Random thoughts thread. (New Horizons)

Apparently my turnip price for Thursday morning was pretty good.
(I just found this out today, I'm sorry to all who are currently trying to find a good sell back price.😭)

I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned before but I really hate that when you first start your island it looks like a tornado hit it because you get terraforming so late into the game. Your houses are all set down, the museum, etc. Then you have to spend all those bells moving everything. Sigh.
If we could have sixteen villagers like in Population Growing, I would still have ten villagers. I understand it’s hard to narrow down for some people, but I like my current group of ten just fine. If anything, I’d have difficulty finding more villagers to fit into my theme. I hope that if they do up the amount of villagers we can have in future games, that it is completely optional how many you have. I think ten is the most I could handle, for sure.
I'm trying to make 100 million bells. So far I have a little over 2 million bells which is nowhere near it. Just a weird goal of mine. I don't do a lot of the turnip stalk market so it's very slow going for me
I just recently wrote down all my villagers, and researched their personalities; and found out i have like four Normal Personalities DX
Which is difficult at this time, cause there are some I adore, but I am missing Peppy, Sisteryly and Cranky on my Island and need to get one of those at some point. :/

My Villagers:
Snooty - Judy & Vivian (Out of these both, I might remove Judy at some point)
Lazy - Zucker
Smug - Roswell and Julian (Didn't realise they changed Roswell's personality, so guess I'm having two smugs)
Jock - Rudy (Haven't had time to really talk with him yet)
Normals - Marina, Daisy, Sylvana and Nan

I definitely know that Nan, Roswell and Julian are staying.
Daisy and Sylvana are interesting, and I've adores Daisy in the past but since it's been so long since I properly played the admirazationg isn't there that much?
Zucker, I do love but he's only staying because I don't have his amiibo card. One day I will find it.

I dunno, after watching many videos, I wanna villager hunt a spceific personality recently, so I guess either Judy or Marina ask to leave I can let them? Will have to talk to them a lot more for that to happen.
If there is a villager called Snooty, why can’t there be a villager named Lazy, Jock, or Normal? 🫢
i wish nintendo brought back the observatory from wild world to new horizons :0 having ur own constellation is so cool !! and with all the nice furniture and museum upgrades in nh there is so much potential for the observatory to be absolutely gorgeous + i would love to see all the cute lil constellations designs people come up with :>
I want to restart my island on my second switch.
But that island has lots of stuff on it I want to keep.

I really can't be bothered to make the 150000 trips to move all the stuff to another island.

And realistically if I did reset it, I would quit it after a week and return to playing my main island.

But I really want to experience the game all over again with the attitude of just having fun and not caring if the island is all pretty.

Life is hard sometimes XD
so, I watched this video from Screen Therapy titled "The Psychology Behind Why Animal Crossing is Stressful." It really got me thinking. I think in the early days of the game I got caught up in comparisons, and whenever I would reach the end of the tutorial phase of an island I would reset due to feeling overwhelmed by decorating... so to this day I haven't really had an island longer than 3 months. A lot of this is due to my OCD, which is rooted in perfectionism and things needing to feel "just right." if one thing was off, it was like the whole thing was ruined.

the end of the video talks about how you can use animal crossing as a way to practice self-compassion and mindfulness. Instead of avoiding the game or giving up, you can face your fear of imperfection by being kind to yourself and just allowing your island to evolve slowly and naturally over time. Like, you can make your island life a reflection of you by including things that you personally find beautiful or comforting, and also allowing natural imperfections that happen with anything in life. You don't have to play the game in any certain way, you can make your island anything you want. It's a good way to remember that there's not one correct way to play the game, just as there's not one right way to live life.

So, yeah. I've restarted for the final time. I'm going to make my island a second home for me that's as chaotically beautiful and imperfect as I am. Just rolling with what happens and taking it one day at a time, and honestly, my biggest hope is to use the game as way to get more social interaction and connect with others.

thank you for coming to my ted talk. I hope this counts as "random thoughts." I realize it sounds like majorly overthinking a game about colorful cartoon animals, but I think a lot of people feel like this. and honestly, in this crazy, modern, contagious disease-ridden world sometimes it feels like our digital lives are just as important as our physical ones, especially for those of us that struggle with feeling comfortable, safe, and happy in real life society due to a variety of reasons out of our control ~
i realize that new horizons isn't the best entry in the series, but the amount of customization heavily outweighs any of the smaller, or even the bigger problems the game has for me personally. especially with all the new added furniture items, the amount of options are endless and i love continuing to see the level of creativity and love this community has for this game!
i realize that new horizons isn't the best entry in the series, but the amount of customization heavily outweighs any of the smaller, or even the bigger problems the game has for me personally. especially with all the new added furniture items, the amount of options are endless and i love continuing to see the level of creativity and love this community has for this game!
"new horizons isn`t the best entry in the series" - I would be interested in knowing what you think is the best AC game? I seriously have only tried NH and New Leaf, and New Leaf had such a massive amount of annoying problems and issues that I only played it for a couple months and got bored with it.
(SOME of the NL issues: villagers whining constantly when I did not want to do a favor for them, villagers moving away basically without warning (I did not take care of them, but it was still a hilariously bad decision from the developers), barely being able to decorate the outside with a very limited amount of decorations, Label(le) telling me I should/should not wear a clothing piece based on my gender, fruits/shells not stacking in inventory, the museum looks terrible even when I don`t take the graphics into consideration (why is the flea jumping around in the bug section?), having to expand the size of every single room of the house one by one, etc.)

So yeah, New Horizons is definitively the best entry so far in my opinion. The only thing I understand people miss is Tortimer Island, it would have been a great addition to NH. Minigames is something that NH really lacks. ^_^
New Horizon has its flaws. Let's not act like it doesn't. There is a lot they did right and made great QoL adjustments, but too much of the game is focused on designing which if that isn't your thing, you won't get a lot of mileage out of it.
If we lived on a desserted island, I bet Merengue would be the resident rep🍰🧁🍨
If we lived on a desserted island, I bet Merengue would be the resident rep🍰🧁🍨
That took me a minute, but yes.

I don’t care what happens in the next mainline game, but we need Tortimer’s Island back. I wasted so many hours there.