

Mayor Bethany of Asperia
Mar 30, 2014
So, i have noticed aot of ppl have these things... i think they are called singnatures...

Well, they are those things that appear at the end of your comments on things you comment n or on your posts... yea? Do you know what i am talking about?

Well, anyways, i was wondering how get one of my own? You know, with my fc, dreamies, and all of that??

Can anyone please help me? I feal like one of those would be REALLY helpful to me! XD lol

So if you can help me out that would be great! Thanx!!
Go to your settings, on the left you should see a link that says "Edit Signature".

Just make sure your signature isn't too big!

EDIT: i'm tired.
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↑ignore him lol.

PONtastic said:
There are signature shop you could use, people will usually use photoshop or similar software to do their signatures, you can download different brushes for those, as well as add pixel art. I'd recommend googling: How to make forum signature - guide

So there you have it. There are a lot of signature shops in the marketplace where you can get one