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Puppies or Kittens?


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I am a Bug, please be gentle 🪲💜
Oct 30, 2011
Throwback Tickets
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Galaxy Cupcake
Planet Glow Wand
Tetris Grid
Heart Glow Wand
Ima have to make yall choose, I know that we all love both pretty similarly but I really gotta know which yall prefer. :p

I'm asking this not just in a general sense, but also based on experience (based on raising and caring for them). I now have experience raising both puppies and kittens, and I have to say I definitely prefer kittens.
Not just because I am wayyy more of a cat person, but because puppies can be so tedious and difficult to care for.

I've raised many kittens in my life and it always seems to go like this: they eat, they sleep, they climb things, they scratch with tiny claws, they nibble on stuff, they're actually pretty easy to litter train, and of course they're totally adorable and fuzzy and soft. They do a lot of the work themselves which allows me to enjoy raising the kitten without getting really overwhelmed.

Now a puppy is a totally different scenario. I brought home my Golden Retriever puppy at 7-weeks old back in March and it has been a wild ride. Up until a few weeks ago I had to constantly have puppy pads on the floor, and he only used them half the time. Even now I find myself having to take him out really frequently. Training hasn't been too difficult but socializing has been a hassle because of the quarantine. So when he sees someone he doesn't know he tries to lunge at them which is very irritating to me. He also just generally does dog things which bother me, like getting everything all slobbery, licking my bed looking for "invisible food particles," chewing on things he shouldn't chew on (though he's getting better about that), picking up and trying to eat stuff like twigs and grass and dirt. Not to mention the amount of attention and special care that dogs need compared to cats.

I've never been so stressed trying to care for a baby animal. Like its getting better cause he's growing up and learning what's right and wrong, but for a while there... good lord. Raising that tiny puppy honestly makes me dislike puppies more now than I used to. I'm sure it will get better as he gets older, but I shouldn't have to be sitting here wishing that my dog would hurry up and grow up and stop being a puppy.

tl;dr cats rule and dogs drool
It's puppies all the way for me! I think kittens are very cute too, but I've always been a dog person. They can be more work than kittens in some respects, but I feel a closer connection to them because of all the time and effort I spend raising them and they seem more interested in bonding with me too. I can pick most puppies up and cuddle them as much as I want (depending on the puppy, of course, because my current dog came with baggage and wouldn't let me do that), but kittens always try to run away from me and I've been scratched more than once. I'm just too touchy-feely with my animals and cats don't put up with that as well as dogs. 😝
I like both to be honest, but if I had to choose I guess I would say kittens. They’re just lower maintenance and very cuddly and cute (the nice ones, anyway).
i genuinely cannot choose - i love them both🥺 i’ve only had cats as pets but i adore dogs, too c’:
I have 5 dogs and 4 cats at the moment but I have to say kittens all the way for me but I'm a little bias since I like cats more dogs. On the other hand, my sister and parent like dogs and puppies more :LOL:
Kittens. I’ve always loved cats more, so much I used to cry about how much I loved them (I have problems lol) but I like puppies too. I’m just more allergic to dogs than cats, so there’s that too lol
i’ve never had a dog so i’m kinda biased;; i’ve grown up with cats and idk i just vibe with them lol
I voted puppies, as I love dogs and have always had dogs growing up. My grandparents' old dogs had a couple litters of puppies and it was lots of fun playing with them before they were sold. They were pretty sleepy and docile for the most part. Then again, they were small-dog breeds so they don't have massive amounts of energy or that mischievous element that large dogs have. I remember sitting at my grandparents desktop computer and having a puppy sleeping between me and the keyboard, it was so cute :') I can imagine, and have heard, of the trouble that larger dog breeds get into when they're puppies though, and I can see why they're problematic lol
Kittens all the way! They're smol, soft and purr! :)

(I personally hate dogs. They smell, are loud and annoying and you can't go anywhere without dragging them along).
BOTH! They're both cute little fluffy goof balls

I rescued both dogs and cats back home, we lived in a private neighborhood and they didnt take to the absurd amount of strays very well, every day around 5pm if any stray (no collar or leash) dogs or cats are roaming outside they take them to the pound to be put down. I ended up with 11 dogs and 3 cats, vet visits were always difficult as most of them didn't like it and would hide under the couches. Most of the dogs and cats I rescue are abandoned strays (a lot of people back home buy puppies because they're cute and they're seen as a status symbol) ranging from a dog almost getting hit by cars on the street to trapped in a bush as a kitten (he is blind in one eye cause one of the branches poked his eye, we found him crying outside at 3am, he's well now and has a gf who he brings home to feed LOL)

There was also this one time my dad told me to go shopping and I came back with a puppy because some guy was selling it on the street in a cage so small that he couldn't even stand, named him Wifi, he's doing well. My dad wasn't too fond of me rescuing so many pets but he put up with it

I have no pets currently cause my condo doesn't allow them but soon enough I'm hoping to foster some