Quite the bargain

] [quote="PIRANHA2 said:
yeah, everyone has known me as long as the rest...

I hardly even know you. :ph43r: [/quote]


me either




you dont mind if i start calling you linkelade right?
Well my brother is obsessed with the X-men game, while I just don't like it....

but i started Baiten Kiatos and it is fun so far.
Aparently you are a "spirit guide" and you don't name the charaters. But it has great graphics!
SPORGE27 said:
Well my brother is obsessed with the X-men game, while I just don't like it....

but i started Baiten Kiatos and it is fun so far.
Aparently you are a "spirit guide" and you don't name the charaters. But it has great graphics!
I forgot about the plot... {>___<} I remember now...
mine looks almost, but not completly, not like cheese. that is about it. Oh, I should also note the complete absence of a computer in there.
Why do I get the feeling you were trying to write like Douglas Adams?

PIRANHA2 said:
BASTOISE99 said:
Mine has wite walls (soon to be blue) a greyish floor, computer desk, computer, tv, bathroom and a big bookcase.
sheesh, all you need is a fridge and you wont have to leave


:p I could use my won bathroom. :|