In fact, I think these forums scored rather nicely on the test above. As far as data tracking goes, these ones aren't actually bad.