Public Works Projects

The link for the Standard Clock image in your original post no longer works. Same with the image for the Log. As well as Faceboard. And Moai Statue. Picnic Set, Modern Light, Campfire, and Illuminated Tower link says referral denied. Oil Drill link says the site is down for maintenance. Maybe you should use a photobucket or something to host these images so that doesn't keep happening..

What exactly is an instrument shelter? I have seen it in pokemon gold/silver but I thought it was just something to mark Celebi's location. I know this sounds daft but I don't understand the term "instrument shelter." I just think of a guitar, violin, etc, case when I read that.
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You're right, I'll add them to photobucket or something later

also the instrument shelter is apparently for telling the weather in game
Those images links weren't working for me either. But I copied the link, opened a new tab and pasted it in the search bar and it works.

And about the instrument shelter, does it show the current weather or the weather for the next day or couple of hours later? It would be pointless to show the current weather.
Those images links weren't working for me either. But I copied the link, opened a new tab and pasted it in the search bar and it works.

And about the instrument shelter, does it show the current weather or the weather for the next day or couple of hours later? It would be pointless to show the current weather.

yeah i'll upload them to my own storage in the next few hours

As for the Instrument Box, Zen was the one who told us about it being for weather so head on over to the 'Ask Zen' section of the forums and you'll find out soon :)
Those images links weren't working for me either. But I copied the link, opened a new tab and pasted it in the search bar and it works.

Good call. I did not think to do that. I just figured the pictures were removed xD

And thanks Jack for answering about the instrument shelter, seems pretty neat, but I still can't look at it without thinking of Celebis Shrine so I doubt it'll be in my town heh
Good call. I did not think to do that. I just figured the pictures were removed xD

And thanks Jack for answering about the instrument shelter, seems pretty neat, but I still can't look at it without thinking of Celebis Shrine so I doubt it'll be in my town heh


but bringing up the Celebi Shrine is so true and makes me want it more now :)
I know it's Jake. I don't know why I typed jack. I don't even remember doing it! I was soooo tired last night, everything I typed I was messing up. My apologies!
*****s on Animal Crossing Community have stolen this thread and used it as their own; please join up and send them hate xo


resolved :)

ok i am updating the photos now

okay I uploaded them all to my photobucket and used those links, if any are broken or link incorrectly, please let me know and i'll fix them up

Also lin got back to me last night, she mentioned the inahoshi is some type of dried rice decoration, so anyone wanna come up with a name for that?

she also said I was missing a white bench, and I am still missing the japanese sand pit
so I made myself a to do list on the front page;

added the japanese style garden;

if anyone knows the price for it that'd be appreciated :)
ok made a photo albumwhich, right now, only has the pictures in this thread, but I will add different pictures of community projects as i come by them. Right now (and possibly forever) it's password protected however the password it belltreeforums

same as before, if you find a photo you want added to the album drop me a PM and I'll add it; Projects
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Stupid question....but does the original bridge your town come with count as one of the 30 community projects?
It doesn't count. So you can have 30 + the original bridge. But once you remove the bridge and replace it with another one it counts as a community project

does that make sense?
Just to bring this up again, what is the price on the Rock Garden? :3 Since I didn't see it on the list yet...

It's called the Japanese Style Garden and is under the 'Outdoor Equipment' list. Currently I don't know the price for it so i'm unable to help you :\
Thank you for the pictures of the community projects. It is a big help to me when deciding what I want to put in my town.
Oh boy flower beds o: Looks cool. I wonder if they have different sizes?

I really like how they made Resetti's place, too.
Oh boy flower beds o: Looks cool. I wonder if they have different sizes?

I really like how they made Resetti's place, too.

pretty sure they only come in one size. but they look really nice anyway
It's called the Japanese Style Garden and is under the 'Outdoor Equipment' list. Currently I don't know the price for it so i'm unable to help you :\

The price of the Japanese sand garden is 148,000 bells and can be unlocked by having a cranky personality character request it from you. All of the information can be found in Japanese wikis like this one:役場#m65fb11d Pretty much everything is documented. Found this on google as well:

Thanks 4 the link to the wiki!!! It is a huge help. I've been looking for a good bug/diving/fish guide.