Rank personality types from best to worst

1. Normal
2. Cranky
3. Smug
4. Snooty
5. Sisterly
6. Peppy
7. Lazy
8. Jock

Seriously I Really dislike the Jocks always bragging about their muscles and workout.
1. normal
2. lazy
3. cranky
4. uchi
5. snooty
6. peppy
7. jock
8. smug

i know there’s quite a few people who find the normal villagers to be a bit bland but even though i agree to a certain extent, they’re still my favourite and i love how kind they are. plus, so many of them have amazing designs as well! i’m a bit uncertain about my lazy ranking, though - i love how kind they are as well but the constant bug dialogue is so annoying. >_< but other than that, i love everything about them.
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1) Cranky
2) Jock
3) Peppy
4) Smug
5) Normal
6) Snooty
7) Lazy
8) Sisterly
  1. normal
  2. snooty
  3. cranky
  4. peppy
  5. lazy
  6. smug
  7. sisterly
  8. jock
sisterly is the only one i wish i liked more than i do, a lot of the designs are kinda bleh and it sometimes feels like they hate your guts. feels like they should've been named something else tbh.
1. Lazy
2. Cranky
3. Normal
4. Snooty
5. Smug
6. Peppy
7. Sisterly
8. Jock

I know that people think the lazy villagers are gross because they talk about bugs, but that's not a significant enough thing for me to not like them xD I have loved the lazy personality for a long time now.
Jocks are the worst. I can only ever have a jock on my island if they are someone I really adore like Teddy or Boots. Otherwise, I simply refuse.
It honestly changes depending on the current villagers I have! I know that doesn't really make sense, but whatever. Right now, I'm at:

1. Cranky
2. Normal
3. Lazy
4. Snooty
5. Peppy
6. Smug
7. Sisterly
8. Jock

Wow, the poor jocks aren't faring well amongst us lot, are they? 😂
It honestly changes depending on the current villagers I have! I know that doesn't really make sense, but whatever.
I think it makes sense.
Different villagers give off different vibes from their appearance. Some lines might work really well with some designs but sound completely wrong on others.

For example, all the talk about bugs works really well with egbert. Hes a chicken and looks fairly sloppy so it just works. Punchy has always looked to me like he would be a really chill cool dude. So when he talks about his bug friends, it just doesn't work for me.

Or when smugs talk about their shoe collection, I can believe someone like raymond would care enough about clothes to have one. But with Graham or Rodney it's really out of place. I dont believe for a second they have a large collection of footwear.

Or any jock who looks like they've never been to the gym in their life. It's just wrong.

So if you use your current villagers as a standard for the rating, who you have could easily change up the list!
1. Lazy
2. Peppy
3. Normal
4. Snooty
5. Smug
6. Jock
7. Cranky
8. Sisterly

Lazies are still my favourite type, although they've changed a bit from when I started playing Animal Crossing. I understand the peppies' energy well, as I can be pretty hyper about things. xD Lazies seem like school-aged boys, which is endearing.

I have never gotten along very well with sisterly villagers, they always seem to have a bone to pick with you. xD And crankies aren't exactly cranky anymore, they're more like kind uncles/grandpas.
To be honest, I don't dislike any types! I'm just pretty neutral about sisterlies & cranksters.
Here's my ranking of the personalities.
  1. Normal - always adorable, friendly, and cute!
  2. Cranky - can be "cranky" at first, but warms up!
  3. Smug - can be conceited / huge ego
  4. Peppy - can be annoying / diva
  5. Snooty - can be rude / standoffish
  6. Sisterly - not much experience, needs more villagers and a better cat
  7. Lazy - bugs are ew. stains are also ew.
  8. Jock - exercise? ew. sweat? ew.
My favorite is lazy followed closely by peppy. I don’t have an organization for the middle ones, but smug is WAY down at the end! I can’t stand them. Pietro is the only smug I can currently tolerate because he’s an awesome clown. In real life, being “smug” is not a positive attitude or personality trait, and I don’t think it is in AC either!
1. Normal- Most of who I have and like are normal, my favorite villagers
2. Cranky- So sweet and grandpa-like. Love them!
3. Lazy- Often cute and sweet but I hate the bugs on the floor talk and laziness bugs me
4. Peppy- Very cute but the peppiness gets old
5. Snooty- Great designs but can be kind of mean
6. Smug- Same thing as snooty
7. Uchi/Sisterly- Never met one I got along with, don't like their personality
8. Jock- wayyyy too much muscle talk

I think individual villagers in each of these categories are great, and could probably make the top 1-3 on their own but I tried to look at the ratings in more of a broad way.
1. Normal - I guess this makes me a plain Jane, but I find them so relatable and sweet this time!

2. Snooty - I just like them. I wish they were a bit more snooty/stuck up, but I'm good with them sounding like high class society ladies.

3. Jock - I really LOVE them in New Horizons! They are way over the top bro! Just look at these brotacular muscles bro! Yeah! Awesome! Radical! Kowabunga dude! 🤘 They just crack me up!

4. Smug - these guys feel like hipsters this time. They can feel a little fake, but they are still charming. I wish they were just a little more flirty like they were in New Leaf.

5. Peppy - they are super not chill in this game, but they have grown on me. I do enjoy their fascination with idols this time and that really makes me enjoy the ones with the fitness hobby. They are working hard to achieve their dream and always feeling positive with their go-to attitude. I actually find them a bit inspiring because of it.

6. Cranky - I wish there was a bit more to them other than being a grumpy old grandpa. If they were a bit mean spirited and then warm up to you, I think that would be better. More anime tusundre than grandpa. But they are sweet and they make me smile more often than not.

7. Uchi - this one is really hit or miss for me. Half the time I feel like they are scolding me or making fun of me. I guess I just know people who act like this in real life and they rub me the wrong way. I didn't care for them much in New Leaf either. They have some of the best designs though! My favorites are the punk ones and they seem to do better if I just think of them as punks instead of big sister types.

8. Lazy - they are super cute and super adorable. But the bug talk gets to me in this version. Bugs make me think of them being unclean instead of just being lazy and that can bother me. Which is why I prefer them having dirt floors, because then there is a reason for bugs to be in the house.
I don't think I can really put them in a specific order, so I'll group them.
Best: Lazy and normal.
Average: Snooty, Uchi, Peppy, Smug
Okay: Cranky
Eh....: Jock
My lazy and cranky boys got hit hard in this game but:
1. Cranky
2. Uchi
3. Snooty (though I miss the rudeness/ bluntness they had sometimes, the no filter aspect of them. I actually used to have them as my official rivals in WW when I was a child.)
4. Lazy (mainly because of their designs, which saddens me a little. With normals and lazy I have the same issue that I have with jocks. For me they get repetitive faster than the other personalities). They're 4 on this list but they still have a big place in my heart since with cranky they've been my fav personality for ages.
5. Smug
6. Peppy
7. Jock. They're funny and I'm liking them more recently but just because Dom has a contrast between appearance and personality that feels refreshing.
8. Normal (I get that this personality is designed around the idea of a more lowkey personality to add some balance to the mix, like the only "sane neighbor". But for me it gets boring very fast. I remember having normal types as good friends in WW and so, but now is like "Meh". They have very cute designs but the repetitiveness wins this time). They're still nice though.

A final note. Sometimes I feel like the peppy villagers are too much for my body and mental health lol. The only personalities I see myself having more than once are cranky, lazy or smug tbh.
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1. Lazy
2. Cranky
3. Jock
4. Uchi
5. Smug
6. Snooty
7. Peppy
8. Normal

I love love love the look of Normal villagers but their dialogue in NH is too normal.
hmm, for me i think its gotta be...

1. Smug - i just like the confidence, it's charming! and it makes the blunders more adorable. plus most of my top faves are all smug lmao
2. Normal - always so sweet!!! just wonderful in every way, a real joy to have around <3
3. Jock - i love the friendly jock archetype in all media basically lmao. i love how intense and amped they always are!!
4. Snooty - i like the classy & catty sort of thing they've got going on! reminds me of some old high school friends that i miss, haha
5. Sisterly - they're okay, i just... idk i haven't ever fallen in love with any villagers of this type. they're fine, though? wish i liked em more.
6. Peppy - there are a few i love, but for the most part, sort of annoying : ( and rude in a less charming way than snooty types.
7. Cranky - its mostly the voice for me. i just hate it so much, so creepy. creepy voice & grumpy doesnt work for me : ( liked em better in NL
8. Lazy - its not the bugs bc i love bugs. its all the other gross stuff they talk about, like the smells and the stains and stuff. i liked this personality type a lot more in prior games, but it's gotten really gross in this one : ( i like punchy but thats... kinda it this time around